
The fact of economic life - what is it?

The fact of economic life is such an integral part of the organization's management process, which allows the company to confirm the funds available or change them. In addition, the facts are related to the sources of funds of the company, sources of sources. In some cases, there is a connection with all three aspects, sometimes with two or only one. The practice of registering facts of economic life allows you to keep the company under control.

fact of economic life is

Accounting and facts

The accountant, responsible for the facts of economic life, must accurately navigate the particularities of the issue. So, proper bookkeeping involves the division into three large categories. These are the following types of facts of economic life:

  • constants stating a certain phenomenon, called a state;
  • associated with ongoing events, referred to as actions;
  • associated with certain actions, called events.

Examples: a condition is a fact of the availability of material, an action is a purchase, sale of a material, an event is a message about a material theft that has occurred. The examples are simplified, but reflect the essence of the division into groups.

Value, Meaning and Accounting

Each of the listed facts then becomes significant for accounting, when there is a correctness of registration of the fact of economic life by paper documentation on samples introduced inside the enterprise. The principle is quite strict - there is a fact when there is documentation confirming the fact; no - then the fact itself does not exist as such. This leads to the fact that the organization does not take into account the facts of economic life as such; instead, it records data known from official documentation.

registration of the fact of economic life

Bookkeeping in general is a great theoretical construct, and its content depends not only on the real company, but also on the tasks set for the future. Therefore, the reflection of the facts of economic life in accounting flow allows you to make a correct idea of ​​the process of managing and to predict the prospects of the organization. From the accounting records, it follows in accordance with what standards it is necessary to organize the company's workflow. At the same time, the employees responsible for filling out the fact of economic life maintain the accounting system in such a way that the rules and principles of registration are respected.

We keep records correctly

The correct reflection of the fact of economic life is when information is recorded and confirmed by official documentation. There is some minimum amount of information to be registered according to the established rules. It follows from regulatory documents adopted at the federal, regional level and at the level of the company itself. You must also take into account the requirements of the administrative composition of the organization.

A similar approach to controlling the facts of economic life allows us to separate managerial initiative accounting, which is mandatory financial. Moreover, facts that do not require reflection should not be recorded.

Terms & Conditions

By default, it is believed that the person responsible for the correctness of the fact of economic life brings all the information into the accounting system correctly. This condition is considered categorically important, from it follows compliance with applicable legal standards. At the same time, one cannot be 100% sure that the information accurately, adequately shows the process of managing the organization, since certain errors are possible, including those provoked by the human factor.

accounting of facts of economic life

Taking into account the facts of economic life is the logic of actions carried out in strict accordance with the documentation submitted to the accountant by the responsible persons. Papers can be erroneous, deliberately falsified, which will lead to incorrect accounting.

Need to remember!

By default, it is unacceptable that property in the possession of the company be used without management. Theft and theft are also unacceptable. This rule is considered normative; in practice, the situation is extremely rarely so rosy. Others suggest that, given the strict observance of the economic conditions and the honesty of work, accounting would have become an extra measure. Under the present conditions, it is conducted in such a way as to take into account possible unpleasant moments, including taking into account the facts of the economic life of “events”.

The management team must make decisions that are important for the company, focusing on the state of affairs within the company. It is possible to draw conclusions about it from the account of the facts of economic life. Nevertheless, the decision may turn out to be unreasonable, ineffective, inexpedient in the current situation. Awareness of this situation helps to control the functioning of the company and make timely corrective decisions. About their need, we can draw conclusions, focusing on the information provided by the accounting department.

Accuracy is the key to success

One of the most important tasks of accounting is related to the correct presentation of facts of economic life. If there is a discrepancy between the real situation and the information presented in the accounting system, you need to find the reasons for what happened and urgently correct the situation. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that accounting often keeps records of the facts of economic life, focusing on planned indicators, while the real process takes place in production, lagging behind or ahead of schedule. This means that accounting must correspond to reality, but without fanaticism.

registration of facts of economic life

Making decisions on managing the company seems reasonable given the data contained in the accounting databases. Practice shows: the more management of companies relies on accounting, the more effective the work of accountants becomes. At the same time, companies in which management decisions are made, not paying attention to the facts of economic life and not taking into account the data coming from accounting, actually contain a department that is wasting resources of the organization. At the same time, it is necessary to establish as an immutable rule: the data submitted by the accounting department must be checked.

Control over everything

The better the principle of control is implemented over all departments, over all data within the company, the better the organization works. Regarding the facts of economic life, this is as follows: it is necessary to clearly monitor the correctness, veracity of all incoming information, check it and timely identify errors and forgeries. Only in this case, the organization will be able to work successfully, develop rapidly.

If you manage to put into practice the listed features of accounting for the facts of households. the life of the organization, then there is no doubt that bookkeeping, and through it the leaders of the organization at any time, will have full access to both the means for managing and the data on where and how they were formed. Each accountant of the organization should have a general idea of ​​the facts of the economic life of the organization. Specialization of an individual employee will allow him to more accurately cover a trusted area, since the analysis is made taking into account the general situation in the company. Additionally, accounting is more correct if its leading specialist is oriented in mathematics, economics, and legal disciplines. In-depth knowledge in these areas allows us to understand the facts of economic life, make forecasts and analyze.

Sources and source categories

Accounting involves to some extent the study of values ​​and their sources, but pays much more attention to categories. As you know, there are:

  • passive (sources);
  • active (funds).

For accounting at a given second, the economic activity of an organization is such a motionless picture, instantaneous, including a large number of facts of economic life. For a specific user, this whole picture is usually seen only by facts related to each other.

Example: at the cash desk of a company there are 1,000 rubles. For accounting, for the user who analyzes the system, the fact that there is money matters. This fact is confirmed by the corresponding paper. It follows that one of the employees is responsible for the funds to the company.

control of the facts of economic life

At the same time, reflection in accounting not of fact data, but of fact itself would make the system irrelevant, inadequate, and not true. Numerous experiments with accounting allowed us to conclude that it is the currently accepted version of designing and recording the work of the company that allows you to get the most correct idea of ​​the state of affairs in the company and the future of the organization.

Is it real or not?

If the accounting of the facts of economic life is organized by an experienced, professional accountant, then the fixation is made not for show, but for specific purposes. Bookkeeping takes into account that factual data is active in relation to facts, and accounting should not simply reproduce reality within the company. Instead, accountants should select such moments that are associated with important information, and transmit data about them to the management team.

Is it timely?

The accuracy and timeliness of accounting in general and the provision of information in particular depend on the purpose of monitoring the situation. It is not necessary (and impossible) to describe in detail any and every fact of economic life, as this will create an excess of unnecessary information in the databases, which will not allow you to quickly get access to really important information. It must be remembered that it is impossible to record in accounting the fact of economic life exactly at the moment when it arose. The time period that distinguishes the moments of appearance, registration is called lag.

responsible for the correctness of the fact of economic life

The more accurate data you need to get about some fact of economic life, the larger the lag is permissible. The operational data, in turn, does not correspond much to the real state of affairs.

Facts: Condition

This category includes information reflecting the state of the object. The statement is usually revealed at inventory. So, in the course of such an audit, it can be established that the company owns a building estimated at five million, all the papers are drawn up on it, from which it follows that the company is the sole owner.

Each fact consists of several layers. In our example, the first layer assumes the presence of the building. No assessment is made, the main task is to detect a material object. To understand how much an object costs, you have to go down to the second layer. It is dedicated to monetary terms, and the valuation may be made residual, current, at the time of purchase or associated with the restoration. The next layer is the third, reflecting the owner, the owner. The fourth one presents data on legal relations between the owner of the object and the custodian, which may be represented by the administration of the organization or some other persons.

The fifth declares the relationship of the user, managers of the object. The sixth reflects informational content. The growth of this indicator, measured in bits, reflects the difference between the actual balance and the accounting. Finally, the seventh reflects the date of purchase, the duration of the operational period. It is peculiar to the state, if it is necessary to calculate the turnover of the attention of the management team of the object.For this layer, a rather typical situation is when stocks of goods in the system are present in the number of days.

Facts: Action

The simplest example of such a category of facts can be described as follows: from the primary documentation it follows that 100 kg of 30 rubles, say, flour, were brought in, capitalized. The total transaction amount was three thousand. In addition, another centner of sugar was brought, each kilogram of which cost 26 rubles, that is, in total it cost 2,600. The total cost of the goods received is 5,600 rubles. This fact belongs to the category of action.

the correctness of the fact of economic life

On the first layer - the number of kilograms, the type of product received at the warehouse. The second evaluates the unpaid goods, and if they are paid, then it controls the decrease in the amount of money at the disposal of the organization with a simultaneous increase in inventories.

Structure, layers: what's next?

In the third, you can find information about the property owned by the company. This does not increase if the positions were paid before receipt, at the time they were brought. Payment has not yet occurred, which means an increase of 5,600 rubles. Legal relationships arise. The fourth layer of fact-action is devoted to their reflection. The relations that arise between the buyer, the supplier are considered. The buyer, for example, is building up debt, as he assumes the obligation to pay, over time he will have to send the supplier 5,600 rubles.

The fifth layer reflects the hierarchy of legal relations between employees and the administration of the organization. Based on this system, an accountant can understand who is responsible for what and for what. The specific responsible person receives a larger volume of materials that need to be stored and for which you will have to account. The amount is simultaneously added to the administrative responsibility to the owners. Similarly, the right of claim of the owner to the managers of the company increases.

Sixth level - analytics, reflecting the ratio of expected, actual income. For example, the expected - the receipt of goods in the amount of only 2 800, then the information content - 5 600 to 2 800.

On the seventh layer, you can understand what is happening in the analysis of time intervals. So, if every day products worth 560 rubles are released from the warehouse into production, then the available stocks will last for ten working days.

Facts: Event

Suppose, during a fire, a warehouse estimated at five million was destroyed. On the first layer take into account that the property has decreased, but do not assess the loss. The second is devoted to financial assessment of what happened and is confirmed by documents. In the third one you can understand that the property has become smaller, the rights to the five millionth object have ended. The fourth layer is intended to reflect: materially responsible persons to managers are responsible, less than before, by five million. Similarly, the responsibility to the owner of the organization’s managers is reduced. However, this only works when a senior position has no complaints about a responsible lower rank.

responsible for formalizing the fact of economic life

When claims arise, it is customary to maintain property relations as before, since receivables are used instead of property. The guilty person can recognize the debt and pay it, which will lead to the preservation of property rights to the same extent, but the structure will change, money will take the place of the debit. When the insured object is destroyed in a fire, the insurer becomes a debtor.

On the fifth layer, liability is assessed, its decrease is recorded in the event of a presence or absence of claims. If the object is insured or found guilty, then the fifth layer is similar to the fourth. The sixth layer for the described technique is informative, unless, of course, the building burned down not at the initiative of the owner or managers. The seventh layer in such a hierarchy is not in principle.

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