
Riding on tram tracks: traffic rules, fine and features

Driving a vehicle is not always easy. The driver needs to follow a lot of traffic rules. If this is not done, serious problems will arise. For example, you can lose the WU or face a large fine. Some violations occur unintentionally, but this does not relieve the driver of liability. Riding along tram tracks causes a lot of questions. We will try to study this topic further. When can I move along the corresponding part of the road? In what cases is it prohibited? What threatens the driver who committed the violation?

oncoming tram tracks

When check out is allowed

According to the SDA, riding on tram tracks in a passing direction is not prohibited in Russia, but under certain conditions. This is a situation where it is located on the left side of the road.

With all this, the paths cannot be higher or lower than the level of the main road. Only in this case is it allowed to go to the "tram line".

If we are talking about traffic at the intersection, you should pay attention to the prohibition signs. In the absence of such, it is possible to allow movement along tram tracks.

Existing Limitations

Riding along oncoming tram tracks, as one could already see, is sometimes possible. But when is it forbidden to go to the appropriate part of the road?

For example, if:

  • the "tram lane" is located to the right of the main carriageway;
  • the corresponding site is on a different level with the road;
  • as a result of movement along the tramway, inconvenience is created for other vehicles;
  • there is continuous marking on the road;
  • Prohibitory traffic signs set.

In addition, it is impossible to overtake on tram tracks with an exit to the "oncoming". What to expect for appropriate actions?

what is the penalty for driving on tram tracks

Acceptable Maneuvers

Before studying the consequences of improper driving on tram tracks, it is necessary to find out what maneuvers are allowed on the corresponding part of the road. Only in this case, the driver will understand how to behave while driving.

According to the SDA, riding along tram tracks in a passing direction can be accompanied by:

  • direct driving, if the lanes for the movement of vehicles are occupied;
  • advance;
  • left turn.

It should be remembered that leaving the "tram lane" is necessary at the moment when the driver of the car begins to interfere with the rest of the vehicle. In particular, trams. Otherwise, the driver is recognized as a violator.

What will be the responsibility

If the driver makes a violation while driving on the road, he will be prosecuted. But which one? No one wants to face criminal liability due to inattention or "innocent" misconduct. And so the population begins to become interested in the consequences of the acts committed.

At the moment, the violation studied is punishable by the Code of Administrative Offenses. So, the driver faces administrative liability. The criminal act under investigation does not overlap with criminal cases.

What threatens the violation

What can result in incorrect riding on tram tracks in the Russian Federation? It all depends on the specific situation.

Today, a negligent driver can either be fined or suspended from driving. In some cases, you can get off with a warning, but counting on a similar scenario is not recommended.

If the paths are separated from the main road

Below will be presented the most common situations associated with the studied violation. What to expect in this or that case?

The driver can allow driving along the "tram lane", which is separated from the main road by continuous marking.This is an administrative violation. For him, the driver can be fined 500 rubles.

Penalty for driving on tram tracks

In this case, the driver may get off with a warning. But, as already mentioned, you should not count on such leniency. You must pay for the violations!

Prohibition signs

But this is only the beginning! What penalty for driving on tram tracks threatens a negligent driver who decided to drive along the corresponding part of the road with prohibition signs?

In such circumstances, it is necessary to be guided by Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. It indicates that for the violation described the driver faces a fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

For regions of federal significance

It is important to understand that in Russia some regions have federal significance. These usually include Moscow and St. Petersburg. In these areas, for violation of applicable laws sometimes it is necessary to bear a more serious punishment. And the act being studied is no exception.

The thing is that riding on tram tracks in violation of applicable regulations in the regions of federal significance will result in a fine of 3,000 rubles to the driver. You will have to pay 6 times more than in ordinary cities! Therefore, it is better to immediately know what to prepare for, as well as closely monitor the road.

On the "oncoming"

As already mentioned, traffic on the oncoming “tram lanes” is generally prohibited. This is a gross violation, which is regarded as "going to the oncoming lane." And he will have to suffer a more severe punishment.

Which one? The driver will be fined five thousand rubles. In addition, a driver's license for at least 4 months can be taken from him. The maximum period for confiscation of the relevant document is six months.

Obstacle detour

Riding along oncoming tram tracks is sometimes forced. For example, a driver may try to go around an obstacle. In this case, you still need to answer before the law.

Payment of the penalty

If the driver goes around an obstacle along the tram tracks of the opposite direction, he faces an administrative fine in the amount of one to one and a half thousand rubles.

Features deprivation WU

As already noted, leaving the tram lanes does not in itself provide for the confiscation of a driver’s license. You can lose this document under the article "Driving in the oncoming lane." This is not such a rare occurrence.

Selecting a driver’s license in the event of going into the oncoming lane of the tramway can result in forfeiture of VU only in one case - if the violation is recorded by traffic police.

driving along the tram tracks of a passing direction

If the corresponding action was recorded by CCTV cameras, you can only worry about the imposition of a fine of an administrative nature.

Time to transfer money

It is important to know how quickly a person has to pay a receipt with a fine from the traffic police. Lack of timely payment of funds to the treasury is fraught with huge problems. According to the law, the fine of the traffic police must be paid within two months from the moment the relevant resolution comes into force. Otherwise, additional measures will be applied to the driver in order to collect the debt.

In this case, immediately after the sentencing, the driver will have 10 days to appeal against it. This period is not included in the period of voluntary transfer of funds to the state treasury.

The consequences of delaying the fine

As you can see, citizens often face fines for driving along tram lines. And they need to be paid on time. What happens if this is not done?

driving on tram tracks of a passing direction

Firstly, the driver’s debts will increase daily due to the accrual of interest. This measure is applied from the first day of delay.

Secondly, as soon as the total amount of debt reaches three thousand rubles, the relevant case can be transferred to the bailiffs.They arrest the property of debtors, and also block accounts and cards, and prohibit leaving Russia.

If the amount of debt for fines of the traffic police is too large, and a person cannot repay it, the bailiffs will sell the seized property. The balance of proceeds after closing the debt will be given to the former debtor.

Can I not pay

The most important question that interests drivers who have violated traffic rules - is it possible not to pay for the committed act? It doesn’t matter what kind of violation we are talking about.

Yes, but achieving this is problematic. The thing is that the fines of the traffic police burn out two years after they are released. Moreover, the corresponding accrual becomes indefinite, and does not disappear even after the death of the debtor, if the bailiffs were involved in the punishment of the negligent driver. What does it mean?

You can not pay a fine for driving on tram tracks or other traffic violations if more than 24 months have passed since its entry into force and the traffic police did not contact the bailiffs in the manner prescribed by law.

tram driving


Now it’s clear what to prepare for in this or that case. As you can see, you should not always be afraid of going to tram lanes.

If the driver does not agree with the penalties imposed on him, he may, within ten days from the date of their appointment, apply to the court for appeal. You should not be afraid of this - it is possible that you will be able to prove your innocence.

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