
Stages of creating a brand. Brand Ways

What are the steps to creating a brand? How to promote it? We will answer these and other questions in the article. A famous brand always has competitive advantages, which are affected not only by the level of goods or services it provides. A huge role in the advertising of the company is played by the correctly created brand concept.


The stages of creating a brand are multifaceted. The development of a new name is a comprehensive work that is carried out in stages, or different phases are carried out by various enterprises. Brand development does not mean only creating a corporate color or logo. Creating the doctrine of the brand is a time-consuming work, to achieve the goal you need to determine all phases and strictly observe them throughout the process.

Basic terms

brand building steps

To better understand the stages of creating a brand, we analyze the basic concepts and terms:

  • Logo - the original style of the name of the company (brand). The logo is also called an eccentric graphic sign or symbol, specially designed and stylized. At the same time, the coordination of the brand name and brand mark is also often called the logo block or logo.
  • Trademark - a logo or registered name of a brand, necessary for the individualization of goods or services.
  • Visual identification is a corporate identity, logo, visual communication of a brand, corporate colors that contribute to brand recognition.
  • Verbal identification is the name of the brand (naming), the result of in-depth analysis, a creative and creative process, testing of various species in the target audience.


brand creation and development

Prerequisites for the development of the brand are:

  • division of a large holding into independent firms;
  • making a new brand, launching and creating a name for a product, service, new company;
  • changing market conditions, the emergence of new rivals;
  • the brand is outdated and no longer fulfills its tasks.


form style

The following steps for creating a brand exist:

  • Positioning and brand strategy development.
  • Name development (naming).
  • Brand visualization.
  • Certification of brand and style.
  • Implementation and audit.

First stage

Creating and developing a brand is a very complicated process. The first stage is the most important, makes up the base of the entire brand. At this stage, you need to analyze the company and the market, identify the main idea of ​​the brand, the style and essence of communications. In addition, you need to establish a target audience and create a concept for brand positioning. The first stage consists of the following works:

  • Marketing sounding.
  • Creating a brand promotion strategy.
  • Development of the doctrine of naming a name.


Creation and development of a brand directly depends on the quality of naming. The second stage should be started after creating a brand strategy and forming a brief. For the first presentation, prepare a couple of naming concepts for the client. All options should be tested in open sources. When the client determines one of the concepts or the version of the name, it is necessary to conduct an audit on the legal purity of the name.

company logo

You will need to do the following:

  • Creating a name (naming).
  • Registration of the name as a trademark.
  • Creating a name legend.
  • Create a slogan.
  • Creating a brand book.

Third stage

At the third stage, you need to make a corporate identity. You will need to build a new company image that can compete by using visual identifiers to create a name design.You need to understand that a brand is not only one logo and a set of corporate documents. You need to convey the characteristic features of the brand through all the necessary and possible visual identifiers in each particular episode. The simplest set of brand media:

  • Colour;
  • name;
  • logo.

Extended media structure:

  • Colour;
  • name + slogan;
  • envelopes, business cards, letterheads, folder (business company documentation);
  • logo.

ways to promote a brand

A comprehensive set of all visual media:

  • company logo, pattern (pattern, background), color, version of the logo block;
  • slogan + name + brand book + legend;
  • corporate font;
  • packaging for product branding;
  • business corporate documentation (envelopes, business cards, letterheads, folder, badge, presentation, diary);
  • graphic design, promotional and advertising printing (catalog, booklet, annual report, advertising strip, banners, company character, illustrations, icons, POS materials, flyers, flyers);
  • souvenir products (umbrella, pen, notebook, lighter, t-shirt);
  • registration of a passport and company clothes;
  • signature melody;
  • digital media (electronic presentation, website, electronic communications, mobile application);
  • environmental design (advertising and exhibition stand, retail space, navigation, the introduction of corporate identity in a store or office, registration of the reception area).

For each type of business, a completely different volume and composition of style carriers is used.

Fourth stage

Everyone needs to know the basics of brand building. At the fourth stage, for all visual media and materials manufactured in the previous steps, compile manuals and passports. That is, you need to document the provisions on the goals of the brand, its concept, describe the characteristics of each carrier image of the company. For each medium, order a special formal document that can be used separately or together with the rest.

Final stage

brand building tools

Consider the final, but the longest and most expensive stage. It is necessary to train personnel, produce printed materials, packaging, signs, create a website and conduct an advertising campaign. In this phase, all points of contact with the brand are visualized.

Promotion Tools

What are the ways to promote a brand? Brand promotion on the market is a set of procedures that are aimed at finding the target audience, recognizing and promoting the brand, which in a favorable perspective will show the brand's advantages over its rivals and its importance.

Philosophical decision

In the current business environment, it’s not enough to produce a quality product or service. It is necessary to attract all the tools for creating a brand and methods for its promotion. A correctly composed brand promotion system is the key to the well-being of an enterprise.

brand building basics

A consumer by a brand does not mean a specific product, but the whole line that an enterprise is engaged in. The client will gladly overpay for a high-quality brand, as he is confident in its status and reliability in comparison with unknown brands. When promoting, you need to apply a reputation and demonstrate the advantages that a particular brand distinguishes from competitors.

Promotion Methods

The basic ways of promoting a name are advertising companies addressed to a specific audience in order to attract the attention of customers and profitably present the goods of the enterprise.

Such options for promoting the brand on the market are considered effective:

  • Internet promotion (attracting an audience from social networks, creating an official site);
  • advertising activities in mass media (television, press, radio);
  • presentations (participation in exhibition profile campaigns);
  • correct marketing policy (stocks, pricing);
  • sponsorship of public events and participation in charity projects.

The indicated means of brand promotion require financial investments.Starting an advertising campaign, one should take into account its effectiveness.

Brand promotion on the Russian market involves the following stages:

  • analysis and study of the environment;
  • development of philosophical decisions at the stage of brand development;
  • correctly calculated marketing strategy;
  • review of competitors, identification of weaknesses and strengths;
  • selection of the target audience (age, gender, social status are chosen as criteria);
  • budget allocation for promotion and promotion;
  • the right selection of advertising sites.

When choosing methods of promotion, it is necessary to take into account the human factor - the identity of the target audience and the worldview of people in a particular state or region where services or products will be promoted.

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