A person constantly in contact with society, who has to listen to the complaints and problems of other people, sometimes exhausts his strength. This is not only a physical, but also a psychological potential. His body is under stress. Therefore, the person himself over time becomes closed and apathetic. When a protective reaction is triggered, burnout syndrome develops. Many people mistakenly associate the disorder solely with professional interests. However, it can affect absolutely anyone.
general information
Under the syndrome of emotional burnout, it is customary to understand a state where a person feels morally, mentally and physically exhausted. Every day it becomes more difficult for him to wake up and start working. It is becoming more and more difficult to focus on the work process, to do what is scheduled on time. The usual way of life is collapsing, relations with others are deteriorating, and the working day is extended until late at night.
Syndrome is usually associated with failures at work. On the other hand, it can occur in a young mother or an ordinary housewife. Not upset disorder and creative people. All cases share similar symptoms - a loss of interest in duties and fatigue.
The famous American researcher George Greenberg was able to identify 5 stages of increasing mental stress associated with professional activities. He later designated them as “stages of burnout”:
- A man is pleased with his labor activity. However, constant stress negatively affects its working potential.
- The first signs of the syndrome begin to appear: loss of interest in the case, insomnia, decreased productivity.
- It becomes difficult for a person to concentrate on work, therefore, all duties are performed very slowly. He seeks to fill in the gaps, often remains in the service on weekends.
- Chronic fatigue is reflected in the physical condition: immunity is reduced, chronic diseases are exacerbated. Constant dissatisfaction with oneself often translates into quarrels with others.
- Fatigue, emotional instability - these are the main signs of the fifth stage of the development of the disorder.
If you ignore problems of a psychological nature, do not seek qualified help, this condition will only worsen. Very soon, it can develop into a deep depression.
The main causes of mental disorder
Modern psychology identifies several stressogens that lead to burnout syndrome. They are saturated with the everyday life of every person.
- The need for constant contact with society. Daily problems arise make people face different emotional states. Concentration on one's own and even others' failures often leads to accumulation of stress and discomfort. This is especially true for modest and reserved people.
- The need to work in conditions of high efficiency. Each new day requires a person to be collected, punctual, constantly self-monitoring and organizing. Publicity artificially forces many to double-check themselves several times a day, which always leads to internal instability.
- The tension of the atmosphere. Excessive workload and lack of proper rest over time exhaust the body of any person.Stress, in turn, is the result of excessive demands and a lack of personal resources.
Timely identification of the main causes of emotional burnout allows you to immediately begin therapy. The sooner a person begins to fight the disorder, the sooner he will receive a positive effect from the treatment.
Risk factors
Psychologists were able to identify a whole group of factors provocative of the disorder, the presence of which only increases the probability of its occurrence. Among them:
- busy work schedule, low salary;
- the desire to do better than others (perfectionism);
- alcohol abuse;
- increased responsibility for actions;
- monotonous and routine activities.
Provocateur factors characteristic of emotional burnout can occur singly or act in groups. At risk are also creative people and workaholics caring for seriously ill relatives, mothers on maternity leave.
Clinical picture
Burnout syndrome never appears spontaneously. The disorder is characterized by prolonged development, sometimes with a hidden nature of the course. What symptoms can I recognize? All signs can be divided into 3 categories:
- Psychoemotional manifestations: lack of motivation, poor mood, doubt in one's own abilities, apathetic attitude to everything that happens.
- Behavioral change: the habit of complaining about life, malicious and envious statements on a regular basis, avoiding responsibility.
- Somatic manifestations: back pain, migraine, frequent dizziness, problems with sleep and appetite, excessive sweating.
Burnout syndrome in its clinical picture resembles depression. Therefore, do not try to independently determine the form of the disease. This issue should be addressed by qualified doctors, and treatment should be prescribed only after a comprehensive diagnosis.
Burnout levels
For the first time, the psychotherapist G. Freidenberg spoke about this violation. In 1974, the scientist noted the seriousness of the problem of exhaustion and its impact on the personality of a person. It was then that the main causes and manifestations of the syndrome were described.
Methods of diagnosing emotional burnout are based on the allocation of so-called levels or phases. For a long time, the disorder may not manifest itself in any way. It is difficult for an ordinary person to determine its beginning. Therefore, psychologists conduct testing to diagnose symptoms as soon as possible and immediately begin therapy.
At the initial stage, emotions are simply muffled, which is manifested by indifference to the environment and people. Some become dissatisfied with themselves, with life. At the physical level, the syndrome is manifested by headaches, cramps and spasms in the back. Chronic diseases may worsen.
At the next stage, the disorder begins to develop more actively from the emotional side. A person reflects internal discontent and discomfort in the external manifestations of irritation, an unprecedented bitterness. Negative emotions spread most often to colleagues and people with whom you have to communicate throughout the day. Trying to avoid aggression, many begin to lock themselves in and do not show activity.
Irritation cannot last forever. Therefore, sooner or later, the third stage begins - emotional and physical exhaustion. A person now has no strength left to work, perform daily duties and communicate with people. He becomes rude and touchy, detached. Sometimes there is a fear of communication.
Features of the course in representatives of certain professions
Psychologists managed to identify several professions whose representatives are more prone to emotional burnout.
- Doctors.
- Social workers.
- Educators.
- Leaders and top managers.
- Workers of power structures.
- Representatives of the management sphere.
- Those whose activities are associated with permanent business trips.
- Service industry workers.
- Workers in harmful conditions (polluted air, contact with toxic substances, vibration).
- Working on a shift schedule.
The first place belongs to medical workers, ranging from nurses to doctors of the highest category. This situation in the risk group is due to their direct responsibilities. They work closely with patients and take care of health. Faced with negative experiences, people, imperceptibly for themselves, become their participants. The accumulation of emotional stress contribute to both routine duties and a busy schedule. Most often, psychiatrists and oncology specialists have to deal with such a disorder.
Emotional burnout is less common among educators. In this case, chronic fatigue is the result of constant communication with students, their parents. It should take into account the large academic burden, and responsibility to management. A kind of provocateur of stress can be a low salary. As a result, the teacher begins to disdain the students, show aggression and provoke conflict situations.
Family problems
Burnout and methods of overcoming it are most often discussed among employees. Among parents prefer not to talk about the presence of a similar problem. Society makes a lot of demands on mothers. They should not only take care of children, but also look after their husband, take care of themselves. A woman is forced to perform several social roles at once.
Constant pressure causes only negative emotions. Sooner or later, the mother begins to consider the child a burden. Scandals and misunderstandings constantly occur in the family. Regular stress adversely affects the psychological state of both parents. Moms with severe syndrome "automatically" walk with the baby, feed him and do. However, they do not feel pleasure. Family burnout is no less dangerous than professional burnout. If a person who is tired of society goes on vacation, then parents do not have such an opportunity.
Diagnostic Methods
The syndrome of emotional burnout has more than 100 different manifestations. They must be taken into account during the examination of a potential patient. Usually it is carried out on the basis of complaints, existing somatic ailments, and facts of drug use. It is impossible to imagine a diagnosis of emotional burnout without talking to a therapist and identifying the patient's working conditions. To determine the stage of development of the disease, special tests and surveys are used.
Therapy Features
After the disorder is detected, it can not be ignored. First of all, you must try to enable "slow mode". For example, to take long breaks between separate tasks at work. At the same time, during rest, it is recommended to do what the soul lies to.
Such advice is very effective for housewives. If the daily routine is already disgusted, you should independently motivate yourself for pleasant breaks. After cooking, you can watch a series of your favorite movie, and sometimes clean up the house with a love story in hand. Such examples of encouragement are a good incentive to do work much faster. Recording each fact of the successful completion of a useful work gives inner satisfaction.
Unfortunately, not everyone can afford such breaks. We are talking primarily about office workers. An excellent prevention of burnout in this case is vacation. It is enough to rest for only one week to feel an unprecedented surge of strength again.
Another effective measure to combat the syndrome is considered to be a competent analysis of the causes that led to mental disorder.You can describe the situation in detail to a friend, relative or psychotherapist who will look at her from the side.
Also, some help outlining the cause of the disorder directly on paper. After each point, you need to leave a little space in order to subsequently write a probable solution to the problem. If it is difficult to carry out work tasks due to their poor definition, it is recommended to ask the manager to clarify the desired result. When you are not satisfied with your salary, you can find out about a future increase or search for alternative employment options.
Prevention Methods
Emotional burnout always occurs against the background of mental and physical exhaustion of the body. Therefore, the onset of the disorder can be prevented only through measures aimed at promoting health. They should be conditionally divided into two categories.
Physical prevention of burnout implies proper and balanced nutrition. Moreover, emphasis should be placed on plant fiber and minerals, and the amount of animal fat should be reduced. Useful daily walks in the fresh air. A full sleep of a healthy person is at least 8 hours. It is important to never forget this rule.
For doctors and educators, prevention of burnout is usually associated with the pathetic side of the issue. To prevent the occurrence of a disorder, psychotherapists recommend once a week to take a day off and do on that day only what you really want to do. It is necessary to periodically "cleanse" the head. This procedure involves analyzing worrying thoughts and problems with paper. Some help meditation and auto-training.
It should be understood that a universal solution to the problem does not exist. Therefore, everyone should learn to correctly prioritize their lives and be able to refuse others. Only in this case can a harmonious existence be achieved.