Import and export of Italy are important factors in the country's economy. The welfare of the whole people largely depends on them, and therefore it is so important to know about imported and exported goods. This article will consider the main trade partners of this state, the most significant sectors and predicted trends in the future.
Italy's world exports
Import and export of Italy complement each other, which guarantees economic prosperity for the state. Annually exported goods make up almost a fifth of GDP, although a downward trend is observed, which guarantees the appearance of a negative balance (the difference between income and expenditure). Italy is an agro-industrial country, which affects exactly which industries dominate in exports. First of all, there is high-quality motor equipment, in second place are other types of vehicles. On the third step there is textile and ready-made clothes, known around the world for their excellent quality and design. The chemical industry is almost on a par with it, and electronic equipment closes the top five.
The main partners in the sale of products
Italy has been importing and exporting goods with the same countries for many years, although there has been a gradual increase in export of products to new landfills. The share of sales in Russia and China is gradually growing, but their share still does not exceed two percent. The main partner is Germany, with a wide margin, it purchases a huge number of agricultural products, so the industry in Italy is actively developing.
France is in second place, the most diverse goods from the entire list are exported there. The USA became the third country in partnership; this position has been maintained for many years. Americans are mainly interested in mechanized means, which are the most active industry in Italy's exports. Import with these countries is also underway, but in other directions. In fourth place is the country of Eastern Europe, and the five leaders are closed by Great Britain.
Import basis
If we talk briefly about imports with Italian exports, then there is a certain preponderance towards imported resources. The main reason for this was the limitation of the resource base in their territories, as well as the slow development of industries where science plays a paramount role. These trends are slowly being corrected by state leadership through structural transformations. Most of the goods are imported in the transport industry. These are parts for the manufacture of motor equipment and cars, which later go on sale.
The second place is divided between the chemical industry and electronic equipment, the difference is minimal. The third position is occupied by different types of metal and products from it. After there are minerals and raw materials, their absence forces them to make purchases from their partners. The top five also includes motor technology, which is a leader in export. This trend is also observed: only certain sectors are most involved in the import and export of Italy. Goods of the same categories are purchased and exported, which indicates problems in the economy.
Countries where products are purchased
The main partners of Italy remain the EU countries with a free trade zone and the United States. It is between them that active commodity operations are conducted. From Germany, the country receives raw materials for the chemical industry, popular car brands, some other motor equipment and electronics. France, not far away, is in the lead, with raw materials and other industries leading from the top five imports.The trend of Chinese products entering the market is observed every year. Mostly they supply electronics with various household goods.
The Italian government is trying to establish ties with OPEC countries, because they need to provide themselves with a sufficient amount of energy, as well as raw materials from among them. The total volume of imports in the market is always directly dependent on the demand of citizens. Every year the situation changes, which serves as a striking example of the purchase of fruit. There have always been a lot of them exported, but in some years, more than 200-300 thousand tons of them were imported than went for sale.
Import and export of the country of Italy as a whole complements each other without creating negative fluctuations in the economy. The trend towards an increase in the import of products from partners is not so great that a negative balance worsens the overall situation. Specifically, this factor can be influenced by the availability of cheap Asian goods on the market, which will raise a great demand among the population. In Italy, the industrial northern region and the agricultural southern region interact well with each other, which leads to the prosperity of the country. By the total number of GDP, as well as the indicator of currency per capita, the state has always been in the top five among European countries. Stable work of the authorities responsible for the economy, the right steps towards improvement will help bring the balance between import and export to the ideal level.