An X-ray laboratory assistant prepares patients before imaging on modern specialized devices. He fixes the data in the magazines, carries out all the necessary preparatory measures that are necessary before undergoing the procedure. Moreover, for different types of x-rays, special preparatory operations are needed. The workplace of this specialist is an X-ray room. Important qualities that an employee should possess are the lack of fear of other people's injuries and composure. Career growth is theoretically possible, but only after receiving additional education.
General Provisions
The employee of this profession is a specialist. To get this job, you must have a secondary education in the medical field and special preparation for working with equipment. Basically, before being hired by employers, employers do not have special requirements for seniority. There is a difference in requirements for different categories of radiologists. For workers of the second category, at least three years of work experience are required. But for the first one you need to work out at least three years as an X-ray laboratory assistant of the second category. There is also the highest category of laboratory assistants, and to get it, you need to work at least three years as a specialist in the first category. Education requirements are the same for all categories. The employee is obliged to be guided by regulatory and legislative materials, methodological data, the charter of the organization where he works, orders of the senior management, labor rules and instructions.
An employee who is hired for this position is required to have certain knowledge, including the basics of acts and regulations regarding health issues, to understand and be able to put into practice the rules for the provision of primary health care. He must understand how to properly maintain an x-ray room and how to use diagnostic equipment. His knowledge should include information on the preparation of photochemical solutions, contrast agents, as well as how the X-ray film is processed. In addition, he must know the basics of the Labor Code, as well as all the necessary rules and regulations.
The job description of the radiologist assumes that certain functions are assigned to him, he carries out radiographs, tomograms, carries out photo processing, takes a direct part in fluoroscopy. Also, its function is to maintain diagnostic equipment in working condition, it must collect and hand over waste containing silver. In addition, he provides first aid if such a need arises.
In addition to the above, the specialist who has received this position is obliged to control x-ray radiation doses, to ensure that the cabinet is in order and all equipment is working properly. The responsibilities of an X-ray laboratory assistant include preparing patients for procedures and preparing all necessary documentation. It calculates and checks whether the film is used rationally for x-rays. In addition, before starting to receive patients, he must prepare the workplace of a doctor and laboratory assistants of higher categories.
The rights
An employee who has received this position has the right to offer his management options for improving the conditions and effectiveness of his work.He can get acquainted with the information and documentation that he needs to perform his job duties. The rights of the X-ray laboratory assistant include the ability of the employee to improve his level of qualification, but only in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the country. If the need arose, the employee may request assistance from the authorities in the implementation of his duties.
A responsibility
An employee may be held liable if he improperly performs his functions or even completely ignores the duties assigned to him, but only to the extent established by law. Also, the job description of the radiologist assumes that he is responsible for the violation of criminal, administrative and labor law at the time of the performance of his work. He can be held accountable if his actions in one way or another led to causing material damage to the organization where he is employed.
This profession requires special knowledge in the medical field and special training for working with diagnostic equipment. Laboratory assistants constantly interact with X-rays, therefore, the employee must be in good health, he must be careful and careful. Before going to work, you need to familiarize yourself with the charter of the organization and agree on the job description of the radiologist. All functions, rights and obligations may vary depending on the direction of the company in which the employee is employed. If you choose this profession, you need to be prepared for routine work, it is very important to take responsibility for your duties. In addition, the employee must have a high level of stress resistance, because very often people with serious physical injuries are brought to the X-ray, which not everyone can calmly look at, not to do any kind of work. The job description of the X-ray laboratory assistant is developed by the top management of the institution and must contain all the data on the duties, subordination, rights and responsibilities of the specialist.