Any sports profession is very complex and responsible. This is influenced by the fact that a professional must not only be well acquainted with the theory, but also skillfully apply it in practice. The salary of specialists in this profession is very diverse, it all depends on which institution he works in, as well as on the place. That is, an instructor in a small city will receive significantly less than his colleague in a megalopolis. More detailed information on what this specialist should do is contained in the job description of the sports instructor.
General Provisions
The employee who received this position is a specialist and reports to the director of the institution. To get this job, the applicant must receive a higher professional education in the field of sports. Or, a person who has graduated from a higher educational institution in the field of pedagogy and has taken additional courses in physical education and sports can count on this post.
Employers in most cases do not require applicants to have work experience. In his activities, he should be guided by methodological materials, standards and the charter of the company. During his absence, duties are assigned to another employee with the full transfer of all rights and responsibilities.
The job description of a sports instructor-methodologist is created with the expectation that the employee has certain knowledge before entering work. First of all, he must know which areas of the educational system are priority for development. He must study the legislative framework, regulations and acts related to educational, sports and recreational activities affecting the field of physical education.
His knowledge should include a convention on the rights of children, the principles of didactics, he is obliged to know pedagogy and psychology. In addition, he must understand the teaching technologies, know all the methods of presenting information about the subject and direction of activity. He should be familiar with the educational process organization system associated with sports activities.
Other knowledge
The job description of a methodologist instructor in a sports school suggests that he knows the methods for detecting, summarizing and further disseminating the most effective methods and forms of work as a teacher in the sports field. To know by what principle the organization of methodological associations of professionals in this field is carried out.
Must understand the principles of systematization of information, methodological data and so on. In addition, he must be familiar with labor laws, institution rules, labor protection and fire safety.
The duties of a sports instructor include the organization of methodological support and control over the work of educational organizations with a sports direction. It may be assigned the function of selecting participants in sports groups, as well as orienting them in the direction of physical education. In addition, its functions include the organization and coordination of the educational, training and educational process, which allow us to determine its structure and ensure the implementation of work on educational and training classes.
The job description of a sports instructor suggests that he organizes open lessons and provides advanced training for subordinate trainers.It controls the complete set of sections or study groups, checks the quality and effectiveness of the assimilation of the educational process and the effectiveness of the classes.
It takes into account the results of the institution’s activities in the sports sector, analyzes the results obtained in order to further use the experience gained to improve working methods. Participates in medical commissions, monitors the correctness of recreational activities in the process of conducting classes.
Other functions
The job description of a sports instructor suggests that he organizes and develops documents for competitions, advises teachers and students on issues related to sports and physical education, and provides practical assistance if necessary.
He should be engaged in scientific and methodological work, develop long-term plans for conveying this information to students. In the process of training, he must provide the pupils with health and life protection. In addition, his duties may include communication with the parents of those involved, as well as advising them on issues of sports and physical education.
The rights
The job description of a sports instructor contains information that this employee has the right to all social guarantees that are provided for in the labor legislation of the country. He can get acquainted with all the decisions of his superiors that are directly related to his work. If he has suggestions on how to improve the work of the organization, he can present them to his boss. If he has discovered violations in the course of fulfilling his duties, he must report them if they fall within his competence.
With the permission of the management, he can attract other employees to carry out the tasks assigned to him by the job description of the sports instructor. The professional standard assumes that the employee has the right to improve his qualifications. If necessary, request from other employees of the institution the documents and information that he needs to carry out his work. In addition, he has the right to demand assistance from his manager in the course of fulfilling his labor functions.
A responsibility
The instructions of the sports instructor indicate that he is responsible for failure to fulfill his duties, poor-quality or untimely work done in accordance with labor legislation. In addition, the employee may be held liable if his actions led to the institution causing material damage. He is also responsible for any violations of the administrative, labor and criminal code in the process of performing his labor functions.
Profession Features
The main feature of the educational process in the field of sports is that most of the training takes place during training. The main task of the trainer is to train his students in sportsmanship and help them improve their personal skills. Even if a person has talent without the effective and productive work of a trainer, it is very difficult to develop it. Some specialists in this profession are engaged in mass training, others train individual athletes. That is why the sports instructor is presented with the most diverse requirements.
It all depends on what kind of work he will need to perform and whom to train. Its main task is to unleash the sports potential of its students, prepare them for competitions, and also develop additional body resources to achieve maximum results. To achieve this, the trainer needs to develop the correct training regimen, distribute the loads in accordance with the capabilities of the students, and also choose exercises individually for each of them.It should be borne in mind that sport depends not only on physical strength, it is also important to train physiology, body control and emotional state.
The instructor must give his students theoretical knowledge, carry out their psychological preparation, inspire them to win, instill discipline and more. The work of a sport instructor suggests that he, with the help of medical workers, will monitor the health status of his pupils, select diets suitable for specific trainings, and assist in overcoming minor injuries that may well happen during sports.
This profession suggests that a person should not only have a high level of professionalism, but also perfectly cope with the stresses that arise during intense training. In addition, it is very important to know not only the theory of physical culture, but also human psychology in order to inspire your students to overcome moral barriers and achieve high results. Experienced specialists in this field are always in demand, in addition, almost every educational institution needs a physical education teacher, even if it does not have a sports focus. Employers really appreciate the love of sports, patience in the applicants for this position.
They are looking for purposeful, objective, fair employees who can evaluate the effectiveness of their work and sensibly evaluate the successes of their students. The employee will be required to expend his own energy, time, and also a big return, especially when it comes to preparing athletes for competitions. In addition, this profession assumes that the employee will travel to various thematic events. This work is often associated with business trips and visits to relevant government agencies.