
Does the child have to pay property tax by law?

Almost every parent wonders if a child should pay property tax. This is a logical question, the answer to which we have to study further. In addition, we will get acquainted with the main methods of paying taxes in a particular case. What should every taxpayer know?

Tax payment deadline

Taxpayer Responsibilities

Does the child have to pay property tax? In reality, everything is not as simple as it seems.

Today, taxpayers are required to pay for their property. This rule applies to all persons with real estate. But there are exceptions to the rules - beneficiaries. About them will be discussed later.

Property tax is federal annual in nature. It is charged depending on the value of the property, as well as on the region in which the taxpayer resides.


Are property taxes being paid? In order to correctly answer this question, you will have to study the law "On Property Tax on Individuals". It spells out all preferential categories of citizens.

Payment of tax for a child

Who does not pay property tax in Russia? From such payments are exempted:

  • pensioners;
  • disabled people;
  • veterans.

It follows that children are not beneficiaries. So, they have to pay property taxes.

Taxpayer Problems

Children under the age of 18 are required to transfer property tax. But in this case certain problems are not excluded. Which ones?

Children have no income. For minors, funds are managed by their legal representatives. In addition, the child will not be able to make tax payments until adulthood.

Do children pay property tax? Under current law, yes. In real life - not always. But is that right?

Not really. For the property you still have to pay. The main thing to know how to do it right. What are the scenarios in Russia?

Settlement of contentious issues

Does the child have to pay property tax? Yes, but to do this, you have to try pretty hard.

Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation

History knows of cases where minors were literally required to pay property taxes. How to behave to parents and the child?

In cases where a minor citizen has property taxable, the child's parents must make the appropriate payments. The main condition here is to indicate the purpose of the transaction in the comment. The transfer should indicate that the funds are transferred to the tax account in the name of the minor.

Other situations

Sometimes children are exempt from property tax. But such situations are extremely rare. When is this possible?

Often, the conditions for providing tax benefits to children are dictated by regional authorities. The following may be exempted from appropriate charges:

  • children from large families;
  • orphans and parents without parental care;
  • persons without care up to 23 years.

With all this, exemption from payments is laid on only 1 object of taxation in each category. No discounts and benefits on other property is not relied upon.

In other words, if a child owns several apartments or shares, then you can’t pay only for one apartment. For another tax is fully accrued.

Due date

Up to what point is it necessary to transfer taxes on property of minor children?

Transfer of property tax money

In Russia, there are uniform rules for the payment of the studied fees. In 2017-2018, citizens must pay transport, land and property taxes until December 1, inclusive.In this case, notifications of established forms are sent out by November 1.

Already from December 2, the debt begins. For each day of delay in paying tax to the citizen, penalties are charged. And, the longer the payment does not arrive, the more you will have to pay in the end.

Lack of payment - a reason for freedom?

Does the child have to pay property tax if the payment order is not received by mail? Similar situations are quite common. And not all citizens know how to behave in this case.

It is worth remembering that the absence of payment orders does not exempt from tax obligations. So, you still have to pay the bills. This principle applies to both adults and children.

The main problem in this case is obtaining information about the amount of tax. Later we will find out how to get the relevant data.

If paid without comment

What should I do if my parents paid property tax for a minor child, but at the same time they forgot to indicate a comment on the transaction?

In this case, the payment will pass, but the tax service will not be able to understand for whom the money is transferred. The funds will either “hang” on the payer’s name or will be transferred to the current tax account of the parent who conducted the transaction.

book of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

What to do? It is necessary to contact the tax at the place of residence as soon as possible and inform that the payment was made for the child. The applicant must have:

  • passport;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • extract from the USRN;
  • payment confirming the payment of the fee.

Otherwise, the payment, as we have said, will not cover the debt for the property of children. And this is fraught with interest and a significant increase in the final amount recoverable.

How to pay

Do children need to pay property tax? Yes, and to all without exception. But only if the child owns some real estate. And, as we have already said, payments are made on behalf of the legal representatives of minors.

How can I pay property taxes? The following scenarios exist:

  • make a payment through the banks;
  • take advantage of online banking;
  • conduct a transaction through the "State Services";
  • make a transfer through the service "Payment of State Services";
  • use an online wallet;
  • work with payment terminals or with ATMs.

How to act? Each parent decides how to cope with the task. But more and more often in practice, non-cash payment is found. Under such circumstances, inserting a comment is much easier than it seems.

Children and taxes

Tax Verification Methods

We found out if a child should pay property tax. How to check a debt?

In the case of minors, some problems may arise. For example, due to the lack of a TIN in children.

In general, the following methods of checking tax information are available to citizens:

  • through the "Personal Account of the taxpayer";
  • on the portal "State Services";
  • by obtaining information directly from the Federal Tax Service;
  • search for payment through online banking services;
  • through the site "Payment of public services";
  • through electronic wallets.

In the case of minors, it is advisable to contact the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration for data on debt. Here you can immediately take a receipt and make a payment for the property of the child.

Online payment

Now consider the method of paying property tax on a child. It is recommended to pre-receive on a minor TIN. Then to cope with the task will be much easier.

Do children pay property tax? On their own - no, this is the responsibility of their parents. The exception is cases of emancipation. Then the child at the age of 16 becomes fully capable. And he is obliged to independently solve all his problems.

Are children required to pay property tax? Yes, but only through their legal representatives. Consider the process of paying bills through Yandex.Money.

This will require:

  1. Complete registration and authorization in the Internet wallet.
  2. Select "Goods and Services" - "Taxes".
  3. Indicate taxpayer TIN.
  4. Search for a payment.
  5. Click on the "Pay" button next to a suitable item.
  6. Fill out the form that appears on the screen.
  7. In the comments indicate "Payment for ...", and then - specify the full name of the child.
  8. Click on the "Pay" button.

Now it remains only to wait a bit. After about 2-3 days, the money will go to the tax. After that, property tax for the child will be paid.

Online tax payment


We found out whether children need to pay property tax, as well as how to cope with the task.

In fact, paying taxes for children is not so difficult. It is best to produce it using ATMs or payment terminals. Then confirm the fact of the transaction will be easier than ever.

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