
Documents stolen: what to do? Theft statement. Document Recovery

Each of us can face theft of documents. This is a very unpleasant situation, especially if a passport or driver’s license was stolen. What should I do if I am a victim of theft? This article will give a detailed answer to the question presented.

Punishment for theft of documents

It’s worth starting with the indication that the abduction, damage, destruction or concealment of official documents is Article 325 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Such actions, as a rule, are in the nature of direct intent. They are carried out due to personal interest or self-interest. Stole the documents? Stole a driver’s license? These are truly criminal acts, which may result in the following types of punishments:

  • a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • a fine of up to 18 months for the accused;
  • the implementation of compulsory work for up to 500 hours;
  • implementation of correctional labor for up to two years;
  • forced labor for up to one year;
  • up to one year in prison;
  • imprisonment up to 4 months.

If the direct intent of a criminal act was proved, then any of the punishments presented can be quite real. What is meant by direct intent? This is an idea of ​​the possible negative consequences, an understanding that a crime is being committed. For example, robbers who have stolen a car but are not aware that it contains documents for a car will be convicted of stealing a car, but not of stealing documents.

Passport stolen: we go to the police station

What to do in case of theft of the most important certificate for a person, namely a passport? Contact the police as soon as possible. You really should not hesitate with this, otherwise serious problems may arise: for example, obtaining a loan using passport data or opening a fraudulent company.documents stole

The police must write a statement about the theft. A sample is always available in the unit. Everything needs to be written down on paper in as much detail as possible: when the theft was committed (or when the loss was discovered), what was stolen in addition to the passport, a possible description of the offender, etc. Police officers, having accepted the application, will be required to issue a special notification coupon about the registration of the incident.

Go to the GUFMS

With the ticket issued at the police station, you will need to go to the local department of the state administration of the federal migration service (former FMS). In addition to the coupon, you will need to bring documents with you to restore your passport:

  • a statement about theft (a sample is not needed here, the form may be free);
  • Application form 1-P on the need to issue a new passport;
  • receipt of payment of a state duty of 1,500 rubles;
  • 2 personal photos. documents for the car

At the same time, employees of GUFMS can also ask a citizen:

  • military ID;
  • birth certificate;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • residence registration document and some other documents.

What can you say about the timing of the passport? As a rule, they must produce a new document in 10 days. However, if the applicant did not submit an application to the local GUFMS, or if not all documents for the restoration of the passport were submitted to the department, then the production time may take up to 2 months.

Possible trouble

The fact that the documents were stolen is already a big nuisance. However, possible problems may not end there. Moreover, they will not be created by any criminal elements, but by the servants of the law.What exactly is it about?stole a passport

It is far from always possible to prove that the passport was really stolen. In such cases, the police may pay attention to the provision of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which establishes liability for the loss of documents through negligence (Article 19.16). Of course, the sanction here will be negligible: only 100-300 rubles (from 2 to 5 thousand rubles for living at the place of registration without a passport). However, it is worth agreeing: to feel "guilty without guilt", and even after a real theft - this is a really bleak situation. But so far, no one has canceled the appeal procedure, which can be used at any time.

Issue of provisional identity card

In the same GUFMS, after all the necessary documents have been submitted for the restoration of the passport, you can request a temporary identity card. No particular problems should arise here. The issuance of the relevant paper will be made immediately, with a maximum of 1-2 days. Difficulties may arise, except for citizens of the Russian Federation who are carrying out the procedure for obtaining a passport outside their region. Additional checks will have to wait a bit. Is it possible in this case to somehow speed up the process? Probably yes. To do this, you will have to submit as many documents as possible to the migration department: registration, driver’s license, passport, etc.sample theft statement

Temporary ID is valid for two months. If necessary, it can be extended, but it will not make much sense: in two months, a new passport must already be made.

Driving documents stolen: what to do?

Losing a driver’s license is not an easy situation. In many ways, it is even more complicated than stealing a passport. If the rights to drive a vehicle have been stolen, then contacting the police will be somewhat pointless; unless the victim is eager to "take revenge" and does not want to find a thief as soon as possible.passport recovery documents

It’s worth starting with sad things right away. If a driver’s license was stolen, then the entire restoration process will take a considerable amount of time. Unlike the situation when they steal a passport, it is not necessary to rush headlong for recovery. Perhaps someone will find the right and try to return it - in the era of the Internet this is not a problem. Immediately you have to tune in to the fact that obtaining a new certificate is a long and difficult process.

The victim must go to the Interdistrict department of those. inspection of transport and examination work (MOTOTER). There you need to write a statement about the loss of documents (even if they were stolen; it is worth believing that a statement about loss is a much better option than a statement about theft). What documents will have to be referred to MOTOTER?

Documents required to restore a driver’s license

The restoration of documents giving the right to drive a particular vehicle is possible only if the following papers are submitted to MOTOTER:

  • The application that will have to be requested at the office. He will have to pay several hundred rubles, depending on the region. The application will need to be filled out.
  • Passport or temporary ID card, officer ID card - for a military person.
  • Certificate of registration at the place of residence.
  • Application for payment of state duty (cost - about 800 rubles).
  • Explanatory with the circumstances of the loss.
  • Decision to refuse to institute criminal proceedings.
  • Certificate of completion of driving courses (most likely, it will not be needed, since in most regions all data is in an electronic database).

Thus, the department will have to submit a considerable number of documents. However, if the documents were not stolen alone, then paperwork, alas, will have to get used to.

Driving license stolen: where to go?

So, all the necessary documents are collected, and you can already go to the appropriate authority. As already mentioned, contacting the police even in the event of theft is a risky business. Have to spend a considerable amount of time and effort. Not only will the servants of the law force them to “wait” for several months, they will also receive a formal refusal: the reason for it will, of course, be the lack of material value in the driver’s license.stole money and documents

Two options remain: to go to the MREO traffic police or to the MOTOTRER. In one of these two bodies, having previously learned the hours of operation, you will have to queue for the right window. The inspector is given documents, the submitted application is filled out. An employee of the body checks whether there has been a deprivation of rights in court. After that, the citizen is sent for photographing. On the same day, the applicant receives new rights.

Temporary permission to drive a car

Does the applicant always receive a new driver’s license on the day of application? Unfortunately not. Sometimes the traffic police gives only the so-called temporary permission, and the full document will be provided only after 1-3 months (sometimes more).

Most often, a temporary certificate is obtained by a citizen who has applied to the traffic police department of another region. The cost of a temporary certificate is 500 rubles. It will be considered valid only with the presentation of a passport. Contrary to popular belief, there is the possibility of driving a vehicle with a "temporary car" throughout Russia.stole all documents what to do

When a normal driver’s license is issued, MOTOTER or MREO STSI will call the applicant. A citizen will have to pay another 800 rubles of state duty. No retaking exams will, of course, be required. A very important point: if the old rights were nevertheless found, but the new ones are already issued - you can’t use the old certificate in any case! Otherwise, the motorist will expect a fine of 15 thousand rubles.

From February 1, 2017, you can get a driver’s license at the MFC.

Stole documents on the car

Along with the rights, the registration documents for the car disappeared. Stole all the documents? What to do in such a situation? The procedure here is the same as in the case of the restoration of rights to drive a vehicle. The traffic police provides a passport, a statement, a contract of sale for a car (someone is unlikely to steal it, since no one carries such a document with it; if the contract was also stolen, it’s bad). Having presented all the papers in the traffic police, it remains only to wait for further instructions.

Is it so sad when you stole money and documents? As already clear, in such a situation there is nothing to worry about. Of course, missing important documents is not pleasant enough. However, to date, restoring all the papers necessary for life is not such a complicated procedure.

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