
Documents upon dismissal of an employee: list, requirements and recommendations

Employment is a certain paperwork. And in the case of termination of the contract, you will also have to face a number of papers. But with which ones? Which of the documents upon dismissal should be issued by the employer? What certificates are always given, and what is issued only upon request? We have to answer these questions below. In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. Having studied in detail the procedure for dismissal, everyone will be able to find out what papers he will be able to face.documents upon dismissal

Types of termination

What documents should be issued upon dismissal? To some extent, the answer to this question depends on the type of dissolution of labor-type relations.

In total, the following reasons for leaving work are distinguished:

  • in connection with the move;
  • at the initiative of the employer;
  • at the personal request of the employee;
  • by agreement of the parties.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Most often, leaving the workplace at the request of the employee. What documents should be issued to an employee upon dismissal under similar circumstances and not only? Every employer should understand this. After all, if you violate the established labor legislation, a number of problems will arise. In particular, the subordinate will be able to achieve his reinstatement.

Agreement termination procedure

First, a few words about how the dismissal occurs. This process raises many questions. Especially with employers. There are almost no violations of the operation among workers. But the authorities may terminate the employment contract not in accordance with the law.what documents should be issued upon dismissal

To avoid this, consider the process of leaving work at will. Documents upon dismissal in this case are issued without fail personally in the hands of a subordinate.

The algorithm for terminating a labor type agreement is as follows:

  1. Make a letter of resignation. You can write it by hand.
  2. Submit a request to the employer (in advance).
  3. Sign a statement. This step is carried out by the employer.
  4. Go through mining.
  5. Prepare a letter of resignation. This responsibility lies entirely with the employer.
  6. Make a record of the event in the citizen’s work book.
  7. On the day of dismissal, read the order and sign it.
  8. Get some documents. Upon dismissal, as we have already said, not many papers are put.
  9. Take money for the hours worked.

Done! After these steps, the employee will be considered dismissed. But what papers should he be given without fail? And what does the employer give on demand / in case of violation of the established rules for termination of relations?what documents to issue to an employee upon dismissal

Common papers

Let's start with the simplest. We will try to find out what documents should be issued upon dismissal under certain circumstances. Consider the unspoken mandatory list of documentation.

It consists of the following references and statements:

  • employment history;
  • settlement sheet;
  • income statement (in the form of 2-personal income tax).

Ideally, after providing these documents, a citizen will be able to calmly leave work. But in the personal file of the subordinate, a lot more various papers are stored. What more can you ask your employer for? And what about the boss if the employee violates the dismissal process?


Sometimes citizens leave their jobs, but at the same time they require income certificates for a certain period of time. For example, when applying to banks.

Documents upon dismissal of an employee include some papers issued upon request.Income statements for a certain time are included here.

You can ask your employer for a payroll statement:

  • for the last 3 months;
  • for 2 years of employment in the company.

It all depends on the desires and needs of the citizen. The request is sent in writing. Typically, the period for issuing such certificates is no more than 3 working days. Ideally, the employer can prepare statements in advance, and then give them to a subordinate on the day of termination of the employment type.


But this is only the beginning. Documents upon dismissal are issued a variety of. Part of the documentation is familiar. She does not raise any questions.what documents are issued to an employee upon dismissal

It is worth paying attention to the fact that subordinates can demand from their employers almost all certificates from personal files in their own name. Statements about insurance deductions are important.

In 2017, you can demand from the chief:

  • reporting on insurance transfers;
  • SZV-STAGE form;
  • extract of SZV-M.

At the same time, the second and third certificates appeared in Russia quite recently. SZV-STAG should be given on the day of leaving work, and the employer is obliged to produce SZV-M 5 days after the former subordinate made a written request.


What else are sometimes encountered? What documents are issued upon dismissal? All previously listed papers may indeed be requested by former employees. Moreover, as practice shows, it is allowed to make a corresponding request at any time during the existence of the company. Even after a person is expelled from the staff.

What documents are issued upon dismissal? The list can be supplemented with the following orders:

  • on employment;
  • about promotion / demotion;
  • on transfer to other departments.

Also, a person may ask for a dismissal order. This is a normal occurrence, although it is extremely rare. Usually subordinates have enough work books with the appropriate entry.


Go ahead. Despite the fact that the papers listed above form a very impressive list, the question asked has not yet been completely resolved. What else do employers ask for when terminating a labor relationship?

For example, it is permitted to request the following documents upon dismissal:

  • employment contract;
  • Additional agreements with the employee.

In practice, these papers are issued extremely rarely. After all, few will ask the employer for a complete package of possible certificates when terminating an employment contract.documents issued to the employee upon dismissal

Medical book

The list of documents issued upon dismissal is diverse. It is supplemented in some cases by a medical book. It is sometimes called sanitary.

This paper is not faced by all subordinates. As a rule, the boss is obliged to issue a medical book, if initially the person had to present it for employment. It is forbidden to take away such a document.

Accordingly, if the position of the dismissed person does not provide for the employer to provide a sanitary record, then upon leaving work they will not be able to issue it to the former employee due to the absence of this document from the employer in principle.

Important: the boss does not have the right to make any entries in the medical book. The document is issued on the day of termination of employment.


But that is not all! What documents are issued to an employee upon dismissal? We got acquainted with the main list of relevant papers. Only it is not yet exhaustive. It is allowed to request various kinds of extracts from the previous place of work. They must be associated with the applicant and with the employment.

For example, a former subordinate has the right to receive the following documents upon dismissal:

  • accident reports;
  • orders for reprimands or other punishments;
  • other papers related to labor activity.

As practice shows, in real life, employees do not ask for such documentation.After all, the bulk of certificates related to the labor activity of a subordinate indicates certain deficiencies. It is customary to carefully hide them. Not always, but very often it happens that way.

Person data

Documents upon dismissal of an employee are issued, as a rule, after the submission of relevant requests. With the list of papers given away without undue red tape, we have already met. But all the previously proposed information does not fully reveal the topic being studied.documents upon dismissal at will

Since 2006, a subordinate can request from his boss any records that contain the applicant’s personal data. For example, such extracts can be awards, merits, information about participation in certain events.

In case of violation of the procedure

The list of documents issued upon dismissal is still not finished. After all, situations are different. And depending on the circumstances, the employer will issue this or that documentation.

Sometimes there are problems with the transfer of certain mandatory certificates. For example, a subordinate refuses to take the work book or does not apply for the calculation. What to do in this case?

Any violations of the procedure for terminating relations with a subordinate include:

  • drawing up relevant acts;
  • sending notifications about the need to obtain certain certificates.

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. Acts of refusals to receive this or that documentation, ideally, are not issued to the subordinate. They must be kept by the employer in the personal file of the employee. In addition, in exchange for notifications of receipt of documents upon dismissal, the chief must receive relevant certificates. They serve as confirmation of the direction of warnings to the dismissed person.

Agreement of the parties

We have already studied the documents upon dismissal of our own free will. In some cases, the initiative to terminate the employment contract comes from the employer. Under such circumstances, the package of studied certificates is no different.

Otherwise, you will have to prepare documentation if the termination of the employment contract in the company is broken by agreement of the parties. What happens in this case?

The employer and his subordinate enter into an agreement on dismissal. The relevant contract may be issued to the dismissed person. This is a normal occurrence.

Extradition Rules

We found out what documents are issued upon dismissal. But not everyone understands how to draw them up correctly.

The bulk of the papers issued in the original. These certificates include:

  • extracts in the form of 2-personal income tax;
  • medical book;
  • work book.

All other documentation is sometimes issued in the form of copies. This is normal, but only if certain design rules are followed. What is this about?

All copies of documents that are issued to the dismissed person must have a mark like “Copy is correct”. Without it, the document has no legal force. An exception is the original certificates of established forms.

About the date of issue

What documents are needed for dismissal? For the employer, this is:

  • dismissal order;
  • termination agreement;
  • work record of a subordinate;
  • medical book (for some posts);
  • documents on the income of subordinates.

In order to quit the employee, it is enough to send a statement of the established form. After that, the process is considered started.documents upon dismissal of an employee

How long to wait for the provision of a particular documentation? It all depends on what kind of paper the worker asked for.

Most often, the following principles apply:

  1. On the day of termination of relations issue: work book, sanknizhku, form 2-NDFL.
  2. account statement.
  3. Income statements for a given period are issued within 3-5 days.
  4. Statements on insurance payments are usually transmitted on the day of termination of the contract with the subordinate.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And remembering documents when leaving is easy. The main thing is to pay attention to certificates, which are mandatory issued to subordinates.And also remember that the employee can demand from the employer any extracts with his personal data.


We saw what documents are issued upon dismissal. The list of relevant papers looks impressive. And not everyone is able to remember it.

As already mentioned, it is important to pay attention to the obligatory certificates transmitted to subordinates when leaving work. Indeed, it is precisely such documents that people need most often.

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