A huge role for homeowners is played by documents confirming ownership. For an apartment or a house - it is not so important. The main thing is that we are talking about certificates indicating that a person has ownership rights to property. What is this about? Where and how to get relevant information? How can I get ownership of housing?
About the role of documents
Understanding these issues is not so difficult. In particular, thanks to the latest changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Documents confirming the ownership of the apartment play an important role in human life. They indicate the legality of property ownership and allow you to make real estate transactions.
The certificate of ownership of the apartment appeared in Russia in 1998. Since then it has been used in all real estate transactions. For example, when registering the sale of property.
What documents in the Russian Federation confirm the ownership of the apartment? Among them, as we have already found out, there is evidence of an established pattern. It contains certain information.
Which one? Today in the certificate of ownership of the apartment distinguish:
- address of the location of the housing;
- passport details of the owner (including series and passport number);
- detailed description of the apartment;
- information about the document that served as the basis for the issuance of the certificate.
As a rule, there is no more information in the mentioned paper. Nothing extra!
Where to draw up
Many are interested in how to obtain ownership of an apartment. But more on that later. First you need to understand which authorities will issue the relevant certificates.
Today in the territory of the Russian Federation it is possible to apply for the certificate of the established form to the following organizations:
- MFC;
- Rosreestr;
- Cadastral Chamber.
It is also allowed to complete the registration of property rights with the issuance of a certificate through the State Services and the Rosreestr website. But these are not the most popular services. Therefore, they will not be considered.
Document types
Documents confirming the ownership of the apartment are different. There are several types of these papers. The first category of documents indicates the existence of certain grounds for the emergence of property rights. The second - on the direct rights to own, use and dispose of property.
In the second case, only the following papers can serve as confirmation:
- extract from the Unified State Register;
- certificate of established form.
For some time now Russia ceased to issue certificates of ownership. Instead, extracts from the Unified State Register are now fully used. These are interchangeable documents.
Does a citizen have a certificate of ownership of the apartment? Then there is no need to receive an extract. Previously issued property documents are recognized as valid.
Next, we will talk about which papers may indicate the existence of grounds for the emergence of property rights. There are a lot of them. And it all depends on the specific situation.
The following documents can help with privatization:
- certificate of ownership of the established form;
- privatization agreement, registered in Rosreestr.
To begin the privatization process, you will have to present an agreement on the social rental of real estate and a certificate with a citizen's registration.Already after the registration of housing in private ownership, the owners will be given either a certificate of ownership, or an extract from the Unified State Register.
Purchase and sale, gift, exchange
But that is not all! Thinking about which document confirms the ownership of the apartment, it is necessary to understand that there can be several similar papers. This is a normal occurrence.
In the case of confirmation of ownership of the sale, purchase, donation and exchange of housing, you can do:
- a contract of sale registered in the established manner;
- a deed of gift concluded under applicable law;
- an agreement on the exchange of property.
The list of documents confirming ownership of the apartment does not end there. After all, the listed cases do not cover all life situations in which citizens become homeowners.
Sometimes people get houses and dachas by inheritance. In this case, documents confirming ownership of the apartment or other real estate will differ significantly from the previously listed securities.
So, for example, the basis for the emergence of a new owner at the apartment may be:
- will;
- certificate of inheritance issued by a notary public.
Also at the time of confirmation of their rights will have to bring:
- marriage certificate (if any);
- birth certificate.
Usually, on the basis of these papers, a confirmation of kinship with the testator and an indication of the right of inheritance take place. After registration of property rights, a corresponding certificate is issued with an extract from the Unified State Register.
HBC and share
If citizens purchased an apartment in ZhSK and paid a share for it, then they will be able to indicate their rights using a certificate of the established form. It is issued by HBC and registered without fail.
As a rule, in exchange for such a certificate you can get an extract from the Unified State Register. But this does not end with title documents for real estate.
Other papers
What other scenarios are there? Russia is full of various documentation. And some papers indicate ownership of the property.
Among other evidence, it is often distinguished:
- annuity contract;
- judicial opinion;
- certificate of ownership of a share in the total housing;
- lease agreement with subsequent redemption.
In fact, the documents confirming the ownership of the apartment are full. But it is worth noting that the main evidence in real life is still extracts from the Unified State Register. They must be ordered immediately before the implementation of a particular operation.
Ways to obtain property rights
What conclusions can be drawn based on the foregoing? There are a lot of papers that are able to prove ownership of property. Only among them almost always there are certificates of the established form and extracts from the unified state register of real estate.
How can I acquire property rights? Most often, the following reasons are distinguished:
- inheritance of housing (by law or testament);
- apartment purchase;
- registration of mortgages for housing;
- transfer of property under a gift contract;
- redemption of real estate;
- exchange of apartments.
Each procedure has a number of its features. For example, the rights to an apartment under a gift agreement usually pass during the life of the donor, and in the case of inheritance, you will have to wait for the death of the testator without fail.
Action algorithm
And what exactly needs to be done so that a citizen can order a certificate from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or a certificate of ownership? As a rule, a certain algorithm of actions is required.
- Collect documents indicating the emergence of property rights.
- Contact the Rosreestr or the IFC / Cadastral Chamber with a written request for a paper issue.
- Pay state duty (if required by law).
- Wait until the paper is ready and pick it up at the right time.
Typically, this arrangement helps to obtain a certificate of title to real estate, and an extract from the state register.
How much does this operation cost? For some title documents there is a state duty. But she is not always present.
For example, there is no need to pay for issuing a certificate of ownership. Usually this service is provided free of charge. For the production of a USRP statement, it is required to give about 350 rubles to individuals and about 600 rubles to organizations.
When registering property rights under a deed of gift, gift or exchange, you need to pay different fees. Additionally, if necessary, notary services are paid. But as a rule, all of these operations do not require special costs from a person.
Waiting time
How quickly does the Rosreestr cope with the issuance of these certificates? The ownership of the apartment is registered very quickly. According to the law, 15 days are given for this operation.
If a citizen makes changes to existing documents, then new documents confirming the right are issued on hand after 5-10 days. The exact period depends on the reason for contacting the registration authority.
Below is a sample USRR statement. Now we understand that this paper has recently been the main evidence of real estate rights. It’s not worth faking it. Indeed, the validity of the document is easy to verify on the basis of Rosreestr. If it turns out that the certificate is not genuine, then the transaction with the property will be canceled and invalidated.
From now on, it is clear what documents there are confirming the ownership of an apartment, house, cottage or other property. Obtaining them in Russia with legal grounds is much easier than it seems.
If the valid certificate of the established form is lost, it is enough to contact the Rosreestr with an identity card and an application for the issuance of a duplicate certificate. Employees will issue it on the basis of information stored in the cadastral office. What document confirms the ownership of the apartment? Extract from the Unified State Register!