
Documents on labor protection in the organization

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the organization of working conditions that are safe for an enterprise employee. Obligations to ensure labor protection rest entirely with the employer. For this, it is necessary to create an organized and relevant management system for this area, which will be regulated by established regulatory acts, as well as methodological documents. Each employer must provide for the availability and storage of a package of these documents, based on the legislation and the specifics of the enterprise. What are labor protection documents? The answer is in this article.

labor protection documents

What is this about?

The main documents in organizing and ensuring safe working conditions, which are required to be stored and maintained in the organization, are regulatory acts on the organization of labor protection approved by the state. These standards are strictly regulated and are contained in the Federal laws, as well as other legal acts. All requirements established by this legislation are binding on legal entities and individuals who are registered and carry out activities in our country.

Documents on labor protection must be at the enterprise. They are stored properly.

About the rules

In recent decades, Russia has witnessed a fairly serious and positive shift in the organization of labor protection. First of all, the Labor Code in Russia was adopted. This document consolidated most of the previously adopted provisions, and also provided guarantees for the rights of workers to health-safe work, which are reflected in the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Why do you need labor protection at the enterprise? Documents are regulated by law.

Normative legal acts are developed by executive authorities. What are labor protection documents? What rules govern them?

The main, most frequently applied rules are: intersectoral labor protection rules, in those situations when the operation of the water supply and sewage system is carried out, the operation of electrical installations, the implementation of electric and gas welding works.

The industry rules are used only in relation to a specific, relevant sector of the economy or production. These include, for example, the rules on labor protection at engineering enterprises and the rules when vodka, alcohol and so on are produced.

a package of documents on labor protection

Legal acts

Also, labor protection documents govern other legal acts. So what is everything regulated by?

  • Safety rules, for example, rules on the operation of cranes that lift the load, fire safety rules.
  • Building codes and rules, for example, on labor safety in construction activities.
  • State standards, for example, on a system of labor safety standards or on personal respiratory protection.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules, for example, "Hygienic requirements for a personal computer and organization of work."

What is included in the package of labor protection documents?

What is a collective agreement?

A regulatory act that governs social and labor relations between employees and an enterprise or organization. A contract with the entrepreneur and employee is also possible. Given the financial and economic situation of the enterprise, it includes obligations imposed on both the employee and the employer.

As a rule, it is in a collective agreement that a separate clause introduces obligations to improve working conditions, the necessary payments in case of work in hazardous or hazardous industries, the mode of work, training or retraining in the field in which labor protection is provided. What documents should be in the enterprise? This question is asked by managers quite often.

The implementation and financial support of activities that can improve working conditions and protect health is the sole responsibility of the employer. And failure to fulfill obligations to conclude a collective agreement is an administrative offense. What else does the package of labor protection documents include?

list of labor protection documents

About job description

The main regulatory document regulating that work in an organization should be carried out in a safe manner is the job description for labor protection. Typical instructions approved by law are taken as the basis.

These instructions are developed individually for workers by the heads of sections or departments immediately after consultation with the labor protection service. The instructions include safety requirements, which are set out in technological or other operational documentation, taking into account the work that each specific employee performs. The heads of the organization, as well as the heads of individual departments are fully responsible for monitoring the compliance with the instructions by the employee. This is the labor protection at the enterprise. Documents must be submitted in full.

Issuing orders

Also, the effective functioning of the labor protection system is achieved by issuing orders and other administrative documents. Orders regulate the creation of a labor protection service, the appointment of responsible persons, and the assignment of the duties of a labor protection inspector to a technical specialist. Distribute functional responsibilities among the enterprise management or structural divisions; identification and appointment of persons responsible for supervision of the safe operation of various mechanisms and equipment.

labor protection at the enterprise documents

List of documents

Consider a more detailed approximate list of documents on labor protection. The organization is obliged to draw up, maintain and store them in order to avoid administrative offenses. These include:

  • Regulation or order on labor protection service. It is developed and approved by its head of the organization on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Job description of the technical specialist responsible for labor protection. You need to rely on the Qualification Directory of posts. Samples of labor protection documents should be in each organization.
  • A contract with a specialist providing labor protection services or an order to appoint one of the employees as an OT specialist. These documents must be executed if the staffing of the enterprise does not provide for the position of an engineer of OT, and the number of employees of the enterprise is not more than 100 people. This is based on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • The program for conducting activities of introductory briefings on labor protection.
  • Introductory briefing and a register of its registration.
  • A list of posts and professions that are exempt from coaching, which should be held at the workplace. The list is approved by the head of the enterprise and includes workers who do not operate, service or use an electrified or other instrument, and are not involved in the storage and use of raw materials.

what documents should be on labor protection

  • List of professions that you can get only after a medical examination. The basis is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • List of professions whose employees are required to undergo periodic medical examinations.The basis is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  • A roll-call list of employees who need to undergo a periodic medical examination.
  • Initial OT briefing at the workplace.
  • Instructions that apply to employees. In the development should take into account the staffing of the enterprise, technological processes and production equipment used in the organization. As a rule, it is approved by the head with mandatory notification to all structural units in which they develop their own list of current instructions.

What other documents should be on labor protection?

  • Safety instructions for workers directly. Developed taking into account the profession and activities of the employee, the type of work performed by him.
  • A book of accounting instructions designed for employees and a book of accounting issuing instructions. Maintaining and accounting is carried out by a specialist in labor protection. Mandatory verification and revision of the developed instructions is provided with a frequency of at least once every five years. If the instruction is relevant, its validity is extended by another as much.
  • Order to renew instructions. Mandatory to bring to the attention of all heads of structural divisions. The instruction is considered invalid if it does not have a stamp stating that its validity is being extended (with an indication of the extension period).
  • The book of registration of trainings conducted at the workplace. The registration book must be numbered and laced, as well as signed by an authorized specialist. This is the safety and security of work. Documents may be others.
  • Orders on the appointment of persons in charge of occupational health care and subsequent internships for newly arrived employees. All newly arrived at the enterprise employees who have undergone OS training at the workplace without fail during the first few shifts are required to undergo an internship under the supervision of authorized persons in each specific unit. Persons with at least three years of similar work experience may be exempted from the stipulated internship if the basic principles of work and the equipment used have not changed. The decision to release the newly arrived employee from the internship is made by the management of the structural unit strictly after agreement with the OT engineer or an authorized person. This is not the whole list of labor protection documents.
  • The order, which involves the creation of a commission to test knowledge of the requirements of the management, engineers, technicians, acting on an ongoing basis. The composition of the commission should include from three or more members who have confirmation of completion of training in OT.

samples of labor protection documents

  • The rules of the work schedule within the enterprise.
  • Acts on certification of jobs that they meet the required conditions.
  • A list of professions and positions whose employees are required to issue free preventive nutrition in accordance with working conditions (such as milk, juices, etc.); the issuance of laundry soap, special protective clothing and footwear, other personal protective equipment also apply here.

Other documents

Thus, it is easy to notice that it is quite difficult to organize a system that will be responsible for the protection of labor activity at the enterprise, but it is necessary to do this, because otherwise it is fraught with violation of the law and responsibility to it. All necessary labor protection documents must be properly executed. It is better to do this immediately when organizing activities, since this way you can prevent the imposition of penalties.

Who exercises control?

When organizing OT at the enterprise, control over the implementation of the prescribed requirements is important. As a rule, a three-stage control system of an administrative-public nature is used.

At the first stage of control is the head of the structural unit (department, workshop), who is entrusted with the daily exercise of control directly at the workplace.

The second stage - members of the OT commission, who are obliged to exercise daily control at the production sites assigned to them.

The third step is the head of the enterprise, who is the chairman of the OT commission. Carries out monthly monitoring of the implementation of requirements and instructions on the basis of monitoring data carried out by the OT commission.documents on labor protection at school

A responsibility

Thus, documents on labor protection in the organization are important. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for disciplinary, civil, administrative and criminal liability for violation of OT requirements.

The whole structure, which is responsible for the labor protection system at the enterprise, directly depends on the number of people working in the organization, the production scale and the risks to workers' health associated with them.

Documents on labor protection at school

At school, the director is responsible for all the documentation. They appoint a person who will occupy the post of labor protection engineer. This specialist will be responsible for the preparation of instructions and their approval by the school principal. Mandatory documents include instructions for various work in various offices, job descriptions of employees, orders, as well as instruction logs.

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