
Documents on personnel: types, composition, storage

In the course of the activities of any enterprise, a large number of business papers appear. Among this mass, personnel documents stand out in a separate complex. In our article we want to talk about what types of them exist, how they are stored.

Employee Relations

Properly organized workflow at the enterprise is the key to the success of its activities. Therefore, business papers always need to be given due attention, and therefore, properly formatted and stored.

It is worth recalling that labor relations between the employer and employees are always regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It is on the basis of his articles that the organization should properly organize the dismissal, reception and transfer of employees. All those papers in which the stages of the labor activity of the workers are indicated, these are the documents on the personnel (personnel, personnel).personnel documents

The task of these papers is to properly execute and secure labor relations between employees and the employer. It should be noted that personnel documentation is one of the most important aspects of the personnel service at any enterprise. The correctness and timeliness of paperwork should be under the control of the head.

Most of the documentation is mandatory and is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, instructions on maintaining work books, Pension legislation and other regulations.

Types of documents on personnel

Documents on personnel can be divided into the following types:

  1. Papers that are related to the staffing of the enterprise.
  2. Documents confirming the promotion of employees.
  3. Documents confirming the implementation of labor discipline.
  4. Documents related to termination of employment.

As we can see, the documents on personnel include many papers that regulate the relationship between employers and employees. All of them regulate certain issues related to the personnel of the enterprise.

Primary personnel documents are divided into two types:

  1. In accounting personnel.
  2. On accounting of working hours and calculations related to remuneration.

Documents on personnel include: orders, employment contracts, diplomas, certificates, work books, personal files, cards, certificates for certification of employees, personal power of attorney.

Document storage

In recent years, unfortunately, there has been a trend of insufficient attention to the safety of business papers. According to the results of inspections of the state archival service, conclusions were drawn suggesting that storage of documents on personnel under normal conditions is observed only in 20% of verified enterprises.archive of personnel documents

Although each company must comply with the rules enshrined in law. The correct attitude to business papers is directly related to the need to assist organizations with pension insurance bodies and other government agencies. Violations of document management can lead to undesirable consequences, and also faces a fine.

Documents on personnel (types of securities are given by us in the article) testify to the working experience of people, and also are the basis for the appointment of pensions and other payments to citizens. In the event that the employer makes any mistakes that underestimate the income of the employee, a person can challenge this fact in court.

In addition, it is worthwhile to understand that the storage of documents on personnel is necessary, since only on their basis it is possible to restore historical information that took place. It is not in vain that for personnel papers the longest storage periods are established by law.

It is unnecessary to say that documents cannot be lost; moreover, they must be kept in proper conditions. The head and head of the personnel department of any organization are required to provide all the conditions necessary for current and archive storage.

The main requirements for the content of securities include:

  1. Availability of a separate room for current storage.
  2. Boxes or cabinets with papers should be locked with a key.
  3. Documents should be restricted.
  4. For the archive you need to select a separate room and control access to it.

Storage time

The terms of storage of documents on personnel are the longest in comparison with other business papers. Documents with long shelf life include:

  1. All administrative papers - orders, orders, decrees.
  2. Lists of employees.
  3. Employee accounting cards.
  4. Personal things.
  5. Personal accounts of employees.
  6. Outfits and timesheets.
  7. Employment contracts and agreements.
  8. Minutes of the meeting.
  9. Lists of people who retire at a preferential retirement.
  10. Books accounting reception and dismissal of employees.

We have given far from the entire list of those papers that have been stored for 75 years. The following documents are exceptions:

  1. Acts on industrial accidents - 45 years.
  2. Tariff sheet - 25 years.
  3. Minutes of meetings of the commission on the payment of allowances for long service - 15 years.

During the specified time, the company must ensure the safety of securities in the manner prescribed by law.

Preparation of documents

The archive of documents on personnel at the enterprise should be in a separate room, in which there is no access to unauthorized persons. Cases fully prepared and duly prepared are transferred to it. It is worth noting that the preparation of papers begins at the stage of their creation.

paperwork on personnel

The personnel department is responsible for the correct execution of documents on personnel. For ease of use, the entire mass of papers they are arranged by personnel officers as follows:

  1. Cases are drawn up for each type of document: for orders, personal files, protocols, etc. Headings reflecting the nomenclature are indicated on folders.
  2. All cases are assigned account numbers and an inventory is enclosed.
  3. Confidential safe current storage is provided: in a safe or in a locked cabinet.
  4. All case sheets are filed and numbered. And the place of the firmware is sealed with the seal of the enterprise and certified by the signatures of the responsible persons.
  5. In each case, internal inventories must certainly be present.
  6. On the covers of the finished documents all the details are indicated: storage periods, names, dates.

Formation of a personal file

The personal file contains all those documents that contain information about the employee of the enterprise and his labor activity. In principle, personal files should be instituted for all employees of the organization. But, as a rule, at present, personnel officers issue them only for leading specialists and the head. The organization has the right to independently decide on what kind of paper to get on the workers. Therefore, the composition of documents of a personal file may differ at different enterprises. But in general, it should include the following papers:

  1. Inventory of case documents.
  2. Summary and autobiography.
  3. Profile.
  4. Copies of papers on the availability of education.
  5. Copies of specifications.
  6. Copies of the order on the approval of the post.
  7. Employment contract.
  8. All kinds of help.
  9. Copies of orders for appointment, dismissal and relocation.

The internal inventory should contain information on the serial numbers of each document in the file. Such a document is signed by the person who composed it.personnel documents include

Inside the case, there must be a questionnaire that contains a lot of information regarding the biography, education, marital status of the employee. In order to fill it out correctly, employees usually use a work book, military ID and passport, diploma.

Personnel Accounting Documents

Personnel records are maintained by a personnel officer. On the basis of primary securities, operational accounting of changes and movements in the number of employees of the enterprise is carried out. The accounting documents include: orders, cards, staffing, payroll and many other documents.

When hiring, each employee is assigned a personnel number, which is subsequently listed in all papers for personnel accounting and payroll. Even if a person is moved to a new position or upon dismissal, his personnel number remains with him and is not assigned to another person.

Personnel Orders

Orders of documents on personnel are one of the most important papers in personnel matters. They are grouped into separate cases and at the same time have their own numbering. Inside the folder is systematized in chronological order.

Some orders are created in a unified form, filling out only the necessary columns in the future. All the rest are drawn up as needed, but at the same time, all documents must meet certain requirements.

Organization of documents on personnel, including orders, is carried out on the basis of the terms of their storage. It is logical to file them in cases that have the same deadlines. So, for example, orders for admission and dismissal should be preserved for 75 years, which means that they must be kept separate from the annual documents governing the leave and stored for only five years.personnel records

If the enterprise is large and the document flow is quite decent, then different types of papers can be drawn up as a separate matter (for example, vacation orders - one folder, orders for business trips - another). This will greatly facilitate the work with documents. In addition, each individual case is recorded in the nomenclature of the organization. If the order has an appendix, then it is also filed. But as for the grounds for the orders - reports, statements, acts, they are stored separately.

As practice shows, the orders and the grounds for them are kept together in the current paperwork, but in preparation for archival storage they begin to be reorganized, laid out in different folders. Statements, for example, are kept up to 75 years, but they are part of the personal file.

All other bases have storage periods of up to five years, so they are formed into a separate business.

Order storage

To determine the shelf life of orders, you must use the standard list of documents. It is periodically reviewed and updated. At the moment, the list compiled in 2010 is relevant. According to him, as before, the grounds for orders are to be stored for about five years, and most of the orders themselves are stored for up to 75 years (on the performance of duties, business trips, changing names, vacations and certifications).

In addition, you can navigate the storage periods according to departmental lists drawn up for organizations of certain fields of activity. The rules provide for the examination of the value of securities.

Long-term storage papers must be transferred to the personnel documents archive. An inventory is compiled on them, after which they are transferred for long-term storage.organization of documents on personnel

Cases whose storage periods have passed can be destroyed.

How to destroy documents?

Archived papers of the enterprise can be destroyed (if the storage period has expired) independently, or you can seek help from special organizations that deal with this issue.No matter how you organize the process, an act of destruction must certainly be drawn up.

Papers can be burned on their own, if there is a safe place for this, or you can destroy them using a special apparatus. In such cases, the act is written in any form. But large volumes of cases are easier to hand in for disposal. But in this case, all actions must be accompanied by paperwork. In the act of acceptance, it is necessary to fix the number of cases and their weight. It is better if the employee of the organization will be personally present at the destruction of papers to maintain confidentiality.

State Archive

In each region of the Russian Federation there is a state archive of documents on personnel. The main objective of his activity is to ensure reliable storage of papers on the personnel of all enterprises. In addition, the archive responds to inquiries from enterprises and citizens regarding issues related to personnel papers. This direction of his activity is very necessary and relevant, because when the organization is closed, people simply have nowhere to go to get the necessary information.

For this reason, archives are faced with the task of preserving all the papers. Currently, not only private, but also budgetary organizations are very often liquidated and closed. In this case, they must transfer documents on personnel for storage to the state archive. The following papers must be kept in it for 75 years: orders, settlement sheets, documents on relocation and dismissal, personal files, etc.terms of storage of documents on personnel

It is worth noting that cases must be prepared before the transfer according to all the rules. Municipal archives provide their services subject to prior approval of the submission of documents.

Preparation of papers for transfer includes the correct execution of all cases, an expert assessment of securities, as well as compilation of inventories.

Do I have to pay money for storage? State and budget enterprises do not pay for archive services. Liquidated enterprises of a non-state form of ownership transfer correctly executed cases only if there is an agreement.

Cases are transferred subject to approval and coordination with the expert review commission of the archive. Acceptance and transfer of securities is carried out by employees of the institution in the presence of the organization being liquidated. This process is quite lengthy and painstaking, since the status of documents is checked by viewing them visually. At the end, a corresponding act is drawn up.

Instead of an afterword

Documents on personnel is a special category of papers that is available at any enterprise. Their importance is that they do not lose relevance for a very long time. Even after a long period of time, a situation may arise in which you need to turn to them again. It is not for nothing that these very papers are drawn up with special care and stored for many years, not only at enterprises, but also in state archives.

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