
How old are children with a large family? Features, benefits and benefits

More and more often, families prefer to raise more than two children, as the state is trying in different ways to increase the birth rate in the country. At the same time, the federal legislation does not contain exact information about which families can be considered large. Therefore, citizens have to rely on the information contained in regional legislative acts. For this, not only the number of children is taken into account, but also to what age children the large family retains its status.

Legislative regulation

Many regional acts provide types of support for large families. Additionally, there is Federal Law No. 81 which states that all citizens who belong to such a family can count on some support from the state.

The main parameter for assigning this status is the presence of children, and all of them must be minors.

How many children do you need?

Which family is considered to be large? For this, various requirements imposed by regional authorities are taken into account. By default, this status is assigned to families in which more than three children are raised.

how old are children

It is allowed by the regional authorities to provide benefits to people who have only two children. Typically, such a policy is carried out in cities where there is a low birth rate, so the authorities try in different ways to motivate citizens.

How are children considered?

It is important to know at what age the children of a large family can maintain their status. It is taken into account that all children must be minors, so the status is lost if even one of the three children reaches the age of 18 years.

There are exceptions, because if a child after adulthood continues full-time studies at a university, then it is allowed to leave the status until he graduates or is 23 years old.

In some regions, it is permitted to retain status if an adult child is serving in the army.

Which children count?

It is important to understand not only at what age the children of the family are considered to be large, but also which children are taken into account. These include children:

  • native;
  • officially adopted;
  • on which parents issued custody as a general rule;
  • reception rooms;
  • stepdaughters (stepsons) of the husband.

In the last two cases, there may be exceptions in different regions, so citizens should independently find out information regarding the possibility of adding one or another baby to the family.

large family: what is supposed to be?

Which children are not counted?

Large family: how many children and how old should be for this status? There must be at least three children whose age is up to 18 years, but children are not included here:

  • on which citizens were deprived of their rights;
  • there are restrictions on rights;
  • custody is executed by other persons, not by parents;
  • brought up in orphanages or other public institutions;
  • married or emancipated before the age of 18;
  • living in educational colonies;
  • in respect of which the adoption decision has been canceled;
  • dead.

In addition, each region can take into account its own requirements on how old children can be. A family with many children can maintain its status, and also under what conditions benefits are assigned.

Family requirements

Which family is considered to be large? The standard requirements for it are the same in different regions:

  • adults and children must be Russian citizens;
  • the family must have an official registration in the region where it is planned to draw up various benefits and concessions from the state;
  • citizens must raise the optimal number of children as provided by law;
  • children should live together with their parents, and if adults decide to divorce, then children should stay with someone alone and live with him;
  • even temporary residence of babies in any educational institutions is not allowed, and it is also usually not allowed to maintain status if the child is serving in the army.

Under certain conditions, people who are under the age of 18 are allowed to enter into official marriage, but in this case they are not considered to be minors. A large family - how many children? There must be at least three children, all of whom must be minors.

what is a large family

How to get a status?

Having figured out what a large family is, what requirements are presented to it, and also what kind of assistance from the state is provided, you can deal with the registration of the corresponding status. To do this, you need to contact the social protection authorities of the region where citizens live.

To obtain this status, you need to prepare the documentation:

  • passports of parents;
  • marriage certificate, if parents officially registered their relationship;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • St.-va about the birth of all babies;
  • extract from the house book, on the basis of which it can be understood whether adults live with their offspring;
  • if one of the children is over 18 years old, but he is studying full-time at a university, then you need to get a certificate from this institution;
  • if the children are not relatives, then it is required to prepare documentation confirming that custody of them was issued or that they were officially adopted.
large family: how many children and how old

An application for assignment of the corresponding status is also compulsory. It is signed either by the mother or by the father.

Under what conditions is it impossible to renew a certificate?

The status is granted only for one year, after which each year it is necessary to submit the necessary documents again to confirm that the family meets all the requirements. Can a family with three children be large if one child is already 18 years old? Under such conditions, the status is terminated, so citizens will not be able to rely on benefits or payments.

Other reasons for this are:

  • the children were sent to a boarding school or an orphanage, as well as to other similar institutions;
  • by court decision, adoption is canceled;
  • parents were deprived of their rights to babies;
  • wards were emancipated or entered into legal marriage;
  • children were sent to an educational colony, which should have a court decision;
  • the end of the year for which the certificate was issued, since to renew the status, you must again contact the social protection authorities with the necessary documents.

The certificate is issued only for a year, during which you can use different support measures.

Identity Use Features

It is presented in the form of a special paper, which indicates information about a large family.

large family: how many children?

The social services worker must explain to the applicants important points:

  • which families are considered to be large and why;
  • what privileges and allowances are provided;
  • What is the meaning of the certificate;
  • how to get the status right.

With this certificate, citizens can apply for different types of support, represented by benefits for paying for housing and communal services, free meals for children in educational institutions or other relaxation measures.

What benefits are offered?

What relies on a large family? What benefits and payments are assigned by the state? People with this status should independently learn about the help that may be provided to them by the regional authorities.

can a family with three children be large

The following exemptions are offered in most regions:

  1. 30% discount on utility bills. If a large family lives in a house to which central heating is not connected, then they will be compensated in the amount of 30% of the cost of buying fuel for heating, but the costs of materials should be within the norms established in a particular region.
  2. The ability to receive various medications for free, but they should be prescribed only by the attending physician for children under the age of 6 years. They are issued free of charge only with a prescription.
  3. On intercity transport, parents and children can travel for free.
  4. If it is required to visit sanatoriums to purchase tickets for rail transport, aircraft or various types of water transport, then a discount of 50% is given when paying for the fare. Such assistance is provided only once a year.
  5. Children go to kindergartens first of all, therefore, when they reach the appropriate age, they can be sent to this preschool institution, regardless of the order in which they are available.
  6. For schoolchildren, free meals are offered at the school, and funds for these purposes are transferred from the local budget.
  7. Children are given free school uniforms or clothing that replaces it, but is used during classes at school. Additionally, even a sports uniform can be offered. Clothing should be intended for the entire period of education of children in school.
  8. Children from a large family, first of all, are sent to medical sanatoriums, health camps or other similar institutions until they come of age. In this case, appropriate medical indicators should be available. It does not matter what departmental affiliation the selected institutions have.
  9. Kids can receive free medical care both in medical and preventive institutions owned by the state or municipality. They are given prostheses and other orthopedic products without payment if they need these items.
  10. Every month, children can visit various museums, exhibitions or other cultural institutions or events for free.
  11. Such a family can expect to receive a soft loan or loan without interest, but the funds should be used to purchase or build housing. They may be spent on the purchase of building materials, but this fact must be documented.
  12. If a large family lives in difficult conditions, for example, the rules regarding the square for each person are not respected or people are forced to live in emergency housing, then they are promptly provided with living facilities owned by municipal authorities.
  13. The family is offered a garden plot or garden, the size of which cannot be less than 0.15 hectares.
  14. Parents are offered employment opportunities based on their specialty and experience. They can count on a flexible schedule, presented part-time or weekly. Some citizens, with certain skills, can work at home.
  15. Parents can get free skills training in a specialty that is in demand in their region of residence.

Benefits offered may vary by region.

which family is considered to be large


If you understand the age at which a large family family retains its status, as well as how many wards must be brought up to receive it, then all families with more than two children can expect to receive numerous assistance from the state. For this, it is important to officially receive the appropriate status, which is updated annually.

Based on the certificate, one can count on various assistance measures, represented by discounts, benefits and compensations.

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