Retired people often need borrowed funds for different purposes. They can apply to various lending institutions, and many banks are often willing to provide loans to them. This is due to the fact that the pension is a charming payment, so it cannot be lost or reduced, as is often the case with salaries. Many citizens are wondering if they will give a pensioner a loan at Sberbank? With a good income, even older people can count on borrowing money. Often, special promotions and programs designed for lending to pensioners are carried out at all.
What is the age limit?
Whether a pensioner will be given a loan at Sberbank or not depends on the age of the potential borrower. Borrowed funds are provided to citizens who are already 55 or 60 years old, and they must also have a certificate of retirement.
But this takes into account that at the time of repayment of the loan to a citizen can not be more than 75 years. An application is considered within two days, and if a positive answer is given, then a loan can be issued within a month.
Pensioners suitable for age can count on obtaining various loans at Sberbank. The conditions may be different, but the most advantageous offers come to citizens who are regular or payroll clients of this institution.
What loans can be issued?
Many people are interested in what kind of loans does Sberbank give to pensioners? If citizens have not reached the age limit, then they can count on the same loans that are offered to other people. It is important that at the time the loan term expires, a person is not yet 75 years old.
In Sberbank, loans for pensioners in 2017 were the same as in 2018, so the following types of loans can be issued:
- Car loan. Its main purpose is the acquisition of a personal car. You can use both the basic program and the special conditions offered to pensioners receiving a pension on a Sberbank card. The discount is usually equal to within 1% of the standard interest rate.
- Mortgage. It is used only for the purchase or construction of housing. When applying for a mortgage, pensioners are not offered any benefits, since people of retirement age can count on this loan only if there are co-borrowers or guarantors. The purchased object necessarily acts as collateral.
- Credit cards. Credit cards are offered to many pensioners on favorable terms. When you receive a pension on a Sberbank card, you can count on low interest and a significant credit limit.
- Cash loan. It is considered the organization’s most sought after offer. Will a pensioner be given a loan at Sberbank? Such loans are often offered, and their size depends on the income of the citizen. If a pensioner continues to work, then when calculating the maximum loan amount, not only the size of his pension, but also his salary is taken into account. For retirees, Sberbank often holds various preferential programs and promotions that allow you to get borrowed funds under really favorable conditions.
Pensioners decide on their own which banking product they will be issued at Sberbank. For this, it is taken into account for what purposes it is necessary to spend funds.
Credit Card Terms
If you need to take a loan to a pensioner in Sberbank for a small purchase, then it is advisable to obtain a credit card for these purposes. It proposes a long interest-free period, during which it is not required to pay interest on the borrowed funds spent. Money must be returned to the card before the end of this period.
The features of applying for a credit card at Sberbank for pensioners include:
- classic credit cards of Visa Classic or MasterCard Standard payment systems are provided to pensioners;
- You can draw up an instant card;
- to get a credit card, you can apply to the bank branch or receive pre-approved plastic by mail, for which there is a standard credit limit and an optimal interest rate;
- if the card is offered by the bank itself, then for it usually no annual service fee is charged, and on issued cards it is equal to 750 rubles. in year;
- interest rate varies from 18.9 to 24 percent;
- a credit card is issued for a period of up to three years;
- the grace period is 50 days, which is considered a sufficiently long period.
Do Sberbank give loans to non-working pensioners? If the pension is small, then you can’t count on a significant amount. In this case, you can get a credit card with a significant credit limit. The limit may increase over time if the pensioner follows the requirements of the contract exactly.
Consumer loan for any purpose
It usually does not require collateral; therefore, it is not necessary to transfer any property as collateral to the bank or to attract guarantors. Will a pensioner be given a loan at Sberbank without collateral? If the requested amount is low, then there are no problems with the design of such a loan. Its features include:
- filing an application is considered a simple process, as it can be implemented even through the Internet;
- when visiting a branch of Sberbank, you only need to have your passport and documents confirming the presence of income, represented not only by your pension, but also by your salary, if a retired citizen continues to work officially;
- since collateral is not provided by the potential borrower, the bank offers low amounts on credit, therefore usually between 15 and 500 thousand rubles are issued;
- the rate depends on the loan term, so if it does not exceed two years, then 17% is applied, and if the term is extended to five years, then the rate is 18.5%.
Do non-working pensioners receive a loan in Sberbank in foreign currency? If the potential borrower has a sufficiently high salary, then he can count on a loan even in foreign currency. The main condition is that the payment on such a loan cannot exceed 40% of the monthly income of a citizen.
Surety loan
If you plan to receive a sufficiently large amount of funds from Sberbank, then it is advisable to attract guarantors. Sberbank, which provides loans to pensioners, often requires collateral. Due to the guarantee of third parties, it is guaranteed that a large loan amount will be repaid by them if the pensioner himself cannot cope with the credit load.
When issuing such a loan, the conditions are taken into account:
- an amount of up to 3 million rubles may be drawn up, since the aggregate income of the borrower and the person involved is taken into account;
- money is issued for a period of 3 months to five years;
- due to the availability of security, a pensioner can count on low interest rates and the absence of different commissions.
If a citizen receives a pension and salary at Sberbank, then an interest rate of only 12.5% may be offered for him. If some conditions and requirements are not met, then this indicator increases to 13.5 or 16.5 percent.
The nuances of car loan
Pensioners often think about buying their own car, designed to simplify the process of moving around the city.To do this, it will be relevant to apply for a car loan to Sberbank. Features of the process include:
- You can get a car loan to buy a new or used car;
- when choosing a used car of domestic production, it is taken into account that it should be produced no earlier than 5 years ago, and for foreign cars this period is increased to 10 years;
- a loan to pensioners in Sberbank for the purchase of a car does not provide for the accrual of additional commissions;
- Down payment starts from 15%;
- proof of income presented by a certificate from the PF and the bank where the salary of a working citizen is transferred is required from the pensioner;
- the car acts as collateral for this loan;
- for senior citizens, the rate can vary from 10.5 to 13.5%.
For the purchase of a car an amount ranging from 45 thousand rubles is issued. up to 5 million rubles. The maximum amount that a pensioner can receive depends on his income and the availability of other collateral.
Mortgage to senior citizens
Retired people often think about the possibility of acquiring residential real estate. For example, they want to provide their children with a separate apartment or simply want to own their own private home outside the city. Therefore, they think about whether they give a mortgage to pensioners at Sberbank.
A banking institution does develop special mortgage programs for pensioners, which are beneficial for registration. According to them, the rate is reduced to 7.4% if housing is purchased in a new building. An important condition is that at the end of the loan term the borrower should not be more than 75 years old.
Do they give a mortgage loan to pensioners at Sberbank? Making it is quite simple, and at the expense of the funds received, you can not only buy ready-made housing, but also build a private house. In this case, the conditions of this process are taken into account:
- co-borrowers or guarantors are required;
- the acquired property is collateral;
- the maximum amount is determined depending on the cost of the selected housing;
- An initial contribution of at least 15% of the price of the property is required;
- maximum mortgage for 30 years, but it is important to focus on the age of the borrower, since he should not be more than 75 years old at the time of loan repayment, so if a citizen applies for a mortgage at 62 years old, then it is maximum issued for 13 years;
- the rate usually varies from 8% to 15%.
Before approving a mortgage, bank employees must make sure that the optimal property is selected, therefore there should not be any legal problems. It is not allowed to choose an apartment located in the emergency building. The most loyal conditions are offered when buying a home from a developer on the basis of DDU.
What are the requirements?
Quite often loans are issued for pensioners at Sberbank. The conditions depend on whether the citizen is officially employed or not. If the pensioner has finished his labor activity, then he can receive the necessary loan amount only when taking into account the requirements:
- the presence of Russian citizenship;
- permanent registration in the region where there is a bank branch;
- age cannot be more than 75 years at the time of loan repayment.
If you need to get a really large amount of money, you will have to use the help of guarantors or pledge to the bank any valuable property represented by real estate or land. If there is security, the maximum loan amount is established depending on the estimated value of the object.
Although banks are not legally entitled to require personal insurance from borrowers, they insist on acquiring such an insurance policy. In this case, pensioners will have to bear additional costs.But in case of emergency situations, which are included in insured events, it will be the insurance company that will deal with the reimbursement, not the citizen’s heirs.
What bets are used?
Sberbank loans to pensioners are considered to be quite popular. The interest rate depends on various factors, among which:
- borrower age;
- the presence, other than pensions, of other sources of cash income represented by salary or business income;
- the provision of collateral represented by loan security;
- attraction of guarantors;
- credit history;
- registration of an insurance policy.
If a citizen agrees to the condition of the bank and draws up a personal insurance policy, then for him the standard rate is reduced by 1%. Sberbank additionally regularly holds promotions and implements unique programs designed for people of retirement age. They can be issued loans on favorable terms. Therefore, it is beneficial to apply for a pension for Sberbank. The interest rate may increase with a bad credit history or lack of collateral.
To reduce the rate, it is advisable to transfer the pension to this bank advance. Under such conditions, it will not be necessary to prove your solvency at all in order to obtain loans, as bank employees will easily receive the necessary information from the existing database.
How to get a loan?
The procedure for obtaining a loan by a pensioner is standard. Therefore, for this, the citizen performs sequential actions:
- the optimal loan option is selected from all Sberbank offers;
- make sure that the pensioner is suitable for the requirements;
- necessary documents are prepared, which include a copy of the passport, a statement of income for a working citizen, a certificate from the Pension Fund on the amount of the pension, and a loan application is correctly drawn up;
- documents with the application are sent to the bank branch;
- they are usually considered within two business days, but often a decision is made literally in one hour;
- after obtaining approval, you must return to the bank to sign a loan agreement;
- money is issued in cash through the cashier or transferred to an account opened in the institution;
- then the loan is repaid in equal payments, for which the information available in the payment schedule is taken into account.
If delinquencies occur, fines and penalties are charged, so pensioners must be responsive to their obligations.
In Sberbank, pensioners can apply for a loan for various purposes. The process is considered simple and standard, although borrowers must meet certain requirements. Money can be used for different purposes, for buying a car or apartment, as well as for leisure or travel.
The procedure for obtaining a loan is standard, therefore, it is enough to prepare the necessary papers, make an application and use the collateral.