
What is a quote request? Quote Request Form

Request for quotations is one of the most simple and expedited procedures conducted by state and municipal institutions. It is regulated by Article 72 44-FZ, in clause 1 which states what a quotation request is: this is a form for determining a supplier, which is understood as the procedure for submitting a price offer for the performance of announced work or services under a contract. The winner is the Supplier who offered the lowest price if he fully complied with the requirements of the Customer and federal laws.

The nuances of the quotation procedure

They are as follows:

  1. A request for quotations under 44 Federal Laws is announced in cases where the maximum cost of performing work under the contract does not exceed 500,000 rubles, and the volume of annual purchases is no more than 10% of the SGOZ and no more than 100 million rubles.
  2. There is no fee for filing an application in the procedure.
  3. To participate in the request for quotations on paper and concluding a contract, an electronic digital signature is not required.
  4. Accreditation on the trading floor is not required.
  5. You can take part in the request for quotations by paper (in a sealed envelope) or electronically.
  6. You can submit only one price offer.

Methods of organizing the procurement procedure

There are two ways to request a quote, in accordance with the law and new changes in 2018:

  • paper feed;
  • electronic feed.

Email Quotation Request

From July 1, 2018, the Customer has the right to organize a request for quotations by placing an order on an electronic trading platform (ETP) approved by the Government, and from January 1, 2019 this will become a mandatory rule for all trading sessions.

ETP, at which it is allowed to carry out procedures for determining the supplier, by requesting quotations:

  • Sberbank - AST;
  • RTS tender;
  • Roseltorg;
  • National electronic site;
  • Order of the Russian Federation;
  • GLAD;
  • TEK-Torg;
  • Gazprom trading floor;
  • AST for state defense order.

To participate at these sites, the Supplier needs to have an enhanced qualified electronic digital signature (EDS), as well as to be accredited on the trading platform.

Informatively! By virtue of the amendments made to 44-FZ, the participant of state procurement from 01.01.2019 must first create a personal account on the website http://zakupki.gov.ru/, and only after that on the electronic trading platform. For those Suppliers who have previously been accredited at federal trading floors, additional registration in the EIS system is required. To do this, they allocated all of 2019.

Electronic procedure

The procedure for conducting an electronic request

The customer publishes a notice on the official procurement website no earlier than five business days before the filing of applications. With the electronic method of conducting tenders, NMCC does not affect the period for publication of the notice.

An application can be submitted by any participant who has an enhanced qualified electronic digital signature and has also passed accreditation on the trading floor. The supplier, having formed his proposal, signs his EDS and sends it to the operator of the ETP.

Note! With the electronic way of placing quotes, the participant, having sent a single application, has the right to withdraw it before the end of the submission of proposals. To do this, send the appropriate request to the site.

The ETP operator, having received a quotation request, within the next hour confirms its acceptance and assigns an identification number. Upon the expiration of the time for submitting proposals, the operator within an hour passes to the Customer all information on price offers, as well as documents of participants that were sent in accordance with the requirements of the Customer and the Federal Law.

The quotation commission shall, within a period not exceeding 1 business day from the time of receipt of data from the electronic trading operator, examine the information provided. After considering all price offers, the commission generates and signs a request for quotation protocol.The finished document is sent to the operator of the electronic trading platform no later than the deadline for considering applications. Following this, the ETP operator ranks the bidders in accordance with the increase in the price they offer for the execution of the contract. The lowest bidder is declared the winner.

The operator draws up a protocol for reviewing and evaluating applications and publishes it on the electronic trading platform of the auction, as well as on the public procurement portal, within 1 hour after receiving data on the examination of applications from the Customer.

The peculiarity of such a request for quotations is that the Customer does not know the correspondence of price offers and Suppliers. Its task is to check the received documentation for compliance with the requirements.

Following the publication of the protocol on the Internet, in a period not exceeding 5 days, the Customer sends the winner of the quote request a contract without his signature. The participant who won the first place, in the absence of amendments to the document, signs it, attaching confirmation of contract security, if this condition has been put forward, or sends a protocol of disagreement.

The customer is given 3 days to verify the authenticity of the contract and sign it. In case of a submitted protocol of disagreements, the Customer adjusts the draft contract or provides a reasoned refusal. In this case, the participant is given 3 days to re-sign the contract.

Note. If the winner did not sign the contract on time, the Customer invites the participant who won the second place to perform work under the contract. In this case, the Supplier has the right to refuse without consequences for himself.

Pros and cons of requesting quotes for the electronic trading platform

The electronic submission of the application takes place on the same grounds as in the paper version, but this method of procurement announcement has several advantages:

  • electronic data transfer method;
  • minimum time for preparing an application;
  • there is no way to find out price offers from suppliers ahead of schedule, thereby rigging the results;
  • there are no restrictions on the territorial location of the procurement participant, i.e. You can submit a price offer from any region of the country.

The disadvantages include:

  • the presence of an enhanced qualified electronic digital signature and accreditation for electronic trademarks is mandatory;
  • high competition, as participants may be from other areas.

Customers still prefer to use the quotation request in paper format.

Rules for the procurement on paper:

Each procurement procedure is clearly regulated by Federal Laws 44 and 223. The algorithm for conducting a quotation session is as follows:

Request in a sealed envelope
  1. Placing a notice about the request for quotations. Documentation publication on the portal zakupki.gov. There is no charge for familiarization with the information; it is widely available.
  2. The timing of the request for quotations depends on the announced price of the contract: 4 business days if the amount is not more than 250 thousand rubles; 7 working days if the contract price is from 250,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  3. Submission of a quotation request. At the time prescribed in the documentation, the procurement participant submits a price offer on paper in a sealed envelope that does not allow viewing the contents, or in electronic form. Quotation request form is developed independently by each Customer. An application submitted late even in 1 minute is not accepted.
  4. Opening of envelopes. In accordance with the indicated regulations, the opening of envelopes is carried out by a specially created quotation commission. This is an open procedure available to those who wish, while it is allowed to conduct audio and video shooting. If the representative of the Supplier is present at the showdown, then he must have a power of attorney for the right of representation.
  5. Determination of the winner.Having opened envelopes or having accepted electronic applications, the quotation commission begins consideration of price offers and the submitted documentation for compliance with the requirements of the Customer and 44-FZ. The commission draws up the result of work in the form of a protocol, compiling it in two copies, on the day the envelopes are opened. The results of the work are signed by all representatives of the Customer. The document is posted in electronic form on the same day in the UIS.
  6. The participant who has offered the lowest price for the performance of work, provided that his application and documentation meets all the stated requirements, is recognized as the winner.
  7. Signing a quotation request contract. The participant who won the first place enters into an agreement in strictly regulated terms: not earlier than 7 days and not later than 20 days from the date of publication of the final protocol. A draft contract is sent to the winner. If there are comments on the document, the Supplier has the right to send them to the Customer Service, having drawn up a protocol of disagreements, or to sign the contract in the first edition. The Customer, having received comments from the Supplier, can amend the contract, or justifiably reject and return the original document for signing.

Not later than 2 days before the end of the submission of price offers, the Customer may make changes to the published documentation. At the same time, the procurement itself does not change, but the term for its submission increases depending on the NMCC.

The customer has the right to cancel the purchase, but until the conclusion of the contract with the winner.

Application composition

In accordance with the federal law on public procurement, the mandatory information reflected in the application are:

  1. Information about the supplier. For LLC: name, legal address, bank account details, contact person details. For individual entrepreneurs: full name, address and details of the current account.
  2. TIN of founders and managers.
  3. The Supplier’s consent to fulfill the terms of the contract specified in the quotation application.
  4. Indication of price per unit and total cost. It includes payment of taxes, overhead associated with transportation and installation.
  5. Documentation confirming the compliance of the procurement participant with the specified requirements. In addition, a declaration of belonging to the NSR and SONCO is required, if indicated in the notice. The customer has no reason to ask the participant for quotes to provide other documents and information other than those previously listed.
    Clear calculation

Informatively! When making changes to the quotation documentation, the participant who previously submitted the application may withdraw it. The Customer may refuse the already begun procurement procedure no later than 2 days before the end of the submission of proposals.

Important! If the Winner declined to sign the contract, then the Customer enters into it with the participant whose proposal took 2nd place.

Quotation Notice

It is the Customer’s responsibility to publish a quotation request notice on the public procurement website. According to 44-ФЗ, the following data should be indicated in the documentation:

  1. Customer contact details: name, legal, actual and postal address, e-mail and telephone numbers of contact persons responsible for public procurement.
  2. Justification NMTSK.
  3. Description of the procurement object.
  4. Place and terms of the contract.
  5. Source of financing.
  6. The purchase code by which it is identified.
  7. Existence of restrictions for participants.
  8. The method of determining the artist.
  9. The amount of security for the execution of the contract, as well as the method of its provision.
  10. Application conditions: place and time.
  11. Information on the provided banking support of the contract.
  12. The presence of restrictions, prohibitions on the delivered goods and services that come from a foreign state.
  13. Special information if procurement is for defense orders.
  14. The documentation attached to the quotation application and the relevant list specified in part 1.1 of article 31 44-fz
  15. Application form submitted for participation in the procurement procedure.
  16. Dates and place of opening envelopes handed over by the participants of the quotation procedure.
  17. Information about the contract, the timing and procedure for its conclusion. Recognition conditions for the winner of a quotation purchase. The draft contract is a mandatory document that is part of the documentation when publishing the notice.
  18. The rules for unilateral refusal to fulfill the contract, which are prescribed in parts 8-25 of Art. 95 44-FZ

If the quotation procedure is carried out in electronic form, then the address of the electronic trading platform where the purchase will be placed is added to the standard list of requirements.

Reasons for rejecting the application

Despite the seeming simplicity of the procedure for participating in the request for quotations under 44 Federal Laws, it has a number of circumstances in which the proposal may be rejected. The circumstances under which the application may be rejected include the following:

  1. Non-compliance of the submitted quotation request with the requirements specified in the notice.
  2. The absence of the specified information or documents in the application
  3. Inaccuracy of information.
  4. Violation of the deadline;
  5. The quotation request is sent to the email address;
  6. The price offered by the procurement participant is higher than NMCC;
  7. The supplier does not meet the requirements: it is not a subject of the NSR, and in the notice this condition is indicated as mandatory;
  8. The participant sent several applications.
    Carefulness when filling out

Other reasons are not a circumstance for refusing to consider the price offer and documents. The customer, having rejected the quotation proposal, is obliged to provide a reasoned refusal with reference to article 44-FZ.

The procurement participant who submitted the application and considers it to be true, and the rejection is unreasonable, has the right to contact the Federal Antimonopoly Service, submitting a complaint and attaching a full package of documents. It is important to consider that FAS does not always take the side of the Supplier.

You can appeal the results of the quotation procedure no later than 10 days from the date of publication of the protocol on the public procurement website. At the request of the FAS, the process of signing a contract can be delayed or canceled.

Recognition of a request for quotations as failed

The procurement procedure may be declared invalid in the following cases:

  1. At the end of the term, one application was submitted that meets the requirements of 44-FZ and the Customer.
  2. In the event that several applications have been submitted, but only one of them meets the requirements specified in the procurement notice.
  3. The commission rejected all proposals of the participants.
  4. The customer extended the deadline for filing applications, as changes were made and one price proposal was submitted that meets the requirements of the customer and the Federal Law.
  5. The time for submitting applications has ended; not a single proposal has been received.
  6. The quotation commission recognized all applications as not meeting the requirements of the documentation in the notice.
  7. In the event that no supplier has entered the quotation procedure, the Customer, having made changes to the schedule, announces a repeated procedure for these works / services.
  8. Provided that the application has been submitted by the Supplier and meets the requirements for documentation, the contract is concluded with a single participant.

Note: if the quotation was carried out on paper, the contract is concluded with the sole participant, provided that the application meets the declared requirements. If the quote was held in electronic format, then you can extend the submission of offers for another 4 business days.

Differences in the request for quotes for 223 and 44-FZ

They are as follows:

  1. The method of filing quotes. An application on paper is accepted only under Federal Law No. 44, while under 223-Federal Law it has both options: electronic and paper.
  2. When purchasing in electronic form, an electronic digital signature will be required, since tenders are held on the electronic digital signature and the contract is signed by electronic signature.
  3. The customer can choose any ETP approved by the government.

Should I participate in the request

What is the quote request in the end? This is one of the easiest ways to participate in public procurement. But counting on the simplicity of the procedure is not recommended. Having decided to participate in the request for quotations, you should carefully study federal laws 44 and 223 in order to avoid rejection or submitting an incorrect application. The notice of the Customer published on the procurement site must be thoroughly studied, since non-compliance with one of the requirements may cause a refusal.

Contract signing

For the electronic procedure, you should take care of the EDS in advance, undergo accreditation, which can take up to 5 business days.

Important! The customer, having announced the purchase and setting all the deadlines, has the right to make changes, which is why the deadline for filing an application is increased. The supplier must follow the chosen trading procedure, otherwise the submitted application may be rejected and found to be inappropriate, as it was sent in accordance with the old documentation.

All purchases for the fulfillment of state and municipal needs are carried out on the basis of two laws:

  • Federal Law No. 44 of 04/05/2013 "On the system in the field of procurement."
  • Federal Law No. 223 "On Procurement of Certain Types of Legal Entities".

2018 innovations

According to the latest changes in 2018, the quotation application must necessarily indicate:

  • proposal for the cost of the agreement;
  • proposal for the cost of one unit of delivered goods / services;
  • declaration of conformity.

If the application does not indicate the place of origin of the goods - Russia, then the delivered products will be considered foreign production. This is not a reason for rejection, but applications with goods of Russian origin will have an advantage.

Clear ideas about the stages and procedure of the procedure, participation in the request for quotations are very useful. This enables organizations and individual entrepreneurs to compete in the market for the provision of services. A clear understanding of what a request for quotations is, how to approach the process of submitting a price offer correctly and evaluate the profitability of a purchase, makes it possible to exist in the market of healthy competition.

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