Many people are interested in what legislation is. This concept is far from one meaning, their whole set. Legislation refers to both the process of issuing laws, that is, lawmaking, and directly the code of legal acts issued in the state.
Legislation is the main form of legislative activity, and it is necessarily implied that the people of the country have sovereignty.
Legislation as a set of regulations
So what is legislation?
- Legislation is a streamlined system of legislative acts that are adopted by the legislature or by the citizens of the country themselves. These acts are directly applicable in the territory of the state.
- Legislation in the broad sense is a system of legal acts that are valid in the country, but including by-laws.
- Legislation - regulatory acts that operate in a certain area and regulate a specific area of public relations.
Russian legislation
So. The legislation of the Russian Federation is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as it is the highest regulatory act of the state. Moreover, the legislation of our country is based on universally recognized norms and principles implemented in international law. There are federal laws and charters adopted at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It is important to know that some laws in force in one subject of the Russian Federation may not apply in another. However, laws covering the entire territory of the country are required to be respected in all regions.
Nevertheless, when considering the question: “What is legislation?”, It is imperative to take into account that different laws and regulations are in force in different countries, that is, the legislation in each individual country can vary greatly.
It is very important for a citizen to know the laws of his country, because it is they that determine his life, which means that the concept of what legislation is and how it works is necessary.