
What is a PID? Or pay off for the first or second!

Computer management seems like an easy task, but is it? Kilometers of machine code, organization of interaction between programs, resources and the user. It is important not only to create a viable environment, but also to give it the opportunity for further development and optimization. Developers have to use available tools.

what is pid

Operating system features

Before answering the question of what pid is, it is important to understand the functionality on which the identifier functions depend on the implementation:

  • working with data, starting and stopping software;
  • interaction with input / output devices;
  • distribution and organization of RAM;
  • providing access to volatile media;
  • optimization of machine resources;
  • ensuring safe access of each object to the resources of the machine;
  • reliable calculations;
  • data protection from malware and intentional hacking.

pid regulator

Basic concepts

Further narration will be based on the concepts below. Neglecting this item, it will be difficult to understand what pid is.

A process is any object that uses system resources according to the ISO standard. 9000: 2000 - a set of operations, the interaction of which converts incoming data into outgoing data.

what is the process pid

Any process is characterized by several parameters:

  • machine code;
  • executable code;
  • reserved fragment of memory (sometimes - virtual);
  • security attributes
  • input / output data;
  • call stack, which monitors the activity of each object;
  • the so-called "heap" that stores the intermediate results of operations and calculations.

A process is created by the operating system from the moment it is launched or upon receipt of a request. Completion occurs by collecting statistical information, followed by deletion and interaction with the planning queue and allocation of resources. With the theoretical basis over, it's time to answer the most important question, what is pid.

ID concept

Each running program is identified or recognized using a unique tagged number. Thus, the system interacts with each process.

To get a closer look at the pointer, you can go in two ways:

  1. We call the task manager with the right mouse button on the taskbar. Next, go to the "Processes" tab, select the "View" menu. We find the item "Select columns", in the dialog box that opens, put a checkmark for PID. At the command line, write tasklist.
  2. For Unix systems, another tactic is true. The ps command is recommended here. With it, you can find the identifier for a specific program.

You can use a unique number to search for potentially malicious software. The fact is that viruses are often disguised as “decent” files, while the pointer gives a clear idea of ​​the security of the object in question. You only need to be able to recognize “what is pid” from the code stream of system and less significant processes.

what is pid

Modern programming languages ​​allow you to "isolate" information about an object of interest from a regular number. At the software level, you can develop code that directly interacts with pid. What does it give? With a couple of clicks, you can get the full path to the file or program of interest. In fact, this will allow not only to understand and optimize the system (the amount of necessary resources), but also to protect the machine from potential threats.

In order not to get confused

In electronics, there is also a pid controller - an electronic device used in automatic control systems.It allows not only to generate a control signal, but also to influence the accuracy and quality of the transition process.

pid regulator

Many users confuse the two concepts, but they are completely different. After reading the article, the question “what is the pid of the process” should finally run out, since the information given gives a complete description and the capabilities of the pointer. It is important to understand that the functioning of the "OS" directly depends on each screw of the fundamental system. Today, only a particle was considered at the micro level of the computer as a machine.

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