For many decades, sandblasting has been used in many areas of human activity. These devices allow degreasing and cleaning of metal parts, as well as frosting glass. You can buy such equipment in a specialized store, but a good device will be expensive, and economy-class models are not of high quality. Therefore, an excellent option would be to manufacture the unit yourself.
Do-it-yourself sandblasting will not be without flaws, because the unit will be simple, but you can enjoy excellent performance and low cost. With the help of the device it will be possible to carry out all the same work that is possible by the power of the factory model sandblasting.
Description of the sandblasting unit
What is sandblasting, is known to many experts and home craftsmen. Using this device you can carry out abrasive treatment of the following surfaces:
- metal products;
- glass;
- stones.
The work may be based on a principle that involves the use of abrasive powder or sand, it is injected with air, water or another liquid.
Do-it-yourself sandblasting machine
What is sandblasting, you already know. At the next stage, you can familiarize yourself with the features of the manufacture of this unit. For a home-made installation you will need a small compressor. Consumables will be building sand, which will need to be sieved through a fine sieve. Depending on what tasks you will perform, you should choose the quality of the sand. For example, sand of low or medium quality can be used to clean metal surfaces.
It is important to remember that sandblasting can be a source of danger, so the operator should protect his eyes and areas of skin that are not covered by clothing. It is important to study not only the aspects of the described apparatus, but also the scope of its application in everyday life. For example, for decorative glass processing you will need a sandblasting chamber. If you have to process metal parts, you can use an open type device. When deciding what sandblasting is, you must also figure out which class of device you need - professional or amateur. This will allow you to deal with power and performance.
Sandblasting Production
The simplest option will be a sandblasting gun, which consists of two fittings and a handle with a tip. Before starting work, it is necessary to select a nozzle, an air stream with abrasive material will be supplied through it. This detail must be acquired, because independent turning does not make sense - you still can not achieve the desired quality.
What is sandblasting, it is already clear, however, for the independent manufacture of such a device, you need to become more familiar with the technology. It provides for the manufacture of a gun body for a nozzle. The fittings and the handle are connected to it. The easiest solution is to use plumbing fittings, a plastic bottle and a tee. You will also need a compressor, a compressed air stream should be brought from it to the gun.
About the sandblasting chamber
If sandblasting is done with your own hands, it is important to take care of the camera. While working on impressive areas, the abrasive is consumed quite quickly, its main volume scatters. In order to achieve high efficiency, you should use a camera.It will look like a metal box, which is sheathed with steel sheets.
This design is great for processing small workpieces. Making a camera with your own hands is quite difficult, but quite real. The design should be placed on the table. A sight glass should be installed on one of the long sides of the camera. The front design should have two openings for the hands. The bottom has the form of a wire grid. A gutter should be placed under it, consumables that have already been exhausted will come out through it. Inside is a gun. It is necessary to bring lighting to the camera. It is important to supplement it with a ventilation system.
Sandblasting pressure type
If you wondered how to make a sandblast, then you should also consider the technology with which you can make a pressure head device. To do this, you need a metal barrel, in which you need to cut the bottom. A cone is installed inside. The shutter with a tee is located in the lower part. The hose from the compressor and the sleeve should be connected to the tee, the last of which will have nozzles.
About sandblasting nozzles
The nozzle for sandblasting can be made of several parts, among them it should be highlighted:
- nozzle;
- reinforced hose;
- trigger;
- dispenser.
In addition, you should also purchase a ceramic nozzle. This is true for the case when you plan to use the device constantly. Due to frequent operation, the metal analogue can quickly become unusable, but the ceramic one is ready to last much longer. Now turn to the nozzle. It is the basis of the nozzle for any sandblast. As mentioned above, it is difficult to make it yourself, but if you decide to do it, you should choose a metal rod. Its diameter should be 15 mm or more. It is necessary to saw an element from the middle. To do this will be problematic, which is why experts recommend purchasing ready-made nozzles, because the work of the nozzle will depend on the quality of the components.
If you have a question about how to make a sandblast with your own hands, then you should pay special attention to the hose. One should be selected whose length is 2 m or more. This unit must be reinforced, which is explained by the fact that the abrasive material can quickly damage a regular hose. A dispenser is needed for economical material consumption.
Some nozzle models are sold with the trigger. Nozzle assembly should be carried out using a special technology. At the first stage, the metal or ceramic nozzle must be fixed to the nozzle using a thread. On the other hand, there is a hose, it is necessary to apply a fitting and a clamp for this. The ceramic nozzle must be supplemented with a dispenser, it is installed on the end. It is important to ensure the tightness of all joints of parts. Excellent results can be achieved with the fum tape.
Abrasive choice
Sand for sandblasting is not necessary to purchase if you plan to clean the material. For all other cases, the purchase of abrasive material is required. When choosing consumables, the shape of the grain, its size and hardness of the material should be taken into account.
Compressor selection
Before starting work, it is important to purchase a compressor for sandblasting. At this stage, it is necessary to build on the technical characteristics of the future device. If you plan to use the unit in a small car service or a small workshop, you should purchase a piston type of compressor, the performance of which can reach 1 m3/ min In this case, it is recommended to give preference to a portable compressor. It is important to consider the presence of a compressed air dryer and filters so that excess moisture and oil do not enter the abrasive.
When it is planned to use sandblasting on an industrial scale, you should pay attention to compressors with a capacity of up to 5 m3/ min, while a pressure of 10 bar is desirable. The best option in this case is a screw compressor. Such units are usually supplemented by air filtration systems and a desiccant, with which you can achieve the removal of moisture and oils from the consumable.
Sandblasting plants are multifunctional, so using them you can not only clean surfaces, but also engrave glass. The entire surface for this is glued with a self-adhesive film. Next, you will draw a drawing, which is then cut out. The image is processed by a sandblasting machine, and after the work is completed, it is necessary to remove the film. The image is bright and clear, in addition, the master will be able to adjust the depth of the engraving by applying sand several times.
A self-made sandblasting unit can become an indispensable assistant in everyday life, because with it you can clean the metal before painting, degrease it, as well as parts that will have to be finished at the next stage.