What is general basic education? Let us dwell on this issue in more detail. After the introduction of new educational standards in Russian schools, the basic educational program of primary general education has changed significantly.
It is implemented through lesson and extracurricular activities. The lessons are aimed at the formation of culture, civil, spiritual, moral, intellectual and individual development of students. Extracurricular activities contribute to self-development, self-improvement of the younger generation, the development of creative, physical abilities, strengthening and maintaining the health of schoolchildren.
Content Features
Arguing about what a general basic education is, it is necessary to dwell on its structure. GEF has certain requirements for the organization of lesson and extracurricular work in the educational institution.
The main educational program of basic general education consists of three sections:
- goals
- content;
- the organization
Goal setting
The basic program of primary general education contains detailed information on how to achieve the tasks set by the teacher.
The target section indicates the significance of the material, the expected results, as well as a system for assessing the main achievements of students.
Content part
Analyzing what a general basic education is, we note that the content indicates educational programs that are focused on the achievement of subject, individual, intersubject UD. In this section, there should be a program for the development of ECS at the level of general basic education, which includes the development of competencies of students in the field of information and communication technologies, design, as well as research work of the younger generation.
The content should also include programs for specific subjects, electives and electives, including integrated courses and programs for the socialization and education of students.
Among the areas noted in the substantive part, there should be socialization, professional, moral, spiritual education and development of the younger generation, education of a caring attitude to wildlife, skills of safe behavior, healthy lifestyle.
In the content of primary general education, basic general education, not only the general framework for the organization of the learning process, but also the implementation mechanism is noted. The organizational section includes the following components:
- curriculum of general major programs;
- the totality of the program's capabilities within the framework of the requirements of GEF
Important aspects
The compulsory part of the main educational program of general basic education should be at least 70 percent. The component that is formed by the subjects of the training and education process does not exceed 30% of the total volume. To ensure the individual needs of students in the framework of training in educational institutions, various courses are envisaged to ensure different interests of students, including ethnocultural needs.
Secondary general and basic general education as part of the innovations taking place in domestic education, involves the organization of high-quality and diverse extracurricular activities.
The program is being implemented by the educational institution itself.If the school does not have the opportunity to carry out extracurricular activities, according to the municipal task formed by the founder, centers for additional education of children, sports, cultural and leisure organizations are involved.
What is an explanatory note
It reflects the goals and objectives of the educational main program, which are specified in accordance with the requirements of the new educational standards for the results of mastering by students of individual educational disciplines. Also in the explanatory note include the approaches and principles of the teacher.
The planned results indicate the relationship and interdependence between the requirements that are indicated in the new educational standards and the assessment system. They should become a criteria and substantive basis for thinking through work programs for individual academic disciplines, selection of educational and methodical literature, course programs, additional extracurricular activities of a meta-subject orientation, educational programs.
Analyzing what a general basic education is, we note that students ’UUD is determined after completing a course of study in certain academic disciplines.
Features assessment UUD
The system should determine the directions and goals of the assessment activity, which is focused on managing the quality of education, characterize the content and description of the criteria, procedures, composition of assessment tools, forms of presentation of results, boundaries and conditions of use of the assessment system.
The boundaries and conditions of its use must be indicated. When developing the program, the focus on moral and spiritual education and development of students, the implementation of the requirements for the main results of the program of general basic education is taken into account.
The grading system should guarantee a comprehensive approach to the analysis by teachers of learning outcomes in specific academic disciplines, and help assess the dynamics of individual development of each student.
Such a system provides for the application of various forms and methods of work, a combination of oral and written works, projects, practical and creative works, self-esteem and introspection.
The importance of modern educational systems
It is aimed at the full implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for meta-subject and personal results of the development of the educational main program of the LLC, a systematic and active approach to the upbringing and education of the younger generation.
The program should provide the following parameters:
- to develop students' desire for self-improvement and self-development;
- to form personal semantic and value attitudes and guidelines, regulatory, cognitive skills and abilities;
- to formulate the experience of transferring and using acquired learning activities in real life situations to solve the tasks of cognitive and personal development of students;
- to increase the effectiveness of students learning knowledge and UUD;
- to form competencies and competencies in subject areas, design and educational research activities
To summarize
Modern general education is aimed at developing independent work skills among the younger generation of Russians. Participation in creative contests, olympiads, scientific societies, practical conferences, olympiads, national educational programs contributes to the socialization of students.
The modernization of the educational part of the program contributed to the formation and development of students' competence in the field of application of information and communication technologies, including ICT ownership, information search and processing, and the safe use of information and communication technologies.