
What is the nomenclature of affairs and what is it for? Clerical work

How to arrange things in folders? Why is nomenclature needed and what is generally accepted to mean by this term? How to store files, folders, and how else can you organize documentation at the enterprise? Currently, office work is such a complex of tasks that requires a systematic approach and utmost accuracy. About what the nomenclature of affairs is and what it is intended for, should know not only the employees responsible for the workflow within the company, but also all the management personnel interested in maintaining control over the organization’s work processes.

what is the nomenclature of affairs

General terminology

Considering what the nomenclature of cases is, it is necessary first of all to note that this term is used to denote such a systematization method, which involves the formation of a list of cases instituted within the enterprise and institution. For each of them, storage periods are clearly prescribed, while focusing on the rules entered into force by the current laws of our country.

Theory and Daily Life

What is the nomenclature of cases in practical application? This is such a distribution scheme that helps to group executed documentation, thus creating cases. To do this, the company approved the scheme, classification, then applied in practice. An index index is also introduced for cases, documents. You must specify the duration of storage and determine the design of the card index, used as reference material and used to search for documentation from the number of unfulfilled. When answering the question of what the nomenclature of cases is, it should be noted that the term is used to designate such an accounting document, which regulates the work of departments responsible for clerical work, archives. The nomenclature clearly spells out all those cases, the storage duration is within a decade, that is, those belonging to the number of temporary storage documentation.

Why is this needed?

Who needs to know what the nomenclature of cases is, how to put it into practice? First of all, these are the persons responsible for organizing the workflow at the enterprise, as well as the head of the institution, legal entity. The nomenclature helps to quickly find the necessary document if the species or content is known. The quality of the formation, execution of the nomenclature of cases determines how quickly it will be possible to work with documentation within the walls of the institution. Currently, the fact of the availability of nomenclature is established as mandatory for any legal entity, whether it is an institution or organization, enterprise.

list of cases

At the state level, the Unified State Customs Service has been adopted - this is such a system that outlines the rules for maintaining documentation. In the annexes to it, you can find the currently relevant sample of the nomenclature of cases. In addition, such a single state systematic source of information has gathered all the provisions that need to be guided by the development and implementation of the nomenclature of cases for a year in an institution or enterprise.

Question Features

Currently, in office work, nomenclature is a complex concept that includes several types and groups of documentation. It is customary to talk about a typical, approximate, specific nomenclature.Individuals are usually introduced at the level of the institution as a whole and of a separate structural unit.

nomenclature of affairs for a year

Typical, exemplary nomenclature are called upon to combine documentation that is similar in nature and composition. The model also regulates the specific indexing system, which is used within a certain agency. It is necessary to apply such a list of case names. But the approximate one is advisory in nature, although in the general case it is reasonable and convenient to adhere to it, since it helps to streamline the entire volume of official papers accumulating in the company.

The system as the basis of order

Any modern enterprise needs to systematize the present documentation, and it is the nomenclature that represents such a classification guide that can solve the organization’s problems. This is a document where the names of all the affairs of the enterprise that can be started are indicated line by line. At the same time, it is clearly spelled out how long the paper needs to be stored. The nomenclature of accounting, personnel services, the enterprise as a whole must be approved by its head.

The main goals of introducing the nomenclature

Such an official paper simplifies the systematization of internal workflow. In fact, it is such a plan, which clearly spells out what algorithms should be used to distribute executed documents, and in what matters they should be placed. This forms the archive system of the enterprise and makes easier orientation among the accumulated paper resources.

nomenclature of accounting affairs

At the same time, the nomenclature of personnel affairs, accounting, as well as the general one for the enterprise, contain a clear definition of time intervals in relation to different categories of documentation. The structured system spells out exactly how much time to store documents arranged in a specific case. When creating a case using executed documents, you must immediately assume how long the shelf life will be. This stage is called the primary examination, which allows to identify the value of the documentation.

Index, system and basic information

The nomenclature of cases officially declares by which system it is necessary to index cases. This information is relevant for registration, since the index established by the nomenclature is an element of the registration number assigned to each individual document in the enterprise. The nomenclature is an informative reference that allows you to quickly analyze the structural features of a particular legal entity.

folder case

Documentation is used when it is necessary to create a case list. This is relevant for the storage of securities, which, by law, have a deadline of more than a decade, including permanent storage. This makes the nomenclature of cases the main accounting document used in the departments responsible for clerical work at the enterprise.

Accounting and further development

Often, the nomenclature of cases is the most convenient document through which the accounting system is implemented at the enterprise, which allows you to control temporary affairs, that is, intended for storage for a decade.

Another important purpose of the nomenclature of cases is its applicability in the formation of a reference card file, necessary to maintain relevant information on the executed documentation. The classification system used in the formation of the nomenclature becomes the basis for creating a file cabinet that provides reference information about the document flow within the organization.

What does it look like?

A sample nomenclature of cases may look as follows.

nomenclature of affairs sample

When preparing documentation, it is necessary to indicate your names of the enterprise, departments for which the nomenclature is entered, as well as current dates.

It is important!

Sometimes it seems to the entrepreneur that with a relatively small workflow, the introduction of nomenclature is just a mess, excessive “paperwork” that will not bring real benefits. This approach to the question is categorically incorrect. It is necessary to introduce the correct, suitable, taking into account the particular organization’s nomenclature in any modern company. When developing a document, it is necessary to ensure that it covers the entire volume of the enterprise’s workflow, including the stages of creation. It is necessary that all sectors of the company’s activities, processes and activity are reflected in the nomenclature.

nomenclature in office work

You can read the generally accepted requirements for the preparation of such a normative document in legal acts adopted at the state level. The rules of work introduced for the archives of companies, standard instructions governing the document circulation of enterprises are devoted to this. In 1988, a state system of documentation support was developed, which is still relevant today. Documents regularly adopted at the state level are being finalized taking into account the realities of our day, including the use of electronic computers, while the basic theories of systematization and classification remain the same.

Item Forms

In the classic version, this document is compiled as a table. Indexes, classifications become the basis for the registration processes of documentation generated within the enterprise, proceeding from it to external recipients and accepted for processing from external sources. A well-compiled nomenclature is a convenient tool for the formation of other classifiers that necessarily accompany the process of office work of any modern company. So, a preliminary review of the documentation often requires a classifier of issues, areas for discussion. Also, special classifiers are required for the executed documentation. When introducing an electronic system, it is necessary to develop navigators, representations that reflect different structural units and performers. Additionally, based on the nomenclature of cases, you can develop a system that allows you to organize the documentation subject to special control, as well as other types.

What is the nomenclature of affairs and what is it for

The nomenclature belongs to the category of planning documentation. In it you can find the headings of the cases proposed for planning, accounting in different directions of activity, economic activity of the enterprise. The functions assigned to the company are visible from the nomenclature. The document is prepared for the next year, so it is necessary to lay in it not only the available capabilities and needs of the workflow, but also those planned in the near future. It is desirable that when compiling the nomenclature it would be possible to fairly accurately predict the needs of the document management system at the enterprise for the next five years, although this is not always feasible in the current difficult economic conditions that force enterprises to adjust.

Reality and plan

In practical application, most often the nomenclature of cases is considered as accounting documentation, which is due to the presence of a number, an index for each heading listed. The final nomenclature record summarizing the results of the year allows us to conclude on the number and categories of cases instituted over the past period. You can also calculate, without making special efforts and without wasting time in vain, the number of cases, volumes, instituted over the past time. This gives a quantitative description of the documentary fund, the workflow system. The need for such an analysis arises both within the framework of a separate structural unit and the organization as a whole.

Nomenclature acting as accounting records can be used when files are transferred to the archive.This is true primarily for those intended for temporary storage - no more than a decade. The nomenclature also provides a convenient basis for the formation of an inventory, which includes cases intended for storage on an ongoing basis or temporary, if the period exceeds a decade. The nomenclature is convenient when an inventory of cases containing documentation on the personnel of the company is formed, as well as acts fixing the destruction of documents, the allocation of papers that do not need or cannot be stored.

The specifics of certain types of organizations

A compulsory measure will be the compilation of a nomenclature for any state institution. This document must be present in municipal, subordinate territorial legal entities. Such a mandatory procedure is due to the fact of the transfer of documentation generated in organizations, institutions for storage in the archives of the municipality or the federal level.

nomenclature of affairs personnel

If we are talking about a private organization, then the formation of the nomenclature is also necessary, but the requirements that apply to it are much less stringent. On the one hand, the document is also multifunctional - it does not depend on state participation in the company. It is recommended to develop a nomenclature at a time when a legal entity is just being created. During the takeover, merger, it is necessary to re-form such a system for document flow classification, if at the same time a new legal entity is formed. According to the rules, the development of the nomenclature is an extremely priority task, and it is necessary to work on it even before the formation of the instruction describing the rules of the workflow.

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