
What is cadastral registration? Definition, Description

Many of us are faced with the concept of cadastral registration, but few know what it is. Why is this procedure needed? Does everyone need it? What documents are needed? In fact, everything here is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. In addition, it is desirable for each owner of any real estate to know what exactly is cadastral registration. Let's take it in order.


This term should be known to anyone who has any of their real estate or land. It means a special procedure, the essence of which is to describe all parameters of the property. This is done by an authorized state body, which then enters the data into a special register.

Cadastral registration

The procedure itself is simple and applies to any type of real estate, including land. In some cases, cadastral registration is preceded by another operation - registration of ownership of the house.

What is the need for?

Let us now clarify not only what cadastral registration is, but also analyze the need for this procedure. It is worth noting that in the Russian Federation it is mandatory. Any real estate is unique and valuable not only for their owners, but also for the state. The need for the cadastral registration procedure is that it allows legally securing the right to use their property.

That is, when entering all the data of the object into the cadastre, the state acts as a witness, which confirms the legal right to use the property by its owner at its discretion. And in relation to land plots cadastral registration allows you to determine the amount of land tax.

In addition, cadastral registration is required due to the fact that without it it is impossible to carry out any real estate transaction. In other words, it will not work out completely to dispose of its apartment, house and other property without entering them into a single register. That is, without a clear understanding of what cadastral registration is, you cannot sell, donate, bequeath, make an exchange and conduct other transactions.

In addition, the need for this procedure is spelled out in the regulatory act - federal law under number 141. According to it, each acquired real estate property is subject to mandatory cadastral registration.

Inventory Procedures

Cadastral registration includes several basic procedures:

  • Registration.
  • Alteration.
  • Removal from the register.

Registration is only the beginning on the way to gaining the right to use their property. But without the appropriate certificate, it is impossible to conduct any real estate transactions. And to get it, you need a cadastral passport, which is issued only after the appropriate procedure. If there is no such certificate, then it is necessary to go through the cadastral registration of the house or any other property in any case.

Cadastral registration of real estate

Changes must be made after any structural alterations. And not only the real estate, this also applies to land. These include the redevelopment of the premises, the extension of another floor to a country cottage, changing the boundaries of the site. All this must be reflected in the relevant document.

As for deregistration, this procedure is carried out in case of destruction of real estate.For example, a house was demolished as planned or was badly damaged as a result of a natural disaster.

Primary inventory procedure

If a citizen applies to any state body in order to put the property on cadastral registration, he needs to write a statement. But this is only the beginning. In addition, for cadastral registration it is necessary to provide a package of documents, which should contain:

  • Identity card of the owner of the apartment, house, land or his passport.
  • Any document confirming ownership of real estate.
  • The technical plan of the room or structure.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty in the prescribed amount.

After delivery of the package of documents and registration, the applicant is presented with a cadastral passport upon presentation of an identity card or civil document. He is also given a special statement, which contains information regarding all changes that have occurred since the last account.

All these documents should be kept safe, as they will be needed for the subsequent procedure.

Secondary accounting

As practice shows, the procedure of secondary cadastral registration of real estate is much faster due to the provision of fewer documents.

Objects of cadastral registration

These include:

  • application for registration;
  • certificate of the owner of the property or his passport;
  • receipt of state duty.

Sometimes the applicant may be asked for additional documents that confirm the right to use real estate. These usually include a contract of sale or gift. Some owners provide an old cadastral passport, which you can not do.

Deregistration Procedure

Naturally, in order to remove any property from cadastral registration, it is necessary that it is already in the Unified State Register. The whole procedure is carried out similarly. Here you should also first apply in accordance with the established model to the state body. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the reason and the individual number of the object.

In addition, for cadastral registration, the application must be additionally supported by copies of a passport (identity card), certificate of ownership of real estate, a cadastral document, an act of inspection of the object.

The deregistration procedure is performed in the same way as the statement and takes a certain period of time. At the end of the term, the required document is handed out upon presentation of a passport or identity card.

What is subject to accounting

Many owners who are faced with the need for cadastral registration are wondering what exactly is subject to state registration? We all have this or that property, but not all of it is subject to inclusion in the cadastre.

Registration of cadastral registration

For example, is it necessary to register a dwelling? Accounting is necessary in case of ownership of the following property:

  • Plots of land, and in full, and not just shares.
  • Constructions, buildings, premises that are suitable for living or not.
  • Any objects whose construction has not yet been completed.
  • Apartments.
  • Structures underground.

In this connection, anyone who owns these objects should think about putting them on cadastral registration. This will allow you to quickly and easily find information about a particular property. After the cadastral registration procedure, each object is assigned its own individual number.

What do not need to register

It was described above which objects are subject to compulsory cadastral registration. Now let's touch on the fact that it is not subject to mandatory registration. Today, if the citizen listed below objects are owned, then you do not need to bring them into the inventory:

  • Subsoil plots.
  • Aircraft or ships.
  • Ships sailing.
  • Enterprises.

In addition, space objects can also be attributed here.

Whose Prerogative?

Who are responsible for cadastral registration of property? This is another issue that may worry many owners of different types of property. An application for registration can only be executed by authorized persons, since not everyone has this right.

According to the legislation, cadastral registration can be implemented by the following citizens:

  • Persons with the right to own a particular property.
  • Those who rent a living space.
  • Citizens with a lifetime right to inherit property.
  • Those persons who use real estate indefinitely.

In addition, a representative can also facilitate the process.

Cadastral registration of the site

However, he must have a corresponding power of attorney provided by the owner of the real estate and notarized. Also, heirs and those persons who transfer the right to use property can apply to the state registration authority.

Cadastral document

After the registration procedure, citizens are issued a special document called a cadastral passport. What is it and most importantly - what is it for? It stores all the information of the property, sent to the unified state register.

The importance of the cadastral registration document is very high, since its presence is required during certain operations with real estate. These may include:

  • Re-registration of ownership of secondary housing.
  • At the initial registration of ownership of real estate.
  • Carrying out redevelopment legally.
  • Probable litigation.
  • If necessary, prove your ownership of real estate.
  • In the course of checking how legally the owner owns the property entrusted to him.

Based on this, you can immediately understand how important the cadastral passport is, and what possible troubles can be avoided in the future.

Executive agency

Some owners who have recently received for use any property subject to cadastral registration have difficulties with where to turn. However, there should not be any difficulties.

Previously, only Rosreestr was engaged in cadastral registration of real estate. Now, several organizations are engaged in a similar issue. That is, if you have the appropriate package of documents, you can contact the following structures:

  • MFC;
  • registration chamber (at the place of residence).

As for the term for issuing the cadastral passport and the actual registration, the whole procedure does not take much time. However, if a citizen first appealed to the state body with a similar request, then some problems may arise. The secondary procedure or making changes is already faster.

Dates of cadastral registration

The second point that concerns almost all owners of any property is how long does the entire process of registration with the cadastral register take? In many respects, everything depends on which body will make such a request. Nevertheless, there is a common limitation for all state structures - and this is 18 days, no more.

Cadastral Records

This is how much it takes the entire period of registration of cadastral objects. At the same time, a more accurate period, in turn, depends on the degree of load of a particular organization.

When contacting the MFC, the time may increase by a day or two. Even with this in mind, in the end, expecting the coveted and necessary document is not as long as it might seem. In addition, as practice shows, when contacting multifunctional centers, the whole procedure is faster.

Issue price

For almost all owners of a property, it is important to know how much cadastral registration can cost.And, of course, this procedure is not completely free. And this is understandable and legal.

The cost of the procedure may diverge. So, individuals need to pay a state fee of 200 rubles. While for organizations it will amount to a large amount - 600 rubles. The services of BTI employees are even more expensive. Here, you will have to spend an average of 5,000 rubles to get documents. No other costs are foreseen.

Land Registry

The decision on cadastral registration of a land plot is a rare case, nevertheless it deserves special attention. The following factors serve as the basis for this procedure:

  • When a new plot of land appears.
  • When deregistered land.
  • The plot has acquired a new owner.
  • When selling land or donating.

The rest of the procedure for registering a land plot remains the same. That is, you need to have reason for this, provide the necessary package of documents, which has already been considered in the case of real estate. They need to be supported by a statement, and after completion it remains only to obtain a cadastral passport of the land plot from the state body.

Cadastral registration of the house

This is where it all ends. Registration on the cadastral registration of a land plot or any real estate object has practically no significant differences and difficulties.

What is cadastral registration? This is a procedure that gives you the full right to use your property as you want. And legally!

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