
What is Internet surfing and how to make money on it

Modern people are constantly thinking about how to make money. Some are looking for a part-time job or get a second job. And someone is thinking about making a profit on the Internet. Is it possible? Yes. Today, the Network offers a wide variety of ways to make a profit. For example, internet surfing. This is one of the first lessons a user gets to know when starting a career on the Web. What it is? How can I make money on internet surfing? How much money do surfers get? Where better to do this? Answers to all these questions can be found below. In fact, such work is not the most difficult. Even a schoolboy will cope with the task.


To begin with, you need to understand what Internet surfing is. As already mentioned, all novice users get acquainted with such work. This is the easiest and fastest method of making money on the web.Internet surfing

What is called internet surfing? This is browsing sites on the Internet. For example, reading posts on social networks or studying the news. Surfing can be both free and paid. If a person uses the browser for personal purposes and opens sites that are of interest to him, no money is required for this. For Internet surfing to bring money, you need to visit only specific pages designated by the customer.

Reality or myth

Some believe that you can’t earn on browsing sites. Who and why will pay for such services?

In fact, the work under study does exist. It serves as the main way to attract new visitors to certain pages. The creators of web resources are willing to pay both for traffic and for new customers.

The customer pays the advertiser. After that, the latter will pay labor to users who visited the ordered resource. Such a scheme is called an active advertising system. For users, the advantage lies in guarantees of money transfer, ease of withdrawal of funds. Advertisers with this kind of Internet surfing get a lot of employees, and customers get a huge number of visits.

How to become an Internet surfer

Mastering Internet surfing is not as difficult as it seems. To get started, you need to take only a few steps.make money on clicks


  1. Register in the CAP (Active Advertising System). These services will be described later.
  2. Open an online wallet to transfer funds. For example, in WebMoney. Most of the modern earning services on Internet surfing work precisely with WebMoney.

At this point, the preparation will be completed. How to make money on clicks? The essence of the work is to visit the proposed CAP sites. The system offers a variety of pages. The user follows a link, waits about 20-30 seconds (a counter with a countdown will appear on the service), enters a confirmation code or answers a simple question. After that, the system counts the visit and offers a new site. It is this option that is most common. It is called hand surfing. However, automatic page browsing is based on similar actions.

Types of surfing

Internet surfing is different. As mentioned earlier, manual and automatic page viewing are distinguished. Active advertising systems most often stop at the first option. It guarantees the viewing of services by real people.surfing internet earnings

What is the difference between automatic and manual surfing? In the second case, as already mentioned, you have to do everything yourself - switching to new resources, entering captcha (the answer to a simple question) and so on. Automatic Internet surfing does everything for the user. Pages themselves are viewed and replaced with new ones.

As a rule, manual surfing allows you to open more pages. The automatic version of the work is not so much. Therefore, some prefer to combine both options for earning.

How much do they earn

And how much can you earn on clicks? Testimonials from experienced users indicate that you won’t be able to get a lot of money in this way. Unless when working in several systems of active advertising. For a month, some manage to get 2-3 thousand rubles.

The fact is that one visit to the page does not pay too much. Usually, a user gets 1-2 kopecks for visiting a site. In some cases, the payment is higher. Nevertheless, no one will pay 5-10 rubles for the transition. To make good money on surfing, you have to browse thousands of pages daily.anonymous surfing the internet

Where to earn

And where exactly can you earn by browsing sites on the Internet? As already mentioned, modern users need to register in the active advertising system. There are so many similar services.

It is best to start surfing the Internet in Russia in the following systems:

  1. IPGold.ru. The service pays for manual surfing. The minimum amount for withdrawal is 10 rubles. Works with WebMoney.
  2. IPweb.ru. A site offering earnings not only on surfing, but also on reading letters. Minimum 10 cents.
  3. WMPublic.com. Quite an interesting system of active advertising. It allows you to earn not only on surfing, but also on simple tasks. There is no minimum amount for withdrawal.
  4. HitHost.ru. Pays for manual and automatic surfing. Minimum withdrawal is 40 cents. Payments are made to WebMoney.
  5. VipIP.ru. Anonymous surfing the Internet is possible thanks to this service. A great way to make money on manual and automatic viewing of sites. It works both through the site and through special programs. The minimum for withdrawal is 10 cents.

This is not a complete list of pages for earning on viewing pages on the Web. Nevertheless, they are especially popular. Some active advertising systems allow you to download special programs for surfing the Internet. With their help, you can not use the browser to make money. It is very convenient!


Now it’s clear how you can make money on Internet surfing. Such a method of earning does not bring a lot of money, but it is quite real. Monotonous work, which even an inexperienced user can master.internet surfing programs

It should be noted that there is a lot of deception on the Web. Some sites promise to make Internet surfing "gold mine", bringing a lot of money. But this is not so. As has already been emphasized, you won’t be able to earn much by viewing ads and sites.

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