
What is a home book, where to get it, where is it located and stored?

Having a residential property, you inevitably have to face the need to have a home book. The importance of the document is difficult to question. Indeed, for any real estate transaction, an extract from it is mandatory in the list of documents for registration. Where can I get a home book? What documents are needed to receive it. More about this later in the article.

Home Book

The house book as a document has legal force. It is issued only for residential premises that are owned. In fact, this is a book of registration of persons who have ever been registered at the address of the real estate or deregistered.

Thanks to her, in case of loss of a document confirming the place of registration, you can always prove the presence of the latter by receiving an extract from the book. Moreover, it does not matter whether it is permanent or temporary.

home book

What is contained in the document?

The house book comes in two forms. The difference is only in the orientation of the pages. The sheets themselves contain a table with a header, focusing on which, they enter information:

  1. Name of the person registered at the address of the real estate for which the house book is framed.
  2. Date of Birth.
  3. Date of registration.
  4. Registration expiration date.
  5. Name of identity document.
  6. Registration at the military registration and enlistment office.
  7. Form of ownership in the facility.
  8. Date of entry into ownership.
  9. The full address of the residential property.

It must be understood that not every person registered in the house book has the right to own real estate and does not even always retain the right to reside. For example, in the case of the sale or transfer of property to third parties legally. This document is important as a source of evidence of registration.

In order to get a home book, you need to contact the authority that has the right to issue or replace it. And where to get the house book, we will tell further.

where can I get a house book

What you need to get

Obtaining a home book may be associated with its loss, damage, or when the property changes in its form of ownership. To get this document, you need to know where to get the house book, or rather, who exactly issues it.

The body authorized for registration is the FMS, to which the property belongs at. In order to receive a document, you need to apply to the head of the service. Attached to it:

  • applicant's passport;
  • documents confirming ownership of real estate;
  • directly to the book itself.

The latter can be purchased in stores or in the FMS.

Who issues this document

The submitted documents are considered, after which the necessary pages of the home book are filled. Next, there is subsequent firmware and affixing the necessary seals.

where to get the house book for an apartment

In a situation where the book simply became unusable, you will have to submit to the FMS along with the new journal the one that needs to be replaced. And where to get a new home book, that is, how to arrange it? Today there is the opportunity to contact the MFC, which can save time, especially since you can get the finished package in the same place. The whole process takes five days.

However, the issue of this document is completely resolved by the FMS. It is also here that you can register those persons who plan to reside in the future at the address of the real estate on which the home book is framed. Thus, the documents submitted to the MFC are transferred to the FMS. This explains this period.

Property owners need to know what to submit and collect documents they must personally. It is also necessary when registering ownership of persons who do not have rights to it. In this case, it will be possible to write out a person only with his consent and in the presence or by a court decision.

House book on different real estate

It is necessary to distinguish between the issue of acquiring a home book and its design. That is, a place to get a home book might be:

  • typography;
  • stationery or specialty store;
  • FMS body.

This means that a sample book can simply be bought for a fee. But without the necessary marks of the registering authority, it does not become a legally significant document.

It is known that there are different types of real estate:

  • apartment in an apartment building;
  • a private house.

But, for example, when deciding where to get a house book for a house, one should not think that its appearance and structure changes greatly. In this case, the difference can be detected only in the entries made during document registration. That is, know that, if necessary, it is enough to buy a single form and submit it for registration.

where to get the house book

But it is important to note that the receipt of the document, depending on the situation, varies. So, if a house or apartment is bought in the secondary market, then the named document is transferred to the new owners. The latter must reissue it on themselves. But what to do when there is no such book, and real estate is a new building?

Where can I get a house book for a new house? In fact, not everything is so scary. All the necessary steps described earlier are also suitable for processing this important document when buying an apartment or house in the primary market.

Home Book as a Source of Important Information

The importance of having a home book is not only that due to it registration of citizens is carried out. It is also a source of information, which is reflected in the extract:

  1. A simple form that contains general information about registered persons at the current time. Such an extract is issued not only to the owner. It can also be obtained by persons registered in the house book.
  2. An expanded form that provides more complete information about who and when was registered on the living space. Based on what document did this happen, where did the tenant come from when he left. That is, it reflects complete information about all movements of persons ever registered in the property.

An extended statement, by the way, can only be obtained by the owner / owners or a trustee who is able to prove his authority by providing a notarized power of attorney.

where to get a home book for a passport

Such documents may be needed in cases:

  • purchase and sale of an object;
  • when giving;
  • for subsidies and benefits;
  • to confirm the registration of a person;
  • during divorce proceedings.

For this reason, the presence and validity of the home book is of great importance. So the owner in no case should make unauthorized entries and notes in it.

Extract: what you need to receive

How and where to get an extract from the house book? To get it, you can contact any branch of the IFC or the FMS with a package of documents, including:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • identity documents of registered persons;
  • legal documents and supporting documents;
  • if the statement is ordered by a trustee, then the power of attorney and his passport.
where to get a new home book

Recall that this document is valid for exactly a month. After the expiration of the term it needs to be updated. In fact, you have to get it all over again, with a new number and date. And specifying where to get an extract from the house book to the apartment, do not forget that its receipt is a paid service, the tariff for which depends on the region.

Some subtleties

Very often you may encounter a situation where, when receiving or replacing a passport, the FMS authorities require a home book.Be aware that this does not comply with the list of documents established by law.

Situations are different, and the requirement for such a document may be associated with problems when the owner does not want to provide it. Then the question of where to get the home book for obtaining a passport becomes especially acute and practically insoluble. Citizens receiving or changing their passport must understand the illegality of such a requirement.

Another thing is when you need to register in the property. And where to get a home book for registration? At the owner. Moreover, you still need to secure his consent and personal presence. And if there are several owners, then provide written consent from everyone.

That is, registration in real estate without a house book is simply impossible. After all, with this procedure, not only is a record made, but also the corresponding stamp in the passport is affixed.


It is very important that you keep your home book in a safe place. It should be located precisely with the owner of the dwelling. It is best to keep it together with the main documents confirming the ownership. However, do not panic when you discover its loss. The fact is that any entries in the house book are possible only with personal consent and in the presence of the owner.

where to get the house book for a new house

True, this does not mean that neglect of the document is permissible, since its restoration will be associated with additional costs of time and money. This question may be especially acute if there are several owners. That is, each of them will have to allocate a specific day, and even coordinate with the rest for going to the FMS or MFC.

Note that the design of the home book, whether it be on a new object or to replace an old or lost document, in the responsible authorities does not cost anything. There are also no fines for her loss and damage.

Little conclusion

Now you know where you can get the house book and what it is. We also talked about what is needed to complete the document. We hope that the information presented in the article was useful to you.

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