In any organization, sooner or later, that “happy” moment occurs when Rostekhnadzor employees appear and begin to conduct a scheduled audit. If you conduct your business in accordance with established rules and regulations, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. In any case, it will not be out of place to get information about what Rostekhnadzor checks during a scheduled audit and what is not the responsibility of this service. Additional information has never hurt anyone.
Rostekhnadzor structure
This service carries out its work at the federal level and is nothing more than an executive authority. The structure of the service includes several departments that deal with issues:
- finance;
- organizational and control activities;
- services and personnel;
- licensing activities;
- legal nature;
- protection of state secrets;
- cooperation between states;
- safe operation of nuclear installations;
- energy saving;
- safety in the oil and gas, mining and coal industries;
- supervision in construction and in general in industry.
Sometimes the inspection deals with issues that were previously within the competence of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. The territorial bodies of Rostekhnadzor include the following departments dealing with issues:
- transport activities;
- consumer protection;
- trade;
- epidemiology;
- ecology;
- sanitary condition.
On a note! The competence of the territorial bodies includes consideration of applications from legal entities and individuals, as well as monitoring the elimination of violations.
Powers of Rostekhnadzor
This service has a fairly broad authority. They include:
- first of all, consumer protection;
- monitoring compliance with the quality of services and rules for the sale of goods to the public;
- initiation of various analyzes and examinations;
- provision of appraisal reports of the activities of various organizations;
- monitoring organizations in terms of sanitary and epidemiological status.
Varieties of checks
Rostekhnadzor can conduct scheduled and unscheduled inspections throughout Russia and, in particular, in Moscow. This is clearly stated in the Law of the Russian Federation under the number 294-ФЗ (dated December 26, 2008). Scheduled audits are carried out according to the schedule no more than once every three years (Article 9, paragraph 2).
Grounds for unscheduled inspection:
- Any individual or legal entity can initiate such a check if an official appeal has been received from him asking him to investigate certain violations (for example, in the field of catering, trade, medicine, housing and communal services, and so on).
Important! If the person who applied to the state control body wishes to remain anonymous, then such a statement is not accepted for consideration, and it cannot serve as the basis for the appointment of an unscheduled audit.
- With the filing of the editorship of a program in the media.
- The expiration of the period provided to the legal entity or individual entrepreneur to eliminate previously identified violations.
- If there is a clear threat to the life and health of the population, the possibility of harming the environment and animals, emergencies of an emergency nature, as well as a threat to the country's security.
How does verification begin?
The audit begins with the fact that the inspector of Rostekhnadzor presents to the head of the organization his certificate (required with a photograph) and an order to conduct the audit, which clearly indicates the purpose of the audit. Important! The document, dated the day of the actual audit, must be certified without fail by the seal and signature of the head of the controlling service. The director of the organization has every right to prevent the inspector from entering the enterprise if the documents presented to him are not properly executed. Important! All auditors should be indicated on order.
What directly interests Rostekhnadzor employees
During a routine inspection, service inspectors must verify:
- The presence of a license to carry out certain activities, as well as TIN and Charter of a company or organization.
- Documentation Check the availability and correctness of execution of employment contracts with employees of the enterprise, diplomas and certificates of their education, as well as medical books of employees. In addition, either a lease agreement for the premises in which the activity is carried out or a document confirming the ownership of the occupied space must be presented.
- The presence of a company sign and consumer corner.
- How correctly and accurately designed the price tags for all goods.
- Availability of information on manufacturers and expiration dates of the products presented, as well as excise stamps, certificates and licenses.
- Price list for all services that a company or organization provides.
- Cash register work.
- How correctly filled out the audit logbook of inspections carried out within the company.
As we see from the above, the list of what Rostekhnadzor checks during a scheduled audit is not so small.
What actions are not within the competence of Rostekhnadzor
Oddly enough, there are restrictions of a certain nature in the work of Rostekhnadzor. The employees of this service are not entitled to:
- Begin and continue the audit without the presence of the head of the company or an employee who, on a temporary basis, acts as director.
- To take samples for further examination without drawing up relevant documents.
- To study the submitted documents longer than the time allotted by the legislation of Russia.
- Provide third parties with information obtained during the audit.
- Make demands that have nothing to do with the operation of this service.
- Examine products that have no relation to verification.
- Stop the organization during control events (for example, shops or various catering establishments).
- Conduct test purchases.
Important! There are no clear explanations in the legislation regarding these actions. If the inspector of Rostekhnadzor makes such a purchase, then the fact of its completion must be recorded by representatives of the audited company or organization. In the future, based on this document, it is possible to prove the violation of the law.
Now there is a full understanding of what Rostekhnadzor checks during scheduled inspections and what is not within its competence. Everything is very simple.
The final stage of verification
Based on the results of the audit, the employee of the inspecting service draws up an act, which indicates all the violations detected, the procedure for their correction, the time and penalties. Inspection reports of Rostekhnadzor are mandatory drawn up in two copies: one is left in the supervisory service, and the other is transferred to the head of the organization.
On a note! If at the request of the inspector all the documents of interest were provided, but at the same time he was not allowed to enter the enterprise, then the organization is unlikely to do without an administrative fine. Moreover, the amount can be up to 2000 rubles for the director and up to 1000 rubles for each of the employees.Each company should have a journal in which all revisions are recorded: the dates of their conduct, who carried out the audit (that is, data on the monitoring service and the specific name of the inspecting inspector), its goals and identified violations.
On a note! Having such a document in hand, the director of any enterprise can easily prove the fact of the audit.
Additional powers of the inspector of Rostekhnadzor
After completing the inspection and drawing up the act, the inspector of Rostekhnadzor has the full right to:
- Transfer information about the audit and its results to other monitoring services (for example, to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station).
- Submit verification materials to the internal affairs bodies.
- To convey to citizens through the media the fact of such an inspection and its results.
Validation Dates
Naturally, the inspection deadlines of Rostekhnadzor cannot be extended “ad infinitum”. The maximum inspection can last for one month.
On a note! In some exceptional cases, when the inspector has very good arguments for extending the control event, the deadlines may be extended by another month.
What the Rostekhnadzor on energy conservation checks
In accordance with Federal Law No. 261-ФЗ (dated November 23, 2009, as amended on July 13, 2015), Rostekhnadzor (namely, the Federal Service for Technological, Environmental and Nuclear Supervision) carries out energy saving audits. If the organization does not fall under the energy audit (that is, the energy turnover is less than 10 million, the enterprise is not municipal, and the building is leased), then they monitor compliance with the extent to which the owner of the structure meets the requirements for increasing energy efficiency and equipping the energy plants with metering devices.
Verification of an educational institution
It is generally accepted that the Federal Service for Technological, Environmental and Nuclear Supervision (that is, Rostekhnadzor) mainly controls the work of organizations in the field of construction, industry and energy. But this is an erroneous opinion. Employees of Rostekhnadzor can “drop in” at any budget institution, for example, a school or institute.
What does Rostekhnadzor check in an educational institution:
- Strict compliance with the requirements and regulations for the maintenance and operation of electric and heat networks and installations, equipment (training this also applies), which is an increased danger.
- Supervises the construction work that the institution can carry out (for example, the construction of new buildings or the reconstruction of old ones).
- Assess the technical condition of a variety of lifting equipment (such as elevators).
Checking gas stations
What does Rostekhnadzor check at gas stations? First of all, compliance with the rules and regulations of licensing. The fact is that gas stations, which began their work 3-4 years ago, basically have in their arsenal all the necessary documents and acts of inspections and commissioning. But at the stations, which began to operate much earlier (40-50 years ago), such an examination was not carried out. Therefore, in accordance with the Regulation on compulsory licensing of production facilities, which are characterized by increased explosion hazard, throughout the territory of Russia and, in particular, in Moscow, Rostekhnadzor inspects all gas stations. In addition to these activities, service employees are involved in issues related to the sale of fuel (for example, checking the availability of checks, cash registers) and its quality.
We hope that now there is complete clarity on the question of what Rostekhnadzor is checking during a scheduled audit.And so that the actions of the inspectors of this service do not become a shock, the head of the organization must be aware of the rights and obligations of his company, issues within the competence of the inspection services, as well as the availability of necessary documents, certificates and sanitary books from his employees.