
What can not be imported into Russia? Rules for the import of goods into Russia

Traveling brings a lot of positive emotions. Moreover, regardless of what purpose you are traveling for: for work or for relaxation. And how often you want to bring home some kind of souvenir, an unusual product and delicious products. But how often during customs inspection there are serious difficulties with the import of such goods into the territory of the Russian Federation. As a rule, such misunderstandings happen to those who have not been prepared, have not figured out in advance what restrictions are currently relevant for a particular product. Sometimes it is quite difficult to do it yourself. This article is written just to help you cope with this difficult task. So, it is important to understand what can not be imported into Russia? Why do I need additional permissions? How is alcohol imported to Russia regulated? Detailed explanations for individual countries will be provided later in this article.

what can not be imported to Russia

General rules for import

Before you find out that you can’t import into Russia, you need to figure out what exactly the current legislation provides with regard to general import rules. So, for the movement of various groups of products for the purpose of further personal use through customs of the Russian Federation by individuals, there is the following simplified preferential procedure:

  • Such a traveler does not have to pay any customs duties or taxes. This group of individuals applies flat fee rates. This allows individuals to save time and money.
  • Such transportation is not limited to quotas and other prohibitions of an economic nature.
  • Carrying out this kind of import to Russia, the traveler is not required to present a Certificate of Conformity.
  • Customs clearance is carried out in a significantly simplified manner.

import to Russia

Declaration of goods

What items or goods imported into Russia are required to declare the customs of the Russian Federation? Among them are the following:

  • various cultural values ​​(including artistic ones);
  • precious metals, as well as stones, regardless of their current appearance or condition (an exception can only be jewelry or any personal items of personal use);
  • a variety of ammunition, as well as any kind of weapon, explosive or radioactive substances;
  • potent drugs, psychotropic drugs, as well as narcotic substances;
  • poisons
  • radio receivers or radio transmitting devices that operate at frequencies from nine kHz.

However, with regard to the importation of works of art, it is still possible to implement it. For this, they will need to be declared, and then registered with the Ministry of Culture.

Prohibited Items

There is a whole list of what can not be imported into Russia. First of all, bans relate to food products, such as milk and derivatives, meat, fish, seafood, even a number of fruits and vegetables. Now, legally, it is impossible to import seeds for planting, potatoes. The customs of the Russian Federation carefully monitors the implementation of the bans under review. Those who try to violate the rules in question are facing a substantial fine. Interestingly, to illustrate how widespread the ban is, you can use a simple example. It has become impossible to bring into the Russian Federation the beloved by many foreign cheese.Based on the information presented above, cheese can be attributed to dairy products. Therefore, it is included in the list of products prohibited for import. The decision on the embargo is equally relevant for absolutely all categories of citizens. Products that are seized from violators are destroyed by Rosselkhoznadzor.

import of alcohol to Russia

European Union countries

What can not be imported into Russia from Germany and the entire European Union as a whole? The answer is simple: the same products that were discussed above. However, some are encouraged by the reservation that takes place in the legislative act, on which the prohibitions under consideration are based. So, it says that the restrictions do not apply to those goods that were imported exclusively for personal use. At the same time, not only sanctions are subject to seizure, but any products imported in violation of these rules. An individual can freely bring with him no more than five kilograms of products of a certain category. All other cases must be individually agreed with Rosselkhoznadzor.


So, what can not be imported into Russia from Finland? Everything is quite simple here. Previously, the same restrictions applied to imports to Russia from this state that were previously discussed in this article. However, later some products were deleted from the list of prohibited. Among them are the following:

  • peas;
  • vitamins;
  • lactose-free milk;
  • sweet corn;
  • Dietary supplements;
  • salmon fry;
  • milk products;
  • trout fry.

If you need goods only for personal use, problems with their import should not arise. Finished products (food) can be no more than five kilograms. In total, 50 kilograms of various goods can be imported into the Russian Federation duty free.

So, what is it that an individual cannot transport across the border? Livestock products cannot be imported (raw). What is included in this category? Fish and meat without factory packaging, as well as draft milk.

Also, one should not try to smuggle some products of plant origin across the border. Among them are the following:

  • fruits;
  • cereals;
  • berries;
  • vegetables (both fresh and dried);
  • nuts
  • mushrooms qualitatively cleaned from the soil (both fresh and chilled).

Dried mushrooms can be imported without restrictions.

For coffee (both ground and roasted grains), prohibitions do not apply.

For example, returning to Russia from Finland, a traveler can bring with him only five kilograms of vegetables and only five kilograms of fish or meat (required in the factory packaging).

customs of rf


We will understand that it is impossible to import into Russia from Ukraine. The following will be a detailed list of prohibited goods:

  • confectionery, sweets ("AVK", "KONTI", "Roshen");
  • pork;
  • potatoes;
  • baby food;
  • fruit juices;
  • canned foods of various types (vegetable, fruit, fish);
  • the import of alcohol into Russia from Ukraine of the Obolon, Ukrainian Distribution Company, and San InbevUkraine brands is also prohibited;
  • cheese products;
  • milk and all related products;
  • soya beans;
  • corn grits;
  • meal;
  • sunflower.

what can not be imported into Russia from Belarus


What can not be imported into Russia from Vietnam? And what will not go beyond the borders of this state? It is forbidden to export gems and any jewelry that contains them. Only 300 grams of precious metals can be removed without hindrance. For more, you will need a special permit issued by the National Vietnamese Bank. Similarly, special certificates are needed in order to take out works of art or antiques (we are talking about manuscripts, paintings, historical documents and similar things).

What other goods can you not export from Vietnam and bring to the Russian Federation? This group of products includes weapons.And we are talking about absolutely all of its types, including souvenir products. The government of the country in question is extremely strict about the transportation of goods of this kind, so travelers are carefully examined and confiscated prohibited. Also, restrictions apply to the export of exotic plants. A significant part of the flora growing in Vietnam is endemic. This means that such plants can only be found on the territory of the state in question. The government of the country carefully takes care of its natural resources.

Materials that have pornographic content or contain calls for anti-government actions cannot cross the border. However, this rule is standard for most cases, as is the following: it is forbidden to transport narcotic substances.

The following items prohibited for transportation across the border are highlighted in a separate list, namely:

  • corals
  • bird nests;
  • stuffed turtle;
  • stuffed scorpions;
  • the eggs of those birds and animals that the law considers to be rare;
  • stuffed lizards;
  • stuffed insects and crustaceans.

It is strongly discouraged to ignore the above rules for importing into Russia. Indeed, even a small coral process can cost the traveler unexpectedly expensive, because in this case a fine of five hundred dollars is imposed.

 What can not be imported into Russia from Vietnam


So, what can not be imported into Russia from Thailand? The first thing that is usually remembered in this context is the unusual durian fruit. All other fruits can be transported freely, but only in the luggage compartment and carefully packed.

You can bring only small Buddha figurines from Thailand without hindrance. Typically, the size limit is thirteen centimeters. It is only about souvenirs that have no antique value. If the image is larger than the specified size, it is already prohibited to export it. The same applies to Bodhisattva figurines and monastic alms bowls. Such export can only be carried out by a worshiper of the Buddha cult. And he must have good reasons for this, for example, scientific research or cultural exchange events. Such travelers must obtain a special license from the Department of Fine Arts.

As for jewelry, the following cannot be exported from Thailand:

  • antiques;
  • gold bullion;
  • stamps;
  • raw gems;
  • works of art;
  • jewelry made of platinum.

An exception can only be the case when the tourist has a special permit for the implementation of such actions. However, it is extremely difficult to get it - for this it is necessary to have good reason.

Untreated corals must not be taken out. Whereas souvenirs or jewelry made from them are no longer on the list of goods prohibited for export.

For personal use, goods made of stingray, crocodile or snake leather can be transported. This is legal and problems at customs, as a rule, do not arise. An exception can only be a situation where the volume of transported can be regarded as a small wholesale.

A tourist can export stuffed animals only subject to the availability of special legalized certificates.

Do not transport abroad and products made from ivory. And buying and exporting souvenirs from their tortoise shell is completely illegal.

But with regard to butterflies, the situation is somewhat more favorable. So, only a few species of Lepidoptera, therefore, the vast majority of souvenirs, which include dried butterflies or beetles, can be transported freely.

What are the restrictions on the export of plants and animals? Those representatives of Thai nature that are legally regarded as rare, endangered or endangered cannot be transported across the border. If you want to take out a plant or that part of it that has the ability to grow, you will need special permits. That is why orchids are the type of flower that is most often exported from Thailand. This is due to the fact that they are usually sold without a root in an already cut form, which does not cause customs officials any questions.


The rules for importing goods into Russia from this state are somewhat different from those described above. This is due to the fact that Belarus is a member of the Customs Union. Accordingly, the import of goods is regulated by specialized regulatory legal acts. So, for example, the standard requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation regarding how and which goods that were imported from abroad are subject to value added tax do not apply to goods imported from the state under consideration. In this case, the process is governed by another legal act.

So, what can not be imported into Russia from Belarus?

  • Dairy products (in particular, cheeses of some manufacturers).
  • Beef and related offal.
  • Poultry meat.
  • Pork (as well as directly whole pigs), offal and genetic material of this animal, feed and accompanying products.
  • There are restrictions on the import of finished meat products.

what can not be imported into Russia from Germany


Before deciding to purchase something abroad, in order to subsequently bring it to your home, it is important to research some information regarding the legality of your intentions. Although citizens do not always understand the restrictions and prohibitions established by authorized bodies, it is necessary to realize that there are always good reasons for them that are worthy of our acceptance and respect. After reading this article, you can already independently navigate what is legally imported into the territory of the Russian Federation, and what should be avoided. Adhering to the simple rules described above, you can travel without additional obstacles and unnecessary waste of emotional strength.

Follow the laws of your state, travel wisely. And let your purchases bring you exclusively joy.

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