
What to do if an error record is in the work book?

Different situations happen, and even experienced specialists sometimes inattentively make mistakes in the documentation. If the record is incorrect in the workbook, it should be corrected as soon as possible. And it is better if this is done by the employer who allowed it.

Legal regulation

The work book form is considered an important document, because it not only takes into account seniority, but also helps in calculating the pension. Therefore, if the correction of entries in the workbook made by mistake was not made in a timely manner, then the employee may have big problems with pension calculations.

Therefore, before filling out the labor, you need to check all the data. And also comply with the legal regulations of the relevant documents. These include:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (namely, Article 66).
  • Federal Law No. 225, which establishes the rules for maintaining, storing and filling out labor forms.
  • Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 69, which approved the instructions for the correct completion of the document.

So, what to do if the entry is mistakenly entered in the work book? A sample of correction and correct data is presented in the photo below.

if there is an erroneous entry in the workbook

We will talk about the procedure in more detail below.

Who makes corrections

Not every employee can correct mistakes in labor. It is prohibited to make any entries and corrections in the document without authority and a specific reason. If the employee found in his labor error, then it can be corrected both at the new job, and at the one where it was committed.

Correct erroneous entries can be either the head of the organization or an authorized person (usually a specialist in the personnel department, accountant or secretary). In order for an authorized employee to do this, an order must be drawn up on him, giving him the right to make entries in the work book and, accordingly, correct it if the work book is mistaken.

If the employer is an individual, then he has no right to conduct labor, let alone make amendments to them.

If an error is found

Usually erroneous records are found by HR employees when they take an employee to a new job. It happens, and retiring workers may find a mistake.

Typical errors include:

  • Incorrect data on the title page;
  • Incorrect dates or serial numbers for records;
  • erroneous details of the base document;
  • Incorrect information about hiring, dismissal, transfer or awards.

If the entry in the workbook is mistakenly entered, the employee needs to submit those documents that refute the written. Such documents include: passport, information about education, documents on marriage or its dissolution, orders of various nature, as well as some documents from previous places of work (where mistakes were made).

If the organization that made the erroneous entry was liquidated, you need to contact the archive of the city where the company was registered.

The following shows how to correct an erroneous entry in the workbook. The sample allows you to more clearly understand what the essence of the procedure is.

how to fix an erroneous entry in the workbook

General rules

Erroneous entries, if found in the section on work or awards, cannot be crossed out, cleaned or corrected. Legislation permits only to indicate that a particular record is invalid and the correct information should be indicated next.

Strikethrough or addition is permissible only on the title page. Incorrect information is crossed out with one line and the actual information is written above the incorrect record.At the same time, documents on the basis of which corrections are made should be indicated on the cover of the form. Words are forbidden to cut.

You can write in the workbook (including correction) with a blue or black gel pen. Such inks are resistant to light and do not fade with time.

Cover page error

In frequent cases, the title page contains additions, not amendments. But still, how to fix an erroneous entry in the work book if it is made on the title page?

To begin with, it is worth saying that during the initial execution of the document there should be no corrections or adjustments. If an error occurs, then a special act of cancellation is drawn up on such a form of labor, and the document is destroyed, and a new book is created for the employee. You can attach the number of the damaged form to the act, which is cut out before the document is destroyed. Money for a spoiled workbook is not charged to the employee.

As already mentioned, on the cover page the old (incorrect) data is crossed out with one line, and the specialist indicates relevant information from above. On the cover of the document must be written documents of the basis. It is important that the previous data is legibly written. In addition, the authorized person is strictly forbidden to make changes only from the words of the owner of the work book.

The documents that are the basis for the amendment include:

  • Russian passport
  • marriage / divorce certificate;
  • education diploma number, etc.

The line on the title page, which indicates information about education, is not subject to correction. It can only be supplemented. If a specialist receives additional education during his / her seniority, the data is simply entered as a continuation after the specified information. If the employee does not have any special education, the line remains empty. If the education is not completed at the time of receiving the job, the authorized person must write down the "incomplete higher education", and after graduation, add the line.

If the entry was made erroneously in the work book on the main page, it is directly corrected by the employer who currently works for this employee. After correcting and indicating the underlying document, the employer must sign and seal the organization.

Section 30 in the rules of labor prohibits: to cover up, cross out, fake incorrect entries not only on the title page, but also in other sections.

Here's how to fix an erroneous entry in the workbook. A sample of entering the correct information is presented in the picture below.

correct erroneous entry in the workbook sample

Invalid Date

Inattention when filling out a work book in writing dates can cost an employee big problems with a pension fund when it comes time to deal with calculating a pension. Therefore, not only the personnel employee, but also the employee himself must carefully check all the specified information.

If an erroneous record was found in the workbook when indicating dates, you must:

  1. An employee should write a statement addressed to the head with a request to correct incorrect information.
  2. The director must issue an order (a document is assigned a number) about the need to correct the erroneous record.
  3. A personnel officer or authorized person makes a correction confirming the invalidity of a particular record.
  4. The correct date is set, the order number is indicated, on the basis of which adjustments are made.
  5. The details of the employee making the change, his signature and seal of the organization should be indicated.

correction of entries in the workbook entered erroneously

If an error occurred in the date of birth, then incorrect information is crossed out with a single line, and the correct date is written on top. On the cover you need to indicate the series, passport number of the employee.

Invalid document details

One of the important columns is the one where the details of documents are indicated, which are the basis for hiring, dismissal and other actions related to work.

In basic cases, all information is entered on the basis of a particular order. The procedure for entering information about the document is one and it remains unchanged: document name, date, document number. The big mistake is to change the established order.

If you need to change the entry in the information about the work due to an error in the information about the order, then the entire entry is duplicated, and the last column is registered without an error.

In the event that an error is made in the order itself, then in the last column the details of the document that cancels the previous order should be recorded.

Below is a sample of an erroneous entry in the workbook in the column of the base document.

the entry was mistakenly entered into the sample workbook

Information about admission, transfers, dismissal, awards

Clause 30 of the rules on the maintenance and storage of work books strictly forbids covering up, striking out or forging erroneous as well as incorrect entries in any section of the document. Any of the invalid entries is invalidated and the actual information is indicated. If the workbook has an erroneous record, you need to do the following:

  1. The first column should indicate the number in the order that follows the last entry.
  2. The second column is the current date.
  3. In the third column, you need to indicate which record is invalid (indicating the serial number of the record) and write the correct information.
  4. In the fourth column indicate the number of the document, which is the basis for correcting an erroneous record (usually this is an order).

If the order was first issued and then canceled, you must specify the number of the document that cancels it.

This alteration algorithm applies to both hiring records and dismissal or award information.

It is also necessary to correct those records that are recognized by the court as invalid. In this case, the fourth column must indicate the document on the basis of which the previous wording is considered invalid. At the same time, the employee must be reinstated in the workplace not only in the documents of the organization, but also in the work book (there must be a corresponding record on this subject). An erroneous entry in the work book of dismissal involves a reference to an order or instruction of the employer.

In the latter case, the employee may ask the employer to make him a duplicate of the work book without indicating an erroneous record of dismissal. This is regulated by paragraph 33 of the Rules.

What is the correction of erroneous entries in the workbook, when the employee must be reinstated at work, clearly demonstrates the photo below.

 erroneous entry in the employment record of dismissal

Organization Name Changed

Sometimes there are situations when an employee does not have a record of a change in the name of the organization in which he worked. In the future, this can create a lot of problems in calculating the pension, and it will also require documentary evidence that the citizen worked in a particular organization and quit it (after changing the form or name).

Given all of the above, information about the renaming of the company should be made immediately after registration of this fact. This should be written in the workbook in a special way:

  • in the first and second columns, you do not need to write anything;
  • in the third column should indicate the new name of the organization (or indicate the changed organizational and legal form);
  • in the fourth column should be indicated the document, which is the basis for changing the name or legal form of the enterprise (name, number, date).

correction of an erroneous entry in the workbook sample

Each head of the company must remember that the reorganization or change of company name is considered performed if information about this is recorded in the state register of legal entities. This is established by law from 8.08.01.Consequently, the third and fourth columns should record the dates when information about the enterprise was entered in the state register.

Corrections in the insert

How to fix an erroneous entry in the work book, we found out. Now we will consider how to be with an insert in the labor form.

Some citizens quite often change their place of work, respectively, there is a need for an insert form. This document is a continuation of the work book and, of course, does not work without it.

The same rules apply to the insert as to the work book. Therefore:

  • in the case when the recording was made incorrectly at the very beginning of the design of the new insert, you need to draw up a special act on this fact and destroy the damaged form;
  • if on the main page of the workbook the employee has already put down the series and number of the damaged form of the insert, then the details of the new form must also be registered;
  • if erroneous entries are found in the main sections, the procedure for correcting them is the same as that established for work books: the entry serial number, current date are recorded, the invalid entry is invalidated and the correct information is written, the name of the document is indicated, which is the basis for making changes to the document.

It is important to remember that the absence of a seal and the signature of an authorized person will invalidate the indicated information. These requirements are also relevant for situations when an employee has to contact the former employer for supporting documents or for making an erroneous record.

An incorrect entry, ignored, will result in penalties for the employer.

If the employer refuses to correct the dismissal data, the employee can go to court to solve this problem. And already on the basis of a court decision, incorrect data will be corrected. And the head of the organization will be required to pay a fine, compensation and reinstate the employee in the workplace.

Given all of the above, it can be noted that entries in work books must be done in compliance with all legislative norms and rules.

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