Let’s try to find out how educational practice differs from production practice. Many students of domestic academies and universities faced similar questions, tried to independently find the answer to them.
What is a report?
The preparation of the report on educational practice is an analysis of the materials that were collected by the student in the process of his activities.
Currently, practice is an integral part of training programs. Internship and practical training are necessary so that a future specialist can gain practical skills. And also to consolidate the theoretical knowledge inherent in the process of lecture classes in the audience.
The organization and conduct of educational practice in many educational institutions is a mandatory stage of training. Unfortunately, in real life, students are not always provided with a good basis for consolidating knowledge. In some cases, the students themselves are not interested in being trainees. In any case, after its completion, they draw up a full report on the work done.
Varieties of practices
Let's consider what options for practices exist, as well as how educational practice differs from production practice. Depending on the duration and purpose, these days there are three options for practice.
What is training practice? This is the simplest form organized on the basis of a particular educational institution. Its purpose is the initial consolidation of theoretical information.
The specifics of the internship
What is the difference between educational practice and production? If the first variety is conducted on the basis of a university or academy, then the production type is associated with the acquisition of initial production (professional) skills.
It is organized in those industries in which there are specialized specialties. In addition, the student has the right to independently search for the company in which he will undergo an internship.
Often there are problems associated with the fact that the company's employees are trying to shift the routine of insignificant work to trainees. In this case, full-fledged professional training is out of the question.
The final is undergraduate practice. Her students pass immediately before the defense of the final work. The main purpose of this type of internship is to collect the necessary material for writing a diploma.
If the organization of educational and practical training is allowed on the basis of the university, then the pre-diploma form is impossible without work in production, which is associated with the theme of the thesis.
Report content
Arguing over how the practice differs from the production form, we note the specifics of the report.
There are basic rules that must be followed when compiling a report on past practice.
Both the production, training, and undergraduate forms of internships provide for the characterization of the organization in which the student was located.
The report on the passage of training practice must include a general description of the company, the main management processes, security systems, a description of technological processes. Depending on the specifics of the direction, some additional items may be included in the report.
A report on production practice is impossible without a description of production, calculations of economic indicators, analysis of activities, evaluation of competitors, prospects for the development of the company.
A report on undergraduate practice involves a description of the management and economic activities of the company, a detailed analysis of a specific problem, identification of nuances, positive parameters, so that subsequently it would be possible to eliminate the shortcomings. This report will be the basis of the analytical part of the diploma.
Report Features
What is the difference between training practice and production? The first option is not related to the acquisition of professional skills, it allows the preparation of a formal report.
A production internship is more serious and responsible, so a full description is drawn up based on its results.
First you need to give a detailed description of the company. The following describes its economic indicators, financial statements. Do not forget that the report must be certified with the company seal, as well as the signature of the head.
In order for the student not to have problems in the educational institution, it is important to ensure that the practice diary matches the content of the report.
Applications are welcome, for example, job descriptions, and you can also include copies of the company's charter documents.
The importance of internships
Educational practice allows students to assess the quality of knowledge acquired by them at lectures in the classroom, "try" themselves in a variety of unforeseen situations, correlate the real parameters of the chosen profession.
In its preparation and conduct, a crucial role is played by all its participants: industry experts, educational entities.
As subjects, it is customary to name professors, teachers, as well as trainees themselves. The head of practice is appointed at the relevant department. The efficiency and effectiveness of the student's practical improvement of theoretical knowledge and skills largely depends on him.
In addition, the organization on the basis of which it is conducted affects the success of the internship. If company representatives are interested in a young specialist, he will be created optimal conditions for acquiring practical skills, “immersion” in a future specialty, so that after completing the training, a certified specialist will return to the organization as a full-time employee.
Duration of practice
The time and duration of various types of practices are determined by the department. They satisfy the requirements of the new educational standards implemented in Russian higher education.
The educational practice organized by the university, institute, and academy should fully correspond to the curriculum according to which the educational process is carried out. A special cooperation agreement is concluded between a third-party organization, on the basis of which it will be conducted, and a higher educational institution.
Important points
The purpose of educational practice in the initial acquaintance with the functioning of the enterprise, its structure, structure, administrative apparatus, legal and organizational form. In the course of compiling a report on its passage, the trainee studies the regulatory and legal documents that relate to the management of the company.
During the practical training, students receive the right to independent activity, which allows them to acquire initial professional qualities.
Training internship is represented by three types:
- the familiarization form is aimed at numerous excursions to those enterprises that are directly related to the chosen profession;
- the subject-methodological view is associated with conversations and lectures related to the professional field;
- the practice of obtaining initial professional skills, an example of which is work in a preschool or school educational institution.
Depending on the specifics of the profession in which the practice is carried out, there may be certain nuances in the preparation of the report. But, no matter in what organization or in the workplace the internship will be carried out, after its completion the trainee is obliged to compile a diary, attach a report to it, and provide all this documentation to his supervisor.
Many Russian students try to choose exactly the direction for their academic and industrial internship, which will be related to the theme of the thesis. For example, if a student at a pedagogical university plans to write the final work on the specifics of organizing extracurricular activities, when he practices, he pays attention to extracurricular activities.
Any modern specialty, which implies a technical orientation, is impossible without consolidating theoretical knowledge through practical activities in production. It is difficult to imagine a qualified engineer who has never seen the equipment that he will be developing and servicing at the workplace.