
Unlimited privatization of housing. Unlimited Housing Privatization Act

Back in Soviet times, the concept of privatization arose in Russia. Since then, this issue has been a lot of trouble. Initially, unlimited privatization of housing was planned. Over time, in Russia they decided to take this right away. People now and then heard news that they want to close privatization on a free basis. Only in 2017, a similar issue was resolved once and for all. The President of the Russian Federation has signed a law that allows to always privatize property on a free basis. Free privatization is not a right offered to everyone. And with this feature we have to get to know further. What should each resident of the Russian Federation know about the issue under study?perpetual privatization of housing


The law on free housing privatization is not a fairy tale. He really was accepted. And now the country's population can at any time exercise their right to privatize property.

But what are we talking about? Privatization is the procedure for transferring ownership of municipal or state property to private ownership. Of course, citizens will have to have certain reasons for the operation. Only a specific circle of persons can privatize a particular housing. We will tell about how to do this below.

Eternal change

In February 2017, a law was signed on the indefinite privatization of housing. More precisely, the president signed a decree abrogating certain rules of the re-registration of state property into private property.

It used to be that the right to free privatization would end on March 1, 2017. Prior to this, the operation was proposed to be canceled even earlier. But the government did not agree to such a move.

Until 2017, it was proposed to extend free privatization for residents of emergency homes, orphans and residents of the Crimea. This right was offered until 2020 inclusive.law on perpetual free privatization of housing

Despite all this, Russia has now passed a law on perpetual privatization of housing. So, you can not rush into the exercise of their rights. Statistics show that now about 78% of the housing stock has been privatized in the country. And this figure is growing rapidly.

About quantities

According to the current rules in Russia, every citizen can privatize state housing. But only under certain circumstances. We will consider them later.

To begin with, it is worth paying attention to one nuance. The fact is that perpetual privatization of housing is a free procedure. But only once. For the privatization of the second and subsequent apartments will have to pay. This is a legal requirement.

That is, a free privatization right is offered only once in a lifetime. The exception is children. If they privatized housing until adulthood, then the mentioned right is reserved for them after 18 years. Such cases are not rare.

How many times can I participate in perpetual privatization of housing? As many as you like. But you can exercise the right once free of charge.

Who should?

Who can privatize property in Russia? In fact, the studied law is available to all citizens of the Russian Federation. But only under certain conditions.law on indefinite privatization of housing signed

Perpetual privatization of housing allows you to re-register state apartments in private property to all persons registered in a particular territory. Usually for this purpose a tenancy agreement is concluded with the tenants. With its help, further actions will occur.

Third parties cannot privatize an apartment or a house. To do this, they will have to register in housing on an ongoing basis.The right to privatization is not provided for by temporary registration.

Action algorithm

The law on perpetual free privatization of housing has been signed. But he did not affect the implementation of the process. How to bring an idea to life?

This will require:

  1. Collect a specific package of documents. We will consider the list of securities required for privatization later.
  2. Make a statement of the established form.
  3. Contact the city administration (housing department) with the appropriate request.
  4. Wait for an answer.
  5. Conclude a privatization agreement. As a rule, just signing an agreement is enough.
  6. Renew ownership of the property in Rosreestr.

After the actions taken, all participants in the privatization will receive ownership of one or another part of the housing. Usually property is divided in equal shares. The property will be shared. To isolate parts in kind, it is best to immediately go to court.housing privatization has become perpetual

Features of the procedure

The State Duma on the indefinite privatization of housing in Russia was thought quite often. And now this issue has been resolved. Just re-registering an apartment or house is not easy.

Why? Privatization has many features. If they are not taken into account, they will not be able to exercise their legal right.

To privatize residential property, each potential participant must remember the following rules:

  1. Prior to submitting a request to the administration, all citizens registered in the apartment agree to the operation. Otherwise, the dissent will have to receive a notarial refusal. Such a person will not be evicted from the apartment, but he may not count on a share in the property. The absence of the mentioned documents makes privatization impossible.
  2. You can’t delete children under 14 from a number of participants. Minors may not participate in privatization only with the consent of the guardianship authorities. Obtaining such permission can be problematic. Therefore, most often, children participate in privatization along with other residents of the housing.
  3. Operations may be denied. The administration will need to explain the reason for its decision. It is prohibited to refuse privatization without any reason.

Perhaps this is all. The indefinite privatization of housing allowed citizens to take their time in realizing their legal rights. Now you can bring your idea to life at any convenient time.State Duma on the indefinite privatization of housing

About Documents

What documents are useful for the implementation of privatization? Recently, in Russia, the operation under study requires a minimum of securities. Nevertheless, in order to get them, you have to try.

You can sign a privatization agreement after presenting the following documents:

  • statements of the established form;
  • certificates of family composition;
  • extracts from the BTI;
  • birth certificates of all children participating in the operation;
  • certificates with registration (for minors under 14 years old);
  • passports of privatization participants;
  • refusals to participate in the procedure (notarized paper is required);
  • extracts from the Unified State Register;
  • marriage / divorce certificates (if any);
  • warrants for an apartment (optional);
  • social contract of employment.

If one of the children is removed from the operation, as we have already said, written consent from the guardianship authorities will be required. You must bring the original document with you.

Request Review Terms

Perpetual privatization of housing did not affect the timing of the consideration of applications in the established form. According to current rules, requests are examined on average within 30 days.

After the city administration makes this or that decision, it is necessary to notify in writing of the answer. This is done for a maximum of 5 days.

As already mentioned, after a positive answer regarding the issue of privatization, citizens come to the city administration with passports and sign an agreement.

The introduction of new information about the owners in Rosreestr takes from 3 to 10 days. Usually extracts of property rights are issued 5 days after citizens apply for them.

To register rights

Privatization of housing has become perpetual. And now citizens can exercise their rights at any time. Making an apartment privately owned with some preparation is not so difficult.law on perpetual privatization of housing adopted

To register ownership of property in Rosreestr, you will need:

  • statement;
  • passports of participants in the operation;
  • privatization agreement;
  • old extract from the Unified State Register (if any).

Everything is much simpler than it seems. Unlimited privatization of housing pleases all residents of Russia. Now there is no need to urgently resolve this issue.

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