Every person at least once in his life had an urgent need for money. In such situations, a credit card or overdraft can help out. The problem is that not every person is psychologically ready to pay for a “financial pillow”. In such cases, it is better to issue bank cards without a service charge.
A credit and debit bank card without a service charge can be issued by a local, international or co-branded payment system.
In the first case, the emission and maintenance of plastics are carried out within the same country. For example, in Russia, the Zolotaya Korona payment system began to issue cards of the same name in 1999, which customers could use to pay for the system’s services. Over the years, the functionality of plastic has expanded significantly. Today they are used as a regular payment instrument: customers replenish their account to pay for utilities, preferential goods and medicines.
Sberbank began issuing bank cards without a service charge back in the early 2000s. The microprocessor card is serviced only through the ATMs of the issuing bank. It cannot be used for payments via the Internet. Bank of America gives new customers ATM cards that are valid until the activation of the main payment instrument. With their help, clients have access to the account immediately after its opening.
Other types of cards
Co-branded free cards differ from regular ones by the presence of a second label. Most often it is a credit payment instrument, which is issued by the bank together with the airline. Its holders for payment of services receive certain bonuses, cash back.
There are also virtual cards that do not have a physical medium. They are used solely to pay for goods via the Internet in order to preserve funds in the main account. Even if the details of the account fall into fraudsters, they will not be able to write off an amount greater than the balance in the additional account.
Features of commission charges
Terms of payment of annual services depend on the tariffs of the bank. For example, Sberbank cards, the types and cost of servicing of which will be discussed in detail below, are paid as a separate product. Some financial institutions charge a package of services. In this case, we are talking about a one-time annual debit.
Sometimes banks use a bonus program - they provide discounts on the issuance of a payment instrument to customers who have issued a deposit.
Tariffs for servicing cards of one category do not differ. MC Standart can be issued as a regular credit card, or as a co-branding tool. In both cases, the client will have to pay 750-900 rubles. for annual service. Sometimes debit starts from the second year of using the product.
In a competitive market, banks are forced to fight for each client. Therefore, they develop “cheap” products. Even if the client does not pay a commission for issuing and servicing the card, the bank still spends money on the issue. Therefore, credit bank cards without a service charge can not be issued at every bank and not immediately. Such products are made by special offer for regular customers, as part of promotions for everyone. Some institutions issue regular cards for free. Details about the conditions of their service will be discussed later.
Bank cards without service charges: conditions
Renaissance Credit draws up MasterCard World with a limit of up to 149.99 thousand rubles. with a grace period of 55 days.Additionally, customers receive a cash back of 10% for payment of goods in some stores. To apply for plastic, you need to provide a passport and driver's license. Application for issue can be submitted directly through the bank's website. In this case, the client will be invited to the department to fill out a detailed application form.
The state-owned Bank of Moscow has been servicing the Low Interest credit card for several years. Its advantage lies in the fact that the grace period also extends to cash-out transactions through ATM, and for all operations a cash back of 10% is provided. Bank cards without a service charge in the first year can be issued directly through the website of a financial institution. In order not to pay interest and each subsequent period, you need to make a card turnover of 120 thousand rubles.
Alfa-Bank issues free platinum cards only with a limit of funds up to 600 thousand rubles. and a grace period of 60 days, which applies to cash withdrawal operations from ATMs. To apply for plastic, you need to provide two documents, for example a passport and a driver’s license. Existing customers can increase the limit on the card by providing a passport with a note on their recent departure abroad.
Touch Bank is an online project of OTP Bank, the participants of which can issue a debit card and use it as a credit card. Plastic is provided and serviced free of charge, provided that the monthly customer debt on the account will be 30 thousand rubles. The grace period totals 61 days. You can recharge a card through a network of ATMs. To apply for plastic, it is enough to leave a request on the OTP Bank website.
Other offers
Today cards that are issued especially for the purchase of goods by installments are becoming relevant. The most profitable product on the market is the Conscience card, according to which Kiwi Bank offers a grace period of 12 months. Its holders can pay in installments for a maximum amount of 300 thousand rubles.
Kviki virtual credit card is designed exclusively for online shopping. It is released instantly and is valid for 3 months. During this period, the client can buy goods on credit totaling 200 thousand rubles. and get a cash back of 20%. You can only use money for the first 14 days for free.
Grace period
In fact, you can get bank cards without a service charge at any financial institution. For all credit cards today, banks offer a grace period during which a commission of 0.01% is charged. Most often, this condition applies only to non-cash payment of goods, since for transferring to another account and withdrawing funds from ATMs, you have to pay an additional 5-6% commission. If the client repays the debt on time, then he will get access to a revolving credit line. To use it, you will not need to provide additional certificates. So it is not necessary to draw up Sberbank cards, the types and cost of servicing of which were considered earlier in order to use credit cards on favorable terms.
If the debt is not paid in full before the end of the grace period, then a commission of 55% or more will be charged on its balance. According to statistics, only 20% of credit card holders fit into the grace period.
Sberbank cards: types, percent and cost of service
Sberbank is the market leader in the number of cards issued. As of 01.01.16, more than 96.5 million cards of this financial institution were operating on the market. The range of payment instruments is quite extensive. Both instant and premium cards are equally popular.
One of the bank’s interesting products is a Gold card with a limit of 50-100 thousand rubles. If the client does not have time to pay off the debt during the first 50 days, then 38% per annum is charged on the remaining debt. Starting from the second year, the cost of servicing a Sberbank card is 900 rubles.To draw up such a payment instrument, it is enough for the client to provide a passport.
Among the debit cards can be noted "Maestro Social." It can be used not only for crediting state benefits, but also for storing money. Moreover, the bank accrues 3.5% on the balance of personal funds. You can withdraw money not only from "native" ATMs, but also through branches of subsidiary financial institutions. Like any payment instrument of this financial institution, the card immediately connects to online banking.
Debit cards without annual maintenance
Customers who have made a deposit at VTB 24 have the opportunity to receive one debit card with free service during the term of the deposit.
Promsvyazbank issues an All Inclusive premium card to customers, with which you can pay for goods with one touch. Customers independently choose the categories of goods for which they will receive a cash back payment. This can be payment for gas station services, purchases at clothing or shoe stores, purchases at jewelry points, etc. Also, customers choose a method of debiting funds for account maintenance (annually or monthly) if they cannot fulfill the minimum account balance requirement.
A free Tinkoffbank card can be ordered directly online. A representative of a financial institution will deliver it anywhere in Moscow. Plastic holders get access to the mobile application, can withdraw funds from ATMs free of charge around the world. For non-cash payment of any purchases, a cash back of 30% is charged, and 8% is paid on the monthly balance of own funds. The big advantage of the card is that it can be issued by a citizen of any country.
When registering for the “Standard” service, Russian Standard Bank opens a non-personal free card to the customer, which can be used to pay for purchases worldwide. Clients can optionally connect the Bank in your Pocket and open two accounts at once: current and savings. This will allow to receive 8% per annum on the balance of own funds. Cardholders for account management can use the Internet banking service and mobile application for free.
Virtual cards
IBank customers can order a Visa Virtual debit card and use it for free. Operations on depositing and withdrawing funds are not paid. Transactions can be carried out not only in terminals, but also online, and receive an additional 4.5% cash back. In order to increase account security, special SMS commands are provided with which you can set limits and confirm transactions.