To get acquainted with the concept of labor protection outsourcing is most often the responsibility of entrepreneurs. Today it’s no longer surprise anyone invited, or, as they are also called, coming, employees in the field of accounting, information technology, office equipment service support, etc. Outsourcing is a very convenient direction for business owners who would not like for one reason or another increase the number of inpatient personnel. In particular, this model of cooperation is recognized as the most profitable.
Features of outsourcing services in the enterprise
As you know, the work of modern man is protected at the legislative level. Regulatory legal acts in the field of labor protection are, to some extent, a guarantee of ensuring favorable conditions for the functionality of hired workers. If the number of employees at the enterprise exceeds 50 people, the management is obliged to take care of the formation of an additional staff unit - a department or a specialist in labor protection. Outsourcing involves the transfer of authority in this area to specialized companies.
Which companies are more profitable to work with an outsourcer?
If there are less than 50 people officially working in the organization, the manager must appoint a responsible person or take responsibility for the performance of this function. But, as practice shows, some entrepreneurs, due to their own shortsightedness or lack of knowledge of the legal subtleties, simply ignore the need to organize and control the functioning of the labor protection service. Outsourcing is an ideal solution for small companies, which will save budgetary funds and deprives the need to make their own training costs and monthly maintenance of staff. If we calculate all the costs allocated for the registration of jobs, social contributions and tax deductions, wages for 12 months and payment of the period of disability, then, undoubtedly, outsourcing in the field of labor protection has its own rational.
Expected Result
In general, the transfer of authority to specialists of another company, in addition to financial savings, carries a number of other advantages:
- contributes to increasing the attractiveness of the company to investors;
- guarantees an increase in the quality of work;
- serves as an aid to the growth of economic efficiency of the company;
- helps to effectively plan working hours for occupation by a profile type of activity.
What is included in the package of services?
Outsourcing labor protection services are provided in accordance with certain standards. The main list of work performed by invited employees is as follows:
- Preparation of statutory and regulatory documents in the field of labor protection.
- Conducting briefings among full-time employees, organizing examinations of knowledge.
- Control over the implementation of labor protection requirements.
- Certification of jobs, development of job descriptions.
- Organization of routine preventive medical examinations.
- Direct participation in the investigation of industrial accidents.
- Interaction with regulatory structures.
Permits from an outsourcer
Often, outsourcing companies send one employee who has the necessary skills to conduct inspections of this area to address labor protection and fire safety issues. In addition, the specialist must have documents on the right to engage in outsourcing of labor protection:
- certificate of completion of specialized courses;
- certificate of completion of the fire safety program.
How to find out how much outsourcing will cost?
The cost of services is determined by several factors. The price depends, as a rule, on whether the labor protection service is functioning in the organization, how well the workflow governing the conduct of labor protection activities is debugged, and to which category the hazard category belongs to in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
When calculating the cost of outsourcing labor protection services, the number of personnel in the customer’s company should be considered first. If the organization has less than 50 employees, the average price for the work done will be in the range of 20-40 thousand rubles (depending on the region). If there are more than 50 people, the cost of services may exceed the previous one by 1.5-2 times. In addition, at large enterprises, additional factors (the structure of the company, the presence of branches, an increase in the number of staff units, etc.) often often influence the amount of the final calculation.
What determines the price?
To determine how much it costs an entrepreneur to conclude an outsourcing agreement, it is worth taking into account both the type of economic activity of the company and the level of staff qualifications. Undoubtedly, conducting a briefing for a food seller is much easier than acquainting yourself with the rules of labor protection and the safety of a train driver.
The specifics of production deserve special attention. The complexity of the economic activity of the company is the main factor in the pricing of outsourcing services. For example, in complex production halls, increased demands are placed on the safety of employees. Calculation of paperwork, briefings and other services is done separately, with an increase in the number of employees, the price also increases.
In most cases, outsourcing services, regardless of the field of activity, are financially beneficial to the customer. But before contacting the company, you should conduct an internal audit of your own labor protection service and determine whether it will be a reasonable decision from an economic point of view.
How to choose the right company?
When a novice entrepreneur receives a labor protection outsourcing proposal, before concluding a service agreement, he should analyze the activities of a potential partner company. First of all, it is necessary to check whether information about this organization is entered in the state register of legal entities and whether it really provides services in the field of labor protection. The company must be accredited by the Ministry of Labor Safety.
It will also be useful to collect additional information about the outsourcing company. Pay attention to the following points:
- whether experience in the field of labor protection is sufficient;
- what deadlines the company guarantees;
- Does the company provide outsourcing services in other areas;
- adequacy of pricing policy.
Outsourcing Services Agreement
The manager can warn himself and his company against unforeseen consequences, having previously concluded a legal agreement with the organization. However, the execution of an outsourcing agreement should also be approached with caution. When developing a contract, the following issues are of paramount importance:
- The structure of the document itself.
- Responsibility of the parties.
- Varieties of services payable.
- The frequency of outsourcing briefings and other activities related to labor protection.
- The degree of interaction with the full-time employees of the customer company.
Outsourcer Activity Check
The conclusion of the contract occurs after a formal discussion and clarification of emerging issues. The duration of such a contract, as a rule, does not exceed 12 months. Before the outsourcer takes up his duties, the manager needs to familiarize his subordinates with the innovations and inform them of the upcoming changes in the field of labor protection.
An indicator of the appropriateness of using outsourcing services is the results of inspections by the state inspection. The control bodies indicate all comments in the reporting documentation, access to which will be available to both the management of the audited company and the outsourcing company. In addition to external studies of labor protection activities at the enterprise, the specialist must compile and submit monthly reports on the work done, which are checked by the head. The outsourcer is obliged to inform the director (or his deputy) in case of deviation from the plan of ongoing activities.
An entrepreneur who has decided to delegate authority in the field of labor safety to a third-party company should approach the search for a partner with all responsibility. Regardless of the chosen option for outsourcing labor protection, it is important to consider the following recommendations.
Who should not be trusted?
Firstly, when drawing up an agreement, it is important to be 100% sure that the organization that actually has the right to do this will be serving your company, therefore:
- As already noted, information about an accredited outsourcing company must be in the register.
- Pay attention to the availability of all permits from an invited specialist. Unwillingness and avoidance of the provision of securities is an occasion for the customer to think about whether it is worth cooperating with this company at all.
Secondly, the choice should only be made in favor of companies that ensure the confidentiality of the information received in the contract. Oral arrangements are inappropriate here. Representatives of the outsourcing company are allowed to act only within the terms of the contract and instructions. Providing access to internal document management, one should not forget about the indication in the contract of the clause on non-disclosure of the company’s trade secrets.
Reputation and customer feedback
Thirdly, pay attention to the reviews and reputation of the company. Those companies that already have enough experience in carrying out professional activities are ready to offer the customer favorable conditions and an impressive list of services. A well-trained team of professionals, if necessary, to develop new programs and instructions will cope with the task efficiently and quickly.
Violation of safety precautions in the company entails the imposition of penalties up to a stop of production and partial or full seizure of property. In order not to face such serious troubles, it is necessary to take care of the functioning of the apparatus in the field of labor protection. Given that the content of the full-time service and associated costs can be several times greater than the amount spent on hiring third-party employees, the use of outsourcing services for labor protection is the most optimal solution for managers of enterprises of various sizes and areas of activity.