Have you met people who behave unnaturally, allegedly trying to portray those emotions that they do not experience? If so, then you have witnessed one of the psychological phenomena. Affection is an imitation of feelings and emotions that you do not experience, portrayed for some purpose. Let's see why this happens?
The meaning of the word "affectation" is a certain tension, ostentatious excitement, which is felt on an intuitive level by the participants in the conversation or the audience. When a person begins to feel discomfort during a conversation, mannered antics come into play. This can be not only a defensive reaction, but also deliberate action. This happens if the person wants to make a good impression on others and supposedly artificially generates emotions that are not there.
Good or bad?
We will say right away that in everyday life, affectation is an extremely unpleasant sight. Moreover, people prone to such behavior are condemned or dislike them. Why? It's simple: we value sincerity. And in the case of affectation, others see only a representation. This way of responding is addictive and can turn into a habit. To face such behavior is only the leading morning entertainment shows.
Actor play
When a minister of melpomene goes on stage and expressively pronounces a monologue of Hamlet - this is perceived normally, but imagine if people would say the same in life? At a minimum, this will cause a feeling of spiritual discomfort in others. Since ancient times, such “art-filled” personalities who like to play in the public and speak manneredly have been perceived by society negatively, at the same time, naturalness has always been valued.
The reasons
Affection in psychology is not natural, but deliberate arousal, which provokes pretended speech, excessive gesticulation, intonation unusual for a person. This condition manifests itself in facial expressions, postures and speech itself. This psychological phenomenon may indicate stiffness or lack of perception of oneself as a whole.
When a person is not satisfied with himself or is not satisfied with some aspects of his life, he tries to hide, muffle or veil them in every way. As a rule, nothing good comes of this. Emotions prevail over the personality, and this is an open debacle. Even if you are trying to hide your negative feelings in an active way (not with a sweet smile and silence, but with active argumentation and artificial joy), do not be surprised if you are considered a liar.
How to overcome affectation?
If any of the above has helped you see your personality reflected in at least something, then it's time to work on yourself. Firstly, learn to perceive yourself as you are, secondly, do not engage in self-deception, and thirdly, try to get rid of stiffness and relax. Affection may be the result of strong psychological constriction.
First you need to understand the nature of this phenomenon: why and what makes you behave unnaturally?
In the most serious and global case, you need to change the environment, circle of acquaintances and the city, in the rest it is enough just to observe yourself. If you feel uncomfortable when talking with someone, try to relax right away, look at yourself supposedly from the outside.If you look cramped, choose a more comfortable position, if your voice starts to tremble, give the floor to your interlocutor, if you feel that your hands are starting to live their own lives and move in a strange way - take them or simply put them in a lock on your chest (although this position indicates the interlocutor’s closeness, but in this situation, it will help to protect against external influences and will give an opportunity to calm down). If you have diagnosed yourself with affectation, this is an occasion to work on yourself.