Administrative regulation - an expression that citizens face when contacting state and municipal organizations. What is this document, for what purpose is it accepted? What is its significance in the system of acts of regulation of public relations? How does it differ from other acts?
Normative regulation
The basic act is the Federal Law “On State and Municipal Services”. It describes the basic requirements for the regulations, the procedure for their adoption and answers to other questions.
There are guidelines for the preparation of administrative regulations. There are general recommendations, but there are ones aimed at a specific area. Accepted more often at the level of ministries or regions. Let us cite as an example the recommendations on the allocation of subsidies for the payment of housing and communal services adopted by the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities.
In 2011, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the list of administrative state and municipal services was adopted.
A kind of regulatory act
Administrative regulations are a type of regulatory acts. They are accepted by authorized authorities. The initiator can be either a separate ministry or a municipality. The goal is to regulate the provision of public services.
What is a service?
Administrative regulations describe the process of providing public services. So in the law is called the result of the activities of authorities or budget organizations that perform certain state or municipal functions.
All this represents the execution of documents in connection with the acquisition of the right to property, confirmation of status (for example, the issuance of a license for security activities) and other similar things.
What are the features
The administrative regulation includes the provisions of other previously adopted acts. In addition, sample documents or model contracts (depending on what is at stake) are part of it. We note that the use of the texts of normative acts to which the regulation refers is not always complete. Its provisions may differ from the wording of the primary act.
For example, the regulation governing the actions of the traffic police, according to lawyers, does not fully comply with the provisions of the police law.
Comparing the regulations on privatization of housing adopted in different regions, they find few differences. Basically, they relate to the degree of detail of the presentation of regulatory material. There is a difference between the volume of regulations.
Nevertheless, in any regulation, a list of normative acts is given, which became its basis, from laws to acts approving standard forms of documents.
Although the administrative regulation for the provision of services is of a secondary nature, it is mandatory for use by authorities and officials.
Despite the difficulties associated with this category of normative acts, they, when properly applied, make life easier for citizens and officials.
Document structure
Consider the approximate structure of the administrative regulations for the provision of services.
- General provisions (name of service, body that accepted the document).
- Standard for the provision of services (deadlines for the adoption and consideration of documents, direct servicing of applicants).
- The list of actions performed by officials.
- The list of actions that, if necessary, are performed by the applicants.
- Lists of documents submitted by applicants, requirements for them.
- Features of using electronic communication channels and filing documents with their use.
- The order of interaction with other bodies.
- The system for monitoring the implementation of regulations.
- The procedure for pre-trial appeal of decisions of the official or body that made the decision.